Page 23 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 106
P. 23

BV106 pg22-25 Stone Broken Interview.qxp_BV106 pg 23  11/05/2022  01:05  Page 2

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 23

 Coming Back Stronger
 Coming Back Stronger

                     t was hard, I’m not going to lie,” Robyn   lyrics anyway,” Robin states. “We wanted to tell   what the guy can achieve. The one song, I
                  “Istates when talking about the making   a story and we’ve kind of gone down the literal   think, ‘The Devil You Know’, Rich had come up
               of Stone Broken’s third album - ‘Revelation’. “I   route. So, it was more like searching deeper   with the song, music-wise, and Dan came in
               think writing it and recording it was just a whole   within yourself to make the lyrics sound more   and was like, ‘That sounds absolutely amazing,
               challenge in itself; we went through some dark   ‘pretty’, if that makes sense. But we all experi-  but I think that melody you’ve got could be the
               times writing it. You literally get into the zone   enced it to be fair; just like, ‘Can this be better?   guitar riff, rather than the chorus melody.’ It’s
               that much, it’s kind of hard to see past a certain   Can I make this sound any better than what it   stuff like that, where we kind of sit back and
               point.” Working with award-winning producer   is already?’ It was quite tough. But we had to   think, ‘Oh okay, that would be cool, actually.
               Dan Weller (SikTh /  Young Guns / Enter   go through that to get to where we needed to   That’s a really good idea’. Dan would literally
               Shikari) - who Robyn says ended up being like   be.”                  just come in and we would work together and
               a fifth band member - it was the first time the   We ask, how much did having Dan’s per-  try and get to the same kind of goal, where the
               band had faced questioning over the way they   spective on the songs change the vision the   songs sound absolutely amazing; we just had
               wrote songs, which Rich in particular, as the   band originally had for them? “I think Dan   to change a few things in the process! He kind
               main songwriter, found difficult to contend with   opened our eyes to a lot of things on this   of changed our whole perspective on songwrit-
               initially. “We’ve never been faced with ques-  album; things that we didn’t necessarily under-  ing really.”
               tions like, ‘What does this mean?’ and ‘What   stand at the time,” Robyn answers. “He’s just   Robyn looks back at the whole process
               does that mean?’ We’ve always kind of wrote,   an absolute wizard when it comes to writing,   and feels fortunate to have gone through the
               I guess you could say, straight to the point, with   recording, and everything else. It’s just crazy   experience, as gruelling as it was at times. The

                                                                                                STONE BROKEN
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