Page 11 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 111
P. 11

BV111 pg 10-13 The Funeral Portrait Interview.qxp_BV111 pg 12  04/11/2024  22:33  Page 2

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 11

                               The  Voiceless

              net. I had a MySpace and I was looking for   Way of My Chemical Romance and Amy Lee of   what, we’re going to be us. This is who we are.’
              music. It was so centred around music, My-  Evanescence. “I think those two were huge for   It started working for us. I think that’s key, in
              Space was. It was one of those moments of just   me,” he says. “The reason why is because I felt   everyday life, the more that you are just you, the
              being like, ‘OK, let’s go to a show.’ I remember   that both of them were truly themselves. I think   more you will find people that are just like you,
              discovering this one band and they were coming   Amy Lee had such a unique, different voice for   or that will understand you. Or maybe a job or
              to Marietta, GA, and I was, ‘Wait, I’m in Marietta,   rock music. I felt like she had something that no   whatever it is that you’ve always wanted to do.
              GA. That means there’s a venue here.’ I looked   one else had. And I felt the same way for Ger-  As soon as you do that thing, you can finally be
              up the venue. I begged my mom to go. She sat   ard. He was just a weird, nerdy kid that some-  free and be happy.”
              in the parking lot and me and my best friend, we   how discovered to be in a rock band. He was a   We ask if he thinks people into rock music
              went to our first show. There were 15 people   comic book writer and then turned into a rock   are different to other people.
              there and we had the time of our lives. I didn’t   star. Sometimes, how I feel, I was just a nerdy   “I think so,” he replies. “I think it’s one of
              even know stuff like that existed, really. Before   kid at high school and then discovered music.   those things, I think it kind of depends on how
              that, I had maybe been to two or three shows   Took me a lot longer to get here, but now that   you grew up. I know a lot of people, especially
              that were bigger, but nothing crazy. So finally, I   I’m here and I get to meet some of these people   my age, we grew up with the emo culture, right?
              dove in. That night I went up to the person who   who are inspired by us as a band, it’s wild to   And I think we were told that it was ok to feel a
              was working the door and I said, ‘What is this?’   think about.”       certain way, that it was OK not to be OK. I think
              and I got told the whole story of it, and, next                        that’s so important, you know. And I think rock
              thing I know, I was working at this venue, being   n ‘Alien’, a song on ‘Welcome To Suffo-  music, especially, had that message first. We
              14 years old, booking my own shows there, run-  Icate City’, Lee sings, ‘They say to be my-  had the ‘emo culture’, and that was so important
              ning the door, running sound, running security,   self now, but they really don’t want me to.   to my life and my friends’ lives. And, carrying
              doing everything I could, being a 14-year-old.   They’d rather me be like you,’ The singer says   that forward, it’s something that we’ve really
              So I was involved in the local scene from 14 to   that being yourself is the key thing to The Fu-  looked at, and are carrying that torch.”
              probably when I started The Funeral Portrait.   neral Portrait.
              So, 14 to in my early 20s, I was booking shows   “You have to be yourself. I think, as soon as   uffocate City’ speaks to the listener’s
              and doing everything I could to help our scene.”   we, as a band, decided to just be us, which was   ‘Ssense of fear. The fear of being stuck
                 He was inspired by people such as Gerard   around three years ago, we decided, ‘You know   in a dead-end job, a dead-end relationship, or a
                                                                                       THE FUNERAL PORTRAIT
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