Page 29 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 106
P. 29

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                                                                                                     BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 29
                    ne of Black Velvet’s favourite life quotes   go and hook up with her ex-boyfriend, and they   up not very well off. As a child, he shared a bed-
                 Ois ‘One person can make a difference   had kind of planned this. And I just shared my   room with his sister. When his mother remarried
              and everyone should try’ by John F. Kennedy.   story with her and we had this great moment. I   and his sister had her own room, Rich then
              It’s something that has motivated us and that we   just said ‘Hey, it’s OK. At the time, I thought it   shared a room with his step brother, sleeping in
              see happening in society (although arguably not   was the end of the world. Now, I look back at it   a bunk bed.
              often enough). Rich agrees that we all have the   and laugh at it, because it’s just stories, right?’   Rich says, “The worst rock stars on the
              ability to make a difference in some way or an-  It’s the road map of our life. Good things happen   planet are the ones that had great lives. I mean,
              other if we put our mind to it.     and bad things happen and they all shape us. I   you show me somebody who has had two awe-
                 “Absolutely,” he agrees. “And, I think, some-  just told her ‘It’s fine. In a year from now, that   some parents who made them do their home-
              times we get so caught up in thinking globally or   won’t matter. You’ll be making new stories and   work and life was just really good, and I’ll show
              nationally that we don’t realise the easiest way   creating new things.’ Those are the things that I   you someone who doesn’t have a fantastic story
              to make a difference is to be nice to our neigh-  think are ways that I can… I hate the words ‘be   or doesn’t have pain or struggle and strife to re-
              bours, be kind to someone in a shop, to be com-  of service’… but if, sometimes, we can just   late to in songs. It doesn’t mean you can’t sing
              plimentary about someone when you notice they   share bits and pieces of our own life, if they can   or play guitar or play drums, it just means that
              change their hair or they’ve                                                           it’s going to be difficult. All
              done something special. It’s                                                           ‘great art’ comes from a
              just smiles and happiness                                                              place and I say ‘great art’
              and joy is contagious. And,                                                            in quotations.  There’s
              the more that you can re-                                                              plenty of fantastic songs
              member that life is not just                                                           that were written that
              about you, that if you can get                                                         people love, pop songs
              outside of your own issues                                                             that are shallow and are
              that sometimes when you’re                                                             just kind of like marsh-
              feeling down, if you can just                                                          mallows.  They  taste
              say something nice or do                                                               great but you don’t really
              something nice for someone                                                             remember it after you’ve
              else it actually energises us                                                          eaten it because it didn’t
              in the process, because                                                                leave a big impression,
              kindness is a trait that’s in-                                                         but a complex meal that
              fectious. And when we show                                                             is deep with flavour, that
              kindness, it makes us feel                                                             sticks with you for a
              like our purpose on this                                                               while, you know, that was
              planet is not just to clock in                                                         created with love and
              and go to work, and put food                                                           care and a passionate
              on the table, but also just do                                                         chef, and I think my story
              those little things that we can                                                        has helped me. I moved
              all do. And, if we’ve made                                                             out of my house when I
              four people happy every day,                                                           was 16 years old and
              those four people may then                                                             moved into my friend’s
              do the same, and it just                                                               house basement that
              spreads. The idea that you                                                             was an unfinished base-
              and I can change the world                                                             ment and I remember the
              is probably naïve, but we can                                                          next day of school, after I
              change people around us –                                                              had kind of run away and
              and that may be even better.                                                           done that, I remember
                 “Any time I see some-                                                               thinking, ‘How am I going
              what moderately intelligent                                                            to pay for my school
              musicians opine about world                                                            lunch?’ I hadn’t even
              events I just think I didn’t re-                                                       processed what was the
              ally think that any of us really                                                       next step in taking care of
              know enough to kind of dig                                                             myself. I had no money, I
              too deep into these things.                                                            had nothing.  The harsh
              I’d like to think I understand,                                                        reality of, ‘Wow, I may
              but I only understand what                                                             have thought it was
              I’m reading.  Then I’m just                                                            rough, but now I don’t
              reading  what  someone                                                                 know how I’m going to
              else’s opinion is, their slant                                                         eat. Should I ask my
              on the news. Everything is                                                             friend’s  parents  for
              coloured and biased, I don’t                                                           money to eat?’
              even know what’s real and                                                                 “Fast forward three
              what’s not. I just know that I                                                         or four years, I was living
              can be a good husband to                                                               in a storage shed, which
              my wife and I can be a good                                                            was our rehearsal space
              band member to my band                                                                 for Stuck Mojo. All of us
              members, and, after the                                                                were living in the same
              show, I love to say thanks to                                                          place with no bathroom.
              people who came out. I sit on                                                          We used to shower with
              the stage and have conver-                                                             a hose over a fence. It
              sations.”                           help other people, great. I’ll leave figuring out   was in an industrial area. I didn’t think anything
                 He gives us an example of one of those con-  famine and supply chain issues up to smarter   of it. I didn’t think it was rough. I didn’t whine
              versations – which may seem trivial, but in fact   people than me.”    about it. I just thought, ‘This is where I am,’ and
              stayed as a poignant memory for both parties for                       part of it made me… this word means lots of
              a long time to come.                    t’s no wonder that fans are queuing up to   things to others, but it made me kinda hard, it
                 “At one of our shows, some young lady was   Isee Fozzy live and talk to Rich after the   made me tough. It made me realise that I was
              telling me that she went to the prom recently and   show – you can tell he’s a kind, caring citizen   only going to get what I made for myself. There
              her prom date stood her up and she was really   with his feet on the ground. Success, it seems,   were going to be no handouts. There were no
              sad. And I don’t know why she thought to share   could not happen to a nicer guy. And the re-  government grants for rap-rock music in 1991.
              that with me, but I do think there was some di-  wards that Rich and his band are reaping now,   There were no people who were going to help
              vine intervention involved because I went to   from years of hard work and dedication, are   us. We were just going to have to do this for our-
              prom with a girl and she left me at the prom to   made all the more sweet by his past. He grew   selves. And it made us.
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