Page 17 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 111
P. 17

BV111 pg 14-19 The Rattlebacks Interview.qxp_BV111 pg 17  22/11/2024  18:39  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 17

               posed to live this life?’ We ask if he has any ad-  did for me, it's a gift to me from Max, and that's   know.
               vice he can offer to anyone going through a   something that I get emotional even thinking   "I think that, when you lose someone, you
               similar situation.                 about.                             see certain things that remind you of them, or
                  "I think, in terms of a serious answer, I   "Also, in the recording of it, it became very   you think it might be them, or whatever. But,
               probably am not necessarily comfortable with   apparent, and, it doesn't often happen in   what I do believe, is that, in your lifetime, you
               giving out any advice. I don't think it's mine to   bands, it was only about how I felt about every-  put out certain things and your friendships and
               give. However, what I will say is that there are   thing, the rest of the guys were so focused on   the love and the laughter and all that stuff, it
               moments in darkness, of light and humour. If   making sure that I was happy with everything.   doesn't go away. That stays within people. And
               you find you're unfortunate enough to find   "That's very touching for that to happen be-  then, those people have children and that hap-
               someone going through this, there are mo-  cause, as I say, it doesn't happen very often.   piness and joy stays with them then, so, does
               ments of comedy. There are moments where   But, in terms of what I hope people get out of   anyone truly die?
               perhaps you shouldn't laugh, but it is OK to. I'm   it, you know, it's a very serious song and we   "I suppose it's just carried on through chil-
               not gonna delve into those experiences of my   don't necessarily want to make light out of it.   dren and through, you know, friendships and
               own. But, there are times when you just have   However, there's a song, I think most people   relationships that you've made, and that
               to laugh at what's happening around you and   know it – ‘Angels’ by Robbie Williams. It's a   spreads out into the ether. It might be a bit of a
               know you're not laughing at that person, you're   fantastic song about, you know, people may   trippy peace and love answer, man, but, I sup-
               laughing with them.                laugh or smirk about that, I couldn't give a fuck,   pose, that's what I think."
                  "And, ultimately, you love them and care   it's a great song about death and I don't think
               about them, but it's OK to laugh about it at   there are any better songs about death than   nother song on the album is 'Gods’,
               points and make sure that you keep smiling   that song. So, I think I was just hoping to write   Awhich includes the lyric, ‘Welcome to
               when you can and just being as supportive as   something that could spark a similar kind of   my world, can I show you around? If you don't
               you can. If I was going to give any advice,   emotion and how you deal with that. It's a very   got the attitude, I say you're gonna drown.’ We
               that's what I would say."          normal thing. It happens to all of us. So, I think   ask Coxy what kind of attitude he thinks you
                                                  it's an emotion that should connect with every-  need to succeed in life and if it's a different type
                     nother emotional topic is covered in   one. And, I just hope it allows people to feel   of attitude that is needed to succeed in a rock
                  A'Behind You'. Coxy tells us, "This song   something.              band.
               came about when I found out that my father   "I don't really know that it will make it eas-  "It's exactly the same," he answers. "We've
               isn't very well and I don't want to go any deeper   ier, or people might get emotional listening to   chosen to succeed in rock music, but it's the
               on that, but it's the emotions in relation to deal-  it because they're going through something   same attitude you have to anything. It's a mind-
               ing with that. Of course, Max and I are very   similar, not necessarily what I want, but maybe   set. It's a switch that gets clicked, ‘We are
               close, so, when I found out, when I received   it’s the answer to these people that are working   going to do this, there's nothing that's going to
               the phone call, the first person I called was   through these hardships and these hard times,   stop us from doing this. You can stand in our
               Max.                               and maybe this song can put into words, per-  way, but it doesn't fucking matter. We're com-
                  "We agreed to meet later that weekend, so   haps, what someone else can't. Maybe that's   ing through you anyway.’"
               we got all the Scotch out and did the only thing   it. I don't know. But it's a tribute to my relation-  Continuing with his answer, he tells us, "It's
               we know how to do and that's turn it into some-  ship with my father."   about focus and drive and the refusal to give
               thing. So I spent my week writing and we even-  We ask if he has any thoughts about   in. That's all success is about. Speaking from
               tually flushed it out and, ultimately, it became   where it is that we go when the time comes.   someone that hasn't had any yet, but I can tell
               this thing.                           "I don't know,” he replied. “We don't know.   you that it feels like this could go somewhere
                  "It took me a long time to write those lyrics.   I think it's a whole bunch of nothingness. It's   and I hope it does, because it's what we've
               I wanted to make sure those words were right.   just like before you were born, you don't really   been working towards for forever.
               So yeah, that's what the song's about. That   know about it. At the same point in time, that's   "I've said to Max, if this eventually doesn't
               song means a lot to me and the solo that Max   what makes life interesting.  That you don't   work out, we should go into business, because

                                                                                             THE RATTLEBACKS
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