Page 18 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 111
P. 18
BV111 pg 14-19 The Rattlebacks Interview.qxp_BV111 pg 18 22/11/2024 18:42 Page 5
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there's so many things that we do well to- don't have time. We don't have money. We Coxy says, “I think you just gotta realise
gether. Being in a band is so hard. It's so com- don't have the pensions and what's necessary, that no one can help you, but you."
plicated, so many things to it, but, if we were but, even with a lot of the shit that comes our He continues, "It doesn't matter what any-
to apply the same things to a business, I think way outside of the band, I think you still have one else says, does, or whatever. You have to
we would be very successful at it. It just so to be a good person. You still have to be nice drag yourself out of that hole. No one's coming
happens the business we're choosing is the to people. Ultimately, you don't get anywhere to help you. Even if they are, they, ultimately,
music industry, which is a tough one. You put, if you're a fucking arsehole. Whether that be can't drag you out of the place that you find
on top of that, it's the rock music industry, it the music environment or life in general. Busi- yourself festering in. So you just gotta make
makes it doubly as hard. So it's the same mind- ness is one thing and pleasure is another, but sure that you challenge yourself to get up and,
set. It's ‘Fuck 'em all and we're doing it!’" pleasure takes up the most part of our lives so, every day, keep moving.
Which all begs the question of whether this I think, being nice, that's the way forward." "And it does get better. It does get easier.
is the same kind of attitude that the guys have Life is tough. So, if you can, learn to roll with
outside of the band? here are other songs on the album re- the punches, where you can. And it's OK to be
"To a degree, yes. I think we're nice peo- Tlated to tough times. ‘Swing’ sees the sad. It's OK to be down, but, yeah, seek help
ple, so probably not as cut-throat as we are in singer revealing, ‘I will eat myself, from the in- when you can but, ultimately, you've gotta drive
a band environment. I think you've got to be side, before the rot devours,’ and ‘a sun has yourself out of that hole yourself."
very cut-throat in the band environment. We set where it used to rise’.