Page 18 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 106
P. 18

BV106 pg16-21 Reckless Love Interview.qxp_BV106 pg18  03/05/2022  00:06  Page 3

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              band did, and I remember at the time the guys   lli feels the changes that they have   I did think Reckless Love wasn’t going to make
              saying it would be nice to see their sons and   Omade have been very natural, with the   it back. It’s a weird feeling right, because every-
              daughters every now and again and not miss   whole writing process being very quick. Intense,   thing is going so well.
              their first steps and first words because that lit-  but very quick.      “But everyone went through a tough time.
              erally is what happened for a couple of the guys.   “We had a ton of songs ready before we   My own personal problems, I think, were a result
              They missed those moments because we were   went into the studio, but once we found this   of 10 years of rock ‘n’ roll, as I had a slight heart
              out on tour, so they had to watch those things   sweet spot, we wrote the whole album in two   problem about a year ago and that was a wake-
              by video on their phones.           weeks. Everything was new. We left the old   up call. I couldn’t sleep and it was an arryhyth-
                 “So, I totally understood it and we decided   songs because we felt the new songs were a   mia thing that would not go away and I had
              to take a sabbatical and stay away                                              medication for a while and thank-
              for a year, maybe a year and a half.    e’re not the band to do the same thing   fully now it is OK, but it was scary
              It ended up being a year and a half.                                            for a while. And there are plenty of
              In late 2019, we started piecing the  “Wover and over like, say, AC/DC. Don’t get   these scares and really difficult
              new stuff together and figuring out   me wrong, I love AC/DC, but we’re not that good that we   times which the whole band has
              how to get back on the road and it                                              gone through in the last few years.
              turned out to not be that hard. We  can do the same thing 50 years in a row! In order to sur-  It’s been a really weird time.
              booked the biggest tour in celebra-  vive we need to evolve, we need to change.” - Olli Herman  “I wish it would be true that our
              tion of our 10th anniversary of our                                             system has no weakness, but that
              first album and we started the tour                                             is more for the imaginary character
              in Australia. We were supposed to go to Japan,   more interesting way of expressing ourselves,   of the song! But, as a band and as a unit, I truly
              Europe, UK, America, a shitload of shows in Fin-  which still felt natural and that it was us making   feel we are stronger than ever. I’ve always be-
              land, and in came the pandemic and each and   progress as a band as well. And yeah, that was   lieved in the band; the reason why Hessu’s back
              every one of those shows was cancelled. I re-  how we stumbled on the new elements which do   problems were so important to me personally is
              member it was 107 shows! We were supposed   come from the crazy sounds of the late 1980s.    because I didn’t want to lose another brother. I
              to go into the studio as soon as this tour finished,   “David Lee Roth’s ‘Skyscraper’ was one of   didn’t want to lose this unit that we are, this band
              in early 2021, but, at that point, it was clear noth-  my first musical influences and is one of the first   of brothers, that’s what Reckless Love is. We’ve
              ing was going to happen until 2022, so instead,   rock records I remember hearing, and we used   had the same line-up since the first record. I
              we entered the studio in 2022 and here I am, still   the same synth bass on this album and went full   know we are a dysfunctional band and not com-
              sat in my bedroom, which is also my office, still   nerd on the 80s sound, so what you hear is the   patible with each other, but still we love each
              postponing tours! And it’s still going on now,   exact same thing that David Lee Roth used on   other like brothers. It’s weird how we are so
              even though it’s not the main headlines right   that album. And there are Judas Priest and Van   much better as a group.”
              now.                                Halen sounds everywhere. A lot of the electronic
                 “The world is a weird place after six years   drum kit influences come from Van Halen.    is latter comments are a nice bridge to
              that I don’t recognise anymore. Everything has   “ZZ Top has also been an influence. I’ve al-  Hthe song ‘Outrun’, another highlight of
              gone to hell, basically! So, naturally, the band   ways loved ‘Eliminator’ and especially ‘After-  the new album, which boasts the lyric, ‘I’m
              has changed too. Actually, I always knew we   burner’. They are a strange mix of blues and the   gonna outrun everyone’. With this in mind, we
              would. We’re not that kind of band. We’re not the   80s sort of electronic, synth vibe and I wanted   ask Olli if he can tell us what he thinks the secret
              band to do the same thing over and over like,   to try and create something a little like that. Billy   has been to the band standing the test of time,
              say, AC/DC. Don’t get me wrong, I love AC/DC,   Idol is another who has used those kinds of   bearing in mind that, while their debut record
              but we’re not that good that we can do the same   sounds his whole career and it’s always been   came out in 2010, the band has now been in ex-
              thing 50 years in a row! In order to survive we   really fascinating to me.   istence for 20 years.
