Page 12 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 106
P. 12

BV106 pg10-15 Kris Barras Band.qxp_BV106 pg12  02/05/2022  21:39  Page 3

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              also gave me a chance to sit down and write,   sing those songs and have that connection with   and maybe find some comfort in them and it
              and it gave me a different perspective on things.   the people there and that is what I am looking   might make them feel better too.”
              I think a lot of people did a lot of soul searching   forward to getting back to the most.”
              and it made some people see things in a differ-                             ooking closer at the song ‘These Voices’,
              ent way and see what things actually matter and   here is a strong argument that many of   Lin which Kris sings about doubt, we ask
              kind of reevaluate things.            Tthe songs on ‘Death Valley Paradise’   if he would tell us more about the doubts which
                 “So, it definitely gave me a different per-  contain something of a bleak element to them.   he experienced during this time.
              spective and also a different motivation for life,   In their own words, ‘Dead Horses’ delves into   “I’ve always been very career-driven and al-
              so now we are coming out of it, I’m just super-  broken relationships, ‘Long Gone’ is a tale of let-  ways had to have some kind of career motiva-
              pumped to get the album out there, get back   ting go, ‘These Voices’ is about “that inner voice   tion; I’ve always been like that. And I’ve put
              touring and get back to doing what I love.”   that is always telling you that you can't do things   everything into my music career and gave up
                 Kris tells us more about the importance of   and dragging you down," something Kris says   everything for it and put my life on hold, so to
              being able to release his new music at this time.   has been “quite prevalent in my life over the past   speak, to do it, so to then not be able to do it for
              “I’ve put my blood, sweat and tears into this   year” and                                   so long and to
              album, so I just want to get it out and if I could   ‘Chaos’                                not know when
              have released it last year I would have”, he tells   documents     was just, ‘Fuck, I’m 36. Well,   you might be
              Black Velvet. “I just wanted to get it out as soon   his mental                             able to do it
              as possible”.                       health  “II was 34 at the time. We’ve                   again, because,
                 He continues, “I’m immensely proud of it. I   struggles.   lost so much time and I was sat there   let’s  face  it,
              really do feel it’s my best album to date. I feel   “I don’t                                music was one of
              like I was able to just let loose on it. There were   ever set out   thinking, ‘Shit, I’m meant to be a mil-  the last things to
              no restrictions, not having to conform to any kind   and say I’m                            come back, you
              of, you know, ‘It’s gotta be blues, tone this   going  to  lionaire by now!’” - Kris Barras   had people in a
              down’. I could just be unleashed with this album   write a load                             football stadium
              and not worry about it being bluesy enough   of  songs                                      before they were
              which I have had to do on previous albums.   that are going to be like this. I just write songs   allowed in a concert hall, so I just didn’t know.
              Again, I could just be unleashed and if I wanted   as and when they happen based on what I’m   “Yes, it looks like we are getting through it
              to do a crazy guitar solo I could do a crazy guitar   feeling and that’s how they come out. I think   now and everything is going to be OK, touch
              solo. If I wanted to use a chord progression that   whether you put a negative or positive label on   wood, but ‘These Voices’ and that doubt, I think
              was a bit more out there, I could. So, yeah, I’m   anything, they are all things which affect every-  everyone has it in some way, shape or form.
              just excited to get it out there and start the next   one. Broken relationships, suffering in the pan-  Whether or not it’s on a big or small scale, it’s
              chapter.”                           demic, all this kind of stuff; it’s stuff which affects   just about dealing with that and keeping an end
                                                  everyone, so I think most people are able to re-  goal in sight, keeping focussed and not let the
                   he events of the last 18 months have   late to that kind of thing, but I certainly didn’t set   niggling voices put you off from doing what you
                 Tdefinitely had a significant impact on Kris   out in a calculated way to write these songs, I   want to do.”
              as an individual. He tells Black Velvet, “The thing   just write songs and whatever comes out comes   Having raised the subject of this difficult time
              is with the band, I’ve always tried to appreciate   out. It’s kinda like a therapeutic method and cop-  in his life we ask Kris if he can tell us a little more
              everything and always tried to take everything   ing mechanism and so if it’s negative, it’s nega-  about how he got through it and whether there
              in and we have had new opportunities come up   tive, but I think it is all stuff that people can relate   was anything or anyone who offered inspiration
              and chances to go to all these amazing places   to and experience. I mean, who hasn’t had a   to him to help achieve this.
