Page 9 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 106
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BV108 pg08-09 Fonzy and Company.qxp_BV106 pg09 09/05/2022 23:55 Page 2
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it hard to balance music with a dayjob? questions and they find what they want in music, where there seems to be a weird vibe
F: We all work our kissers off in our day jobs. these lyrics and melodies to help them along. about that we are the idiots for opening our
You have a teacher / police officer, a carpenter But the difference between now and back then minds a little bit. Again, not all of them, just
(the contractor, he did not write the hit 'Close is the trials and authenticity these artists por- anyone who puts on flares and a crop top as if
To You'), an administrator for a law firm, an tray, which I believe most people can hear. I'm they were the first kids to ever come up with
axe-throwing instructor / assistant manager not saying there isn't music coming out like that that.
and a restaurant manager. If you truly had pas- today, just the trash can shout a little louder
sion to begin with, it will never fade. Sure, you sometimes. BV: Is there anything you know now about
may find less time as responsibility becomes the music industry that you didn’t know
more or less a certainty, but you will always find BV: When was the last time you felt old? when you were younger?
time to spin an old favourite. We work, but it's F: I saw Rebecca Black on a show about cake F: We've been screwed before by 'profession-
all to have this band as part of our day-to-day the other day and I was like ‘Dude, wasn't she als' and will likely be screwed again. Having
lives and we never want that to fade with age. like sixteen just yesterday?’ She's all mature our eyes opened to this has made our ap-
Though, I mean, it more than likely will. now. Though apparently, on tour later this proach more cautious and less demanding on
year… Jesus, we miss Machine Gun Kelly ourselves to work with certain labels and peo-
BV: You’re inspired by some ‘older’ artists now. ple in the industry. To be brief, you could prob-
such as Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty (RIP) ably do most of what others can offer, just not
and others. What makes those artists and BV: Do you think too many judge others on make holes in your pockets purely for the priv-
their music special to you? their age? ilege of having that association.
F: You mean Fleetwood RIP kinda, right? Are F: 100%. I guess you could argue we were
Lyndsey and Stevie ever going to make up once kids and our parents were into uncool Too true! Whatever your age, check out
again? Probably, if the price is high enough. stuff because they were old and we judged Fonzy & Company. If your taste is anything
But aye, songwriters like Tom Petty, David hard. We are quite lucky in the band because like ours, you’ll like them a lot. Visit
Bowie, the list goes on, have all kinds of clever, we all embraced our parents’ generation of for
bold and heartfelt ways of transposing day-to- music, whether it was punk, two-tone, disco - more info.
day life into something beautiful. Like the ques- we will even excuse ABBA. That's sort of the
tion before - will it stand the test of time? thing with some kids who may judge us. We Words By Shari Black Velvet
People still have the same issues, the same loved our parents’ and our grandparents’
Photo By GLK Media