              need to evolve, we need to change.    “But those things were done 40 years ago,   A giant smile forms on his face and he tells
                 “And the pandemic kind of boiled it all down   so we needed something fresh. There’s no point   us, “Stupidity and pig-headedness, I think!
              into what became ‘Turborider’. I read an inter-  in doing something which has already been   “If you want me to put it more beautifully, it’s
              view with Rob Halford when he was talking   done; that’s how the modern synth sounds came   probably determination”, he then adds. “I think
              about ‘Painkiller’ and it being a turning point for   in and you can hear it on the songs, because the   that’s how it is. The band was founded in 2001,
              Judas Priest. I remember him talking about the   80s songs are not played in the way more mod-  but the first album didn’t come out until 2010, so
              imaginary character who was a saviour from the   ern songs are with a click and a grid and it   it was nine years of frustration, trying to write the
              skies. This metallic man which sounded fun and   started to make sense to us because the songs   perfect song and album and always reaching for
              new and something I had never done before be-  already sound modern. We added a few tricks   it, but, when it finally happened, it didn’t feel stu-
              cause I had always written from my own life and   and little things as well which I don’t even have   pid anymore. But, for nine years, it felt pretty stu-
              my own life experiences and not something   the knowledge of how to do, but our producer is   pid!”
              imaginary, so this was going to be the change.   a wizard and they make a real difference!”   The last comment is followed by another
              The world is in a weird place right now. We’re in                      burst of Olli’s infectious laugh, but the comment
              a lockdown and people don’t want to listen to a   he title track includes the lyric, ‘the sys-  sparks an obvious question of how does it feel
              party track right now. It even sounded bad say-  Ttem got no weakness,’ so we ask Olli if   a decade and five albums later? Is it the same
              ing you are having fun on your own in your bed-  he feels the band’s absence from the stage and   determination, or rather the same stupidity?
              room! So I decided I wanted to try that same   recording studio has created any weaknesses   “I’ve thought about it myself, because I don’t
              analogy and create something of my own and,   within the ranks and, if so, how they will over-  feel any pressure to make a new album any-
              rather than create a metallic man, I found an   come them.             more, because, to me, we’ve made it. Those
              inner child from myself and everyone in the band   “Personally, maybe,” he responds. “Every-  previous albums are there because we did it.
              and created this character who became the ‘Tur-  one of us has gone through a rough time, during   They were a dream of ours which we realised.
              borider’. That is why the album cover is how it is   the last two years especially. I’ve always been a   The first album, we couldn’t believe it was hap-
              because she is a lovely 11-year-old kid, but I   positive and optimistic kind of guy. I rarely feel   pening at the time. It was a childhood dream,
              wanted to create a more darker and sinister ver-  depressed. I’m always smiling and have a sunny   bucket list-type thing.
              sion of Van Halen’s ‘1984’ album cover as well!   disposition, everything is fun to me. But, a year   “When we did the second album, it was like,
                 “The lyrics are all about the change of what   ago, I felt very depressed. I lost a dear friend of   ‘Wow, this was meant to be over already.’ We
              the band went through. ‘More electric than be-  mine; that affected me. Everyone in the band   just thought we would do the album and every-
              fore’, ‘rotten hybrid to the core’. We decided to   went through some kind of health issue, not just   one would forget us, but then, it’s 18 months
              incorporate a lot more electronic elements into   the coronavirus because everybody had it, but   later and everything is going great and here we
              our music this time, even though they’ve been   our drummer Hessu had back surgery and, at   are now, four albums later. It’s the stuff we used
              present throughout our career, even in 2010 on   the time, we weren’t sure if he would be able to   to dream about and we still can’t believe it is
              our debut record. We had a song called ‘Back   play again. At the time, he wasn’t even able to   happening.
              To Paradise’, which had the same kind of elec-  sit down. He could only be in two positions,   “By the time I got to the third album, I just
              tronic elements, like the electronic drum kit.    standing up or laying down, and, for a couple of   stopped thinking about it because it was already
                 “But this time it’s different. On the first album   months, it looked really bad.   more than I had ever dreamed of doing, I’ve ful-
              it was like a retrospective, hats-off nod to the   “That was a dire situation because it was not   filled the ultimate dream and I’m making a living
              80s hair metal, while ‘Turborider’ looks to the fu-  something I was prepared for. There is a lyric in   with music and can support myself and do the
              ture. It’s more of a modern day version, almost   the last track, ‘it’s a miracle we made it back’,   stuff that I love. Everyone around us was putting
              more 80s than the 80s.”             and that is literally true. There was a point where   on more pressure, ‘You need to do this or that
                RECKLESS LOVE
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