Page 7 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 106
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been more than realised with a poppy hook. ‘I'd by the irrepressible front- ture style with that raw,
and whose future is break my neck to have it man, what you have here is punk rasp, there is further
brighter than ever. all,’ Cody sings. With this a gang; a solid unit firing on evidence of increased
YYYYY release, we definitely think all cylinders. Something range, depth and control,
Michael Coventry Set It Off deserve it all. extra special seems to along with a richer tone
YYYYY have clicked this time and timbre. There is an al-
SBV around. Recorded and most heightened confi-
mixed, for the most part, by dence too, which is saying
BETH BLADE AND THE Erno “Error” Laitinen at Ink- something because this
BEAUTIFUL DISASTERS fish Studios in Helsinki at guy ain't no shrinking vio-
STONE BROKEN MYTHOS, CONFESSION, the tail end of last year, let! His role as one of the
REVELATION TRAGEDIES AND LOVE those sessions marked the judges on The Voice, Fin-
(SPINEFARM) (BEAUTIFUL DISASTER) first time in more than two land may have afforded
Having treated the The third album by years Michael and his band him a greater appreciation
world to their first two Beth Blade And The Beau- members were all finally of his own capabilities,
records in almost as many tiful Disasters, ‘Mythos, able to reunite in person. which he utilises to thrilling
years, Stone Broken have Confession, Tragedies And Despite that, or perhaps effect throughout. They re-
made their Broken Army SET IT OFF Love’, really does show the more as a direct result of ally come into focus most
wait a little longer for their ELSEWHERE beauty that can come from that enforced time apart, when he displays his more
hat trick, but ‘Revelation’ is (FEARLESS) a disaster. Beth has re- there is an undeniable, in- gentle side. The tender-
not only worth the wait, but Unlucky for some, vealed that the album is a fectious and upbeat opti- ness of his delivery on 'An-
cements the Midlands- track 13 of Set It Off’s new journey of survival and mism at play here. The tisocialite' is fantastic. The
based quartet as among album ‘Elsewhere’ is a tragedy, and the songs album oozes enthusiasm song is a beautiful, lilting
the UK’s finest acts. song called ‘Playing With here range from being ten- and class and takes ballad with a wonderful
‘Revelation’ is another Bad Luck’, and you could der to strong and powerful. Michael Monroe’s brand of acoustic and piano ar-
fantastic slab of hard rock, say that Set It Off have had Opening with ‘The Other- rock ‘n' roll to a whole other rangement, led by Lenni-
made for arena stages and their fair share of bad luck. side’, Beth’s vocals rival level. Kalle Taipale on keys.
it might not be long before They’ve lost members Lzzy Hale’s – this front- 'Murder The Summer ‘Can't Stop Falling
this four-piece make it onto along the way for one rea- woman is getting stronger Of Love', the lead single, is Apart' gets thing fired up
them. This album sees the son or another, now being all the time. ‘Tonight I’m a blast of melodic punk that again with swagger. It's
band adding new tricks to a trio of Cody Carson, With You’ is a jangly, catchy pulls no punches; coming purely and simply fun, sing-
their repertoire. One of the Maxx Danziger and Zach tune, while ‘Who You Are’ is out of the gate like a raging along rock ‘n' roll, which,
most powerful is the back- DeWall. The lack of mem- about how you should be bull. Monroe spits out the along with 'Everybody's
ing vocals of drummer bers has, fortunately, not proud of who you are. Beth lyrics like a man pos- Nobody', serves as the per-
Robyn Haycock, which detracted from their ability sings words of wisdom. sessed. ‘You want a revo- fect counterpoint to some
shine brighter than ever on to produce incredible ‘Hold Your Heart’ begins lution, gotta get up off your of the introspective and an-
this album and never more songs and albums, though. with a mellow and quite ass ‘cause the counter-cul- grier cuts on this journey.
