Page 5 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 106
P. 5

BV106 pg 05.qxp_BV106 pg 05  10/05/2022  19:16  Page 1

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 5
                                                                 YYYYY Excellent  YYYY Very Good  YYY Good
                                                                                        YY Listenable, Just  Y Poor

                                   It’s the first serious song of   of their new work, ‘Death   guitars,  an  infectious   evokes the Sunset Strip of
                                   the album, which shows   Valley Paradise’, was al-  rhythm, and even a sym-  the 80s, slower paced ‘Last
                                   how the band are not just   ways going to be critical,   phonic edge with synths in   Chance’ is the closest to a
                                   all jokes. Many fans will be   but the boys have well and   the outro. In amongst the   ballad, sort of a plea for for-
                                   able to relate.       truly nailed it, as if there   appealing  faster-paced   giveness, but it’s still a
                                      During their live shows   was ever any doubt. And   tracks like ‘To  The River’   huge sound and would be
                                   the band usually have an   so, if anyone is looking for   and ‘Runaway’ there is the   a terrific live anthem. For
                                   interval, and as such, this   a British alternative to U.S.   gem ‘Stay Awake’. Revert-  long-term fans there aren’t
                                   release includes the ‘Bowl-  wonders such as Black   ing to guitars and vocals   going to be any surprises
                                   ing For Soup Pee Break’.   Stone Cherry, here they   only, it’s a reflective heart-  here, but Jizzy Pearl is on
                                   Over some lounge music, a   are and it’s no wonder the   breaker covering loss and   top form, and this is utterly
              BOWLING FOR SOUP     voice announces ‘Wel-  Kentucky aces took these   grief, illustrating the emo-  magnificent.
              POP   DRUNK    SNOT   come to the Bowling For   guys on their recent jaunt   tional range of the writing.   YYYYY
              BREAD                Soup Pee Break’, and, a lit-  around the UK as it must   For an anthemic crowd   Clare Huckett
              (BRANDO)             tle later, ‘This Pee Break   have been a little like   pleaser, there’s the slower
                 Fun times are here   will end soon. Please make   spending time with some   pace and heavy drum beat
              again, and we’re not just   sure to wash your hands.   brothers from other moth-  of ‘Nail In The Cause’. The
              talking about concerts and   Hygiene is very important   ers. ‘Dead Horses’ is the   clarity of the mix really
              tours happening now that   to Bowling For Soup’. Later   perfect, attention-grabbing   shows here with each in-
              Covid is on its way out   on, there’s a ‘Public Serv-  album starter any record   strument layer coming
              (slowly). No, a new Bowl-  ice Announcement’  which   needs, blasting into your   through, so the contrasting
              ing For Soup album has   tells you to ‘be kind’ and   earholes with the band’s   fast-fingered guitar, pound-
              been bestowed upon us.   that ‘Bowling For Soup   powerful blend of riffs and   ing drums and thrumming
              And, while we could have   loves you’ before ‘Killin’   musicianship, and this   bass are perfectly bal-
              done with it last year when   ‘Em With Kindness’, an-  point is hammered home   anced as the vocal soars
              morale was low and we   other fun song which fea-  over ‘Long Gone’ and even   above and builds to a multi-
              were stuck indoors, it’s   tures a comical chorus of   more so with recent single,   voiced crescendo. All in all,   JO  DOG  &  PAUL
              even more appreciated in   ‘killing motherfuckers’ re-  ‘My Parade’, a true call to   there’s a lot to like here.   BLACK’S SONIC BOOM
              2022.                peated.               arms for not only the band,       YYYY    EVERYBODY RAINS ON
                 And, like the band’s   ‘The Letter 3 (Sitcom   but also their fans.    Clare Huckett   MY PARADE
              previous ten studio albums,   Song)’ has some wise   ‘Death Valley Paradise’         (BLACK CITY)
              ‘Pop Drunk Snot Bread’ (a   words, while ‘After  All   may not only serve as a       The combination of Jo Dog
              play on Pop Punk’s Not   These Beers’ takes a remi-  great weapon to secure the      (ex-Dogs D’Amour) and
              Dead) is packed with tune-  niscing look with Jaret   admiration of those who        Paul Black (LA Guns) is a
              ful hits you’ll be singing   singing ‘Here’s to all the   have discovered their work   promising prospect, and
              along to in no time. Jaret   stupid things we’ve done   as well as satisfying those   their Sonic Boom delivers
              Reddick and co. bring the   and us still being us’. ‘Pop   who’ve enjoyed their output   exactly what you would ex-
