Page 33 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 106
P. 33

BV106 pg 26-34 fozzy centre.qxp_BV106 pg33  05/05/2022  23:39  Page 8

                                                                                                    BlackVelvetMagazine.Com -  33
                 “And I know it’s easier for some people to   thing else. Who I am is more than Rich Ward,   see us play – I have an 80s tribute band that I
              hear me say, ‘It’s easy for you to say, you just   the guitar player. Rich Ward, the guitar player, is   play with when we’re not touring, and she came
              got a gold album. You’re doing what you want   an important part of who I am, and I’m so thank-  to the show and I just remember thinking, life is
              to. I’m having health issues and I’m doing this.’   ful for that, but I can do other things for a living,   just not fair. She’s just a wonderful woman and
              I’ve been there. In 2005, my singer in Fozzy,   and when I get home at night, I could put on an   she didn’t do anything. It’s not like she voluntar-
              Chris Jericho, his twin daughters were born with   Eagles album, or I could put on a Pantera   ily worked at some industrial plant with chemi-
              some medical issues, so all of our tours were   album, and I could jam along with it, and still be   cals or something, it’s part hereditary. She got
              cancelled.                                                                                     cancer  and
              My singer in                                                                                   she’s sick. I
              Stuck Mojo,                                                                                    remember
              was dealing                                                                                    thinking it’s
              with  some                                                                                     not fair. But it
              health  is-                                                                                    is what it is.
              sues, so that                                                                                  And we all
              band was not                                                                                   just have to
              active.  My                                                                                    recognise
              solo  band                                                                                     that time is fi-
              was signed                                                                                     nite and the
              to  Spitfire                                                                                   best that we
              Records, and                                                                                   can do is just
              I had just                                                                                     to wake up
              b  e  e  n                                                                                     every  day
              dropped be-                                                                                    and be a bet-
              cause  the                                                                                     ter version of
              entire label                                                                                   ourselves.”
              had   been                                                                                        Rich has
              sold to Uni-                                                                                   most  defi-
              versal. I had                                                                                  nitely  be-
              no income,                                                                                     come, not just
              no tour, no                                                                                    a better per-
              savings.  I                                                                                    son, but a
              had   been                                                                                     very   ad-
              making  al-                                                                                    mirable per-
              bums for ten                                                                                   son.    So
              years. I had                                                                                   down-to-
              been touring                                                                                   earth, sensi-
              all over the                                                                                   ble,  smart
              world. I had                                                                                   and most def-
              been   on                                                                                      initely inspir-
              MTV. I had                                                                                     ing.   And
              been living the dream of everything I thought,   able to play music that kind of soothes that pas-  Fozzy are getting better and better. ‘Boombox’
              and that summer I went and got a job, doing   sion, that sweet spot, for me to want to keep on   is an album you need. Let it motivate you, let it
              landscaping, which was mowing grass, because   playing music. And that’s exactly what I would   invigorate you, and let it fuel your passion for
              I had no way to pay my bills. And I went and   do if it all ended today. I would just figure it out.”   more.
              worked a job. I worked a job for about four   The guitarist continues to muse, “Life’s not
              months, five months, something like that, and it   easy or fair, it just is what it is. I encourage   ‘Boombox’ is out now on Mascot/Sony
              gave me a fantastic perspective. Nothing is   everybody out there to just, when you look in the   Records. Visit for more info.
              guaranteed. All of this could change tomorrow.   mirror, like the song says, if you don’t like what
              And there’s nothing wrong with working for a liv-  you see, if it’s embarrassing, you have the   Words By Shari Black Velvet
              ing. Being a rock star is fun, hey, but if it doesn’t   power. Nobody else can make those changes.
              work out, I know that I’m strong enough that I   It’s totally up to us. I have a good friend of mine   Photos by Adrienne Beacco
              am capable of just going out and doing some-  who’s dying of cancer right now. She came to

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