so than in ‘Make It Out In fact, they seem tighter solemn tone. ‘If you need ture's fading fast’ is a true 'Pagan Prayer' sits in the
Alive’, which is a heartfelt, than ever. And any bad anything at all, I’ll hold your statement of intent and a latter camp and is an exhil-
emotional powerhouse. luck has not stopped their hand,’ she sings. The rousing call to action. arating rush of blood to the
While Rich Moss sings the determination and hard drumming builds through- To further prove that head that seems to take di-
main bulk of the song, in- work. You’ve got to feel for out the song into quite a finger on the pulse, street rect aim at organised reli-
cluding ‘these shadows vocalist Cody Carson and glorious opus. ‘Trigger cred, hot on the heels of gion. Rattling, snotty,
won’t let me be’, Robyn the band in ‘Catch A Warning’ grabs your atten- the opening track comes attitude-infused bass from
adds ‘In the back there’s a Break’, as the frontman tion from the start, while 'Young Drunks & Old Alco- long-time friend, bandmate
glimmer inside me’. You sings ‘same tragedy, differ- bonus track ‘I Never Knew’ holics'. Thriving on that and co-conspirator, Sami
can definitely feel much ent day’, while in ‘Why Not is a pure piano love ballad edginess, this instantly Yaffa frantically ushers in
more than a glimmer from Me’, he reveals ‘I'm watch- like the light at the end of a loveable song continues a two and a half minutes and
this song. ing my friends all succeed, tunnel. ‘I wiped away your motivational narrative with- change of perfect rock ‘n’
While ‘Revelation’ honestly, they deserve it, tears in the darkness,’ out ever sounding preachy. punk. Blink and you'll miss
rocks just as hard as the but I'm selfishly over here sings Beth. The song has In fact, it's more of a cau- it!
first two Stone Broken asking "Why not me?".’ Set real, lump-in-the-throat tionary tale and a timely re- The title track features
records, it’s when it takes a It Off definitely deserve emotion. We’ll definitely minder to make the most of none other than Slash, who
step back that it reaches its more success with albums confess to loving this life while you can. ‘I ain't delivers a blistering solo
peak. Fans of the band will such as ‘Elsewhere’. These album. telling nobody how to live. and additional guitars. It’s
have enjoyed their softer are songs the general pub- YYYY It ain't far to go and it's over another must-have slice of
side over the years, but, lic will be able to relate to, SBV before you know. So, find upbeat, melodic punk.
with ‘Me Without You’, the as many of us wish we your way. From young Bringing proceedings to a
tender expertise of Rich could achieve more suc- drunk to old alcoholic.’ dramatic close, 'Dearly De-
Moss is at its very best. cess, but sadly don’t. The There is a real progres- parted' features a spine-tin-
Genuinely spine-tingling album really packs a sion in the lyrics and story- gling lead vocal, drawing
and goosebump-inducing punch, length-wise, with a telling theme as well as the you in close with a touching
stuff and a song which will total of 16 quality songs on myriad of styles on offer. tale of loneliness and loss
generate many happy the release - and it’s all Monroe's vocals on against a sparse, haunting,
tears when performed live killer, no filler. The trio 'Derelict Palace' effortlessly atmospheric and almost
and destined to be the cen- wholeheartedly put their all channel the tortured beauty trippy backdrop. It's an-
trepiece for many happy into everything they do. of those from his dear other unexpected twist that
occasion. What makes this Singles such as ‘Skeleton’ friend, the late, great Stiv takes the band into further
album stand out so much is and ‘Projector’ are a magi- Bators. 'All Fighter' keeps uncharted territory.
the band remains true to cal blend of pop and rock, MICHAEL MONROE the pace up; a gloriously Michael Monroe shows
their hard-rocking roots built with melodies that I LIVE TOO FAST TO DIE snotty burst of Stooges/ no signs of putting on the
and long may that con- linger in your head long YOUNG Dead Boys-esque punk at- brakes any time soon and
tinue, because, as great as after the song has finished. (SILVER LINING MUSIC) titude. It's a style these that just about sums up the
‘Me Without You’ is, the Cody is not afraid to show 'I Live Too Fast To Die guys do so well. title of this album. ‘Hurrah,’
opening trio of ‘Black Sun- his vulnerability. He raps Young' marks the second Despite being almost you say! Long live the
rise’, ‘The Devil You Know’ ‘All that rage put away in full-length album by 60 years young, Michael’s Crown Prince of all that is
and the title track, coupled my ribcage, comes out in Michael Monroe on Silver instantly recognisable good in rock ‘n’ roll!
with ‘Without A Reason’, stages, how could I stage Lining Music, and 10th full- voice is better than ever YYYYY
are utter stonkers from a this?’ ‘As Good As It Gets’ length solo album in total. too. How does he do it? Michael Fairbairn
band whose potential has is a melancholy number, Although this is an album While he retains a signa-