              smiles and bounce, the hu-  Drunk Snot Bread’ is one of   since 2016’s debut ‘Lucky   pect - bluesy rock, chock-
              mour and the wit, while   those releases that you’ll   13’, but will also act in     full of appealing rhythms
              also adding in some wise   have on repeat and feel the   years to come as a time     and strong vocals. It’s
              words, inspiring thoughts   urge to get up and dance   capsule of recent times.      tempting to draw compar-
              and relatable scenarios.    to; one that will lift you up   There is no doubting that   isons with the clear influ-
                 They kick off with   and remind you exactly   the content of ‘Wake Me   JIZZY PEARL’S LOVE/   ences, but these guys have
              ‘Greatest Of  All  Time’, a   why Bowling For Soup are,   When It’s Over’ will res-  HATE   been doing this for their
              tongue-in-cheek but honest   as they say, the ‘Greatest   onate with many, and the   HELL, CA.   whole careers; this is who
              track, which sees frontman   Of All Time’... Well, one of   likes of ‘Who Needs Ene-  (GOLDEN ROBOT)   they are. Mid-tempo and
              Jaret reveal ‘We only want   them. So, cheers to Bowl-  mies’ and ‘Cigarettes and   Jizzy Pearl knows what   uplifting ‘Tree For Shade’
              to make you smile, maybe   ing For Soup for another   Gasoline’ will equally hit   his audience wants and ex-  kicks off the album proper
              sing along and forget about   classic album and for them   home to listeners and fur-  actly how to deliver, so   with a catchy refrain and
              the bad stuff’. The quartet   still being them.    ther establish the emo-  what we have here is a 10-  the first of many sparkling
              definitely succeed in that.     YYYYY      tional link between them   track album that is up there   guitar solos. ‘Blue Like The
              Infectious single ‘I Wanna   Shari Black Velvet   and the band. Great work   with  the  best  of   Morning’ is a languid and
              Be Brad Pitt’ is an enter-                 and at the perfect time.    Love/Hate’s early material.   soulful tale of heartbreak,
              taining tune which men-                                YYYY     It’s brash, ballsy, high-oc-  while ‘High Price To Lead a
              tions some of Brad Pitt’s                        Michael Coventry   tane rock ‘n’ roll, crammed   Low Life’ starts out slower-
              films (Thelma & Louise,                                         full of heavy guitars, thun-  paced with a sleazy feel,
              Fight Club, etc), ex’s such                COLOURS OF ONE       derous drums, and, above   then picking up the tempo
              as Gwyneth Paltrow,  An-                   VESSELS              all, Jizzy’s distinctive voice.   with a Spanish guitar
              gelina Jolie and Jennifer                  (COLOURS OF ONE)     ‘One Hot Minute’ is the per-  rhythm at the breakdown
              Aniston and names the                         South Wales alt-rock   fect opener – fast-paced,   before ending with a flour-
              actor seven times in the                   quartet Colours of One   reckless energy with the   ish and an impassioned
              slightly repetitive chorus.                have been around a while   most glorious, wailing gui-  vocal. Full-on, funky, blues
              This song will definitely                  and already have a clutch   tar solo. ‘Acid Babe’ has a   rocker ‘Jesus Drives  A
              worm its way into your                     of well-received EPs and   seductive  groove  and   Schoolbus’  really  lets
              head.                KRIS BARRAS BAND      single releases.  This full-  Love/Hate’s  trademark   loose, throwing in a gospel
                 You don’t expect a   DEATH VALLEY PARA-  length debut is the culmi-  stop-start guitars and vo-  choir for good measure.
              lively frontman like Jaret to   DISE       nation of their hard work   cals, while ‘Gonna  Take   Add in dirty blues (‘Dead In
              have anxiety, but ‘Hello   (MASCOT)        and demonstrates both   You  Higher’  has  a   The Water’), a Spanish-
              Anxiety’ sees him sing   Timing is everything in   solid writing and strong mu-  psychedelic, trippy feel   flavoured floor-filler (‘Mi
              ‘Hello  Anxiety, it really   life and, for the Kris Barras   sicianship.  A solo guitar   wrapped round the hard   Vida Loca’), and a foot-
              sucks to see you. Hello,   Band, they may have   and muffled vocals provide   rock core. ‘Soul Mama’ is   stomping boogie (‘Sugar
              Hello Anxiety, I’ve been ex-  struck the perfect time. At a   the simple intro of ‘Like   stripped down barroom   Mama’), and what you’ve
              pecting you. I can never   point where interest in the   Icarus Did’ before the more   swagger, the dirty guitars   got is a brilliant album.
              get through one day with-  UK-based four-piece is at   energetic ‘Crater’s Lip’   and pure sleaze of ‘When   YYYYY
              out you hanging around’.   an all-time high, the quality   kicks into gear with driving   You Gonna Come Home’   Clare Huckett
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