              around the world and I’ve always tried to absorb   broken relationship or been in a situation like   “For me, it was just when I could start to see
              it all and take it all in. I appreciate I’ve had a rel-  that or who hasn’t suffered because of the pan-  things moving again”, he explains. “When I had
              atively quick rise and things were moving really,   demic in some way, shape or form I think it’s all   the album recorded and when stuff started hap-
              really quickly and I think, even with the best in-  stuff people can relate to.”   pening with that, I guess I’m just one of these
              tentions of taking it all in, you kinda get caught                     kind of people who needs a purpose. I’m no
              up in the whirlwind a bit.               ris has been very open about how the   good at sitting still. I never have been, I’m like a
                 “So, when the pandemic hit and all that is   Kfallout of COVID-19 has impacted him   little ADHD kid. I’ve got to be doing something
              taken away and suddenly the rise isn’t going and   as an individual and so, having mentioned the   all the time and sitting down watching Netflix in
              you’re not doing anything and you’re not playing,   writing process as therapeutic and a coping   my pants, while it was fun for a week or two,
              it makes you realise how much you love doing   mechanism, we ask if he can tell us more about   after that I was just, ‘Fuck, I’m 36. Well, I was 34
              it. I had to literally sit there at one point and go   how creating ‘Death Valley Paradise’ has helped   at the time. We’ve lost so much time and I was
              ‘Fuck! Am I going to have to find a new career?   him.                 sat there thinking, ‘Shit, I’m meant to be a mil-
              Is music ever going to come back?’ Because, at   “As Bob Hoskins used to say, it’s good to   lionaire by now!’”
              the end of the day, the only way musicians at my   talk, it’s a way of communicating and expressing   Howling with laughter at the last comment,
              level, and really, anyone unless they are at su-  and processing your thoughts and putting it into   he adds, “Instead, I’m sitting there with no
              perstar level, can make any money is by touring   words rather than just letting it stew in your   money at all! That’s me, personally. I’ve always
              - and if you can’t tour you can’t make any   mind.”                    been driven, from an early age. Driven by having
              money. And I remember sitting down and think-  That said, Kris admits it’s inevitable we are   a career and always keeping myself busy and
              ing ‘What am I going to do? Do I start to retrain   seeing more and more of this kind of subject   striving to get better and make myself better.
              [for MMA]? Is there something else?’ but there   matter coming from the music of our favourite   And that was how I started the pandemic, but
              was nothing else that I wanted to do. My past   artists. “I’m not sure it’s a new thing,” he says,   then, when I hit that darker period, I did find it
              life was all left behind, I was completely out of   “I’m pretty sure there are plenty of songs   hard to pull myself out.
              the fight game. I’d sold all my shares in the gyms   through time which deal with this kind of thing,   “So, when we got the album done and
              and I had no ties to any of that and so I had to   but I think it’s a good thing. The world is slowly   things started moving again and we were doing
              reevaluate everything.  And that was quite a   waking up and realising we all have these prob-  videos and started getting things back out there,
              scary experience and pretty depressing be-  lems; we all suffer from time to time. It’s not a   doing a couple of festivals last summer, I got a
              cause I couldn’t do something which I love so   taboo subject anymore, I think that is a good   taste for the old life again. It gave me the moti-
              much.                               thing, talking about these things.    vation I needed to get through it. Everyone is dif-
                 “When we came back and did the tour sup-  “I’ve never wanted to use these things as   ferent and everyone has different motivating
              porting Black Stone Cherry, touring huge ven-  any kind of excuse. I’m not that kind of guy, but   factors and not everyone would be as fortunate
              ues, playing Planet Rockstock in November and   I think the songs are relatable and reflective of   as I was to be able to pull myself through just by
              then we had our headline Christmas show in   my mood at the time. You know, I’m in a nice,   having some physical motivators, as it were. If I
              Torquay, it was just the best. Having that feeling   positive mind frame currently as I have been for   have something physical it makes me feel better
              back, I can’t even put it into words. Because the   the majority of my life. I’ve never experienced   mentally.”
              only reason I do this is to play live. Recording   any kind of depression or anxiety before the
              songs is ok, I enjoy it... I like writing songs, but I   pandemic, it was the first time I had experienced   ne of the songs with a positive spin is
              do it because I want to play them to people. I   anything like that or suffered with anything like   O‘My Parade’, one of the clear highlights
              don’t do it so someone can listen to them on   that so, for me, it was a new experience and it’s   of ‘Death Valley Paradise’, described as the
              Spotify. I don’t do it for that reason, that is a con-  good to come through and look forward to the   band’s calling card and protest song which Kris
              sequence. It’s because I want to step on stage,   future and I hope others can listen to the songs   had, prior to our conversation, described as, ‘It
                KRIS BARRAS BAND
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