Page 25 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 106
P. 25

BV106 pg22-25 Stone Broken Interview.qxp_BV106 pg 25  11/05/2022  01:19  Page 4

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               Festival’s 10,000 capacity pilot show.  As a   roller skates. I tried my best to go out on them   known, I think, that puts you on edge!”
               band who live for playing live and touring, it   but I can’t do it!” she laughs. “As a kid, I was
               was a welcome release for them to get back   absolutely awesome on roller skates. Skate-  ur chat with Robyn occurs during what
               on-stage and in front of a crowd.    boarding, roller skates, anything like that, I   Ohas been a rollercoaster week for the
                  Based on what’s going on now with Covid,   used to love. I had the itch again and I was like,   Stone Broken camp.  The ‘Revelation’ tour,
               Brexit, and, more recently, the war in Ukraine,   ‘I need to get some roller skates’, so my mom   which was originally due to take place in April
               the world is a very different place to what it was   got me some for Christmas. I tried and, oh my   2021, had finally been in full swing after being
               two years ago - none of these things we would   god, I was like, ‘What the hell’s happened?’ So   postponed four times. All was going well until
               have predicted back then. We wonder how   I think I’ll save it for after the tour, just in case I   Rich had a bout of laryngitis mid-way through
               hard it has been for the band to put together a   break any bones!”   the tour. It’s something that the band has not
               future plan? Have they had to reassess how to   During our chat, Robyn admits she has al-  encountered before, and postponing the shows
               go about things in order to achieve the goals   ways been a big worrier. By her own admis-  was not a decision they took lightly. On the day
               they’ve set for Stone Broken? “The world is just   sion, from a very young age, Robyn has   ‘Revelation’ hit number one on the Rock and
               in chaos at the moment, isn’t it?” Robyn   stressed and worried over everything. “I don’t   Metal Official Charts, Rich, Robyn, Chris, and
               agrees. “It is hard to kind of plan with Covid still   know what the word is, but I kind of think of all   Kieron should have been celebrating with the
               being a thing. I mean, in the UK, all the restric-  possibilities when it comes to everything in life.   hometown fans as they were due to play a
               tions have gone now, haven’t they? So it’s eas-  Prime example, just before we go on stage, out   show at the Birmingham Institute. Alas, the cel-
               ier for us here. But other countries in Europe   of everyone in the band, I’m there literally just   ebrations will have to wait just a little longer
               are still going through that change; then, with   walking up and down, backstage. I get super   with the remaining dates of the tour resched-
               Brexit, that’s just a thing on its own. You can’t   nervous before a show, thinking of all the stuff   uled for later on in the month to allow Rich time
               just go and do things anymore like you use to,   that could possibly go wrong!” she laughs. “So,   to recover. It has been another hurdle Stone
               which is a very big change in itself and some-  I just have to kind of take my mind off it and   Broken have had to deal with, but thankfully
               thing to get used to. I’m just hoping that, some-  breathe and just try and get through that situa-  they seem to have taken it in their stride.
               time in the near future, things just go back to   tion, try to just focus on what’s actually happen-  The anthems featured on the ‘Revelation’
               some kind of normality. It would be nice, you   ing. I’m like, ‘Ok. I’ve changed my batteries,   album may be lyrically darker than the band’s
               know, ‘This is happening on this date,’ so you   I’ve got my drumsticks, I’ve got my in-ears, I’ve   previous efforts, but the future of Stone Broken
               could just go ahead and haven’t got to worry   got this, I’ve got that.’ You know, you’re just   remains brighter than ever and they still hold
               about anything!”                   going through the list in your head. I think now,   their place amongst today’s British top rock
                                                  I’ve learned to kind of control that and not   acts. The wait for the third chapter in Stone
                     lack Velvet asks whether, during the   stress and worry so much.”   Broken’s career may have taken longer than
                  Blockdown period, Robyn was able to   Robyn tells us that being a musician has   expected, but it has definitely been a worth-
               invest time in herself, doing things she would   meant that, as nerve-wracking as it can be, she   while one.
               not normally get a chance to do. “Other than   has learned to adapt to every situation that’s   Visit for more info.
               keeping fit and getting a good face care routine   thrown at her. “Nothing’s certain in life, is it? No
               down…” Robyn ponders. “Well, my mom   matter what change it is, you have to adapt and   Words By Sam and Penny Gower
               bought me, like a couple of years ago, some   kind of go with the flow. It is the fear of the un-
                                                                                                            Photos By A. Ford
                                                                                                STONE BROKEN
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