Page 18 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 103
P. 18
BV103 pg16-19 marianas trench_BV103 pg17 22/12/2019 20:43 Page 3
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opened up fully has definitely had a little bit up…” track on the album, one that is seen as the
the scarring effects of that when it doesn’t “From a shower,” adds Matt. grand finale and a huge, show-stopping, the-
work out.” “Yeah, from a shower actually,” contin- atrical climax.
Josh says, “I think, with ‘Only The ues Mike. “But luckily that wasn’t the four of Josh says, “I think we tried to make it so
Lonely Survive’ though, what I was trying to us. So far it’s actually been pretty good this there’s a subtle amount of tension growing
get at there was, sometimes it’s worth it.” tour.” through the whole record and then when you
He explains the title, “I like the idea that “I’m a little haunted from falling down the get to ‘Killing Kind’ it starts off super-sinister
maybe the relationship is difficult and you’re goddamn stairs of the bus,” says Josh. and I liked the idea that perhaps just giving
going to hurt each other, but in the end it’s “There’s been a lot of people falling in to madness is the only way to get through
worth it, I guess. I was trying to say, if this is down stairs on this tour actually. Poor Royce it. So that was sort of the conclusion. So
so intense and strong that it’s going to de- took a nosedive, then Josh. Uh oh, who’s yeah, I guess the album does have a little bit
stroy us both, then only people who stay on going to be next?” of a narrative storyline to it. Certainly not like
their own could survive a full iron-out movie
such a thing.” or anything.”
We ask what has The penultimate
scarred them in their ca- track of the album,
reer. ‘The Death Of Me’ is
Mike laughs, about a new love,
“Showers. The shower but the person in
can make or break the question is still in
day all over the world love with, and
depending on the haunted by, their
shower. You wake up in previous love. Josh
the morning, find cof- sings, ‘I would love
fee, that’s a little bit of a you if I could, but my
hunt. Find some food. unsteady heart’s not
But when you get to the ready’. This is no
shower, that’s when the doubt a situation
day goes from good to many are in when
great or good to awful. one relationship has
Is it clean? Is the water ended and another
hot? Are there clean starts. The one fin-
towels? Is there space ished with is often
to get dressed? It’s left heartbroken and
amazing how much im- still pining for their
pact that has on the rest ex – with their new
of your day. And you love sensing that
have to wait for it, so if they’re still in love
you’re waiting two with their previous
hours for your turn in partner.
the shower and then it’s Josh tells us, “I
a big letdown, yes…” wrote that song from
Ian adds, “That and a pretty real place.
bus sleeps. I am the You get to a point
poor sleeper on the bus. where some people
I watch my IQ points are like, ‘Oh, you’ve
gradually drop through- just got to get out
out the tour as it’s from there and just do
lack of sleep.” your best and you’ll
Matt pipes up, “Hav- get over it, blah blah
ing said though, bus blah’ and I sort of
sleeps are terrible, but I came to the point
don’t come home and where I realized that
think about the buses, wasn’t really fair to
‘Man, that was a crappy the other person if
tour ‘cause of the you’re not fully in-
sleeps,’ but the showers vested in it.”
stay with you forever. I “To the new per-
remember venue show- son,” confirms Mike.
ers. For example, the “Yeah. It’s not re-
one here; last time we ally a fair thing to
were at this venue, the do,” says Josh.
shower instructions
were the following; it he band re-
was ‘Leave the building, Tleased videos
go down the alley, turn for ‘I Knew You
right, go to the pub, ask When’, ‘Glimmer’
for Margaret, bring a and ‘Don’t Miss Me?’
towel and come alone’ ‘Glimmer’, in particu-
and that was all we got. lar, has a full-on
So it was, what is this place? It ended up “It comes in threes…” comments Mike. haunted house theme. Josh decided he
being a very odd shower above a strange wanted the storyline of the video to be where
pub.” he band worked all over Christmas to he’s looking for the ghost and it turns out
Luckily on this tour, the band had a day Tget their latest album, ‘Phantoms’, that he was the ghost all along. ‘Don’t Miss
off in Birmingham before the show, so completed. “We started it kind of on Christ- Me?’, in contrast, is a fun video where the
stayed in a hotel and didn’t need to visit the mas and were done on January 2nd,” says band got to play with dogs. Being supporters
local pub for a shower. Though, when we pry Josh about ‘The Killing Kind’, the final track of the SPCA, they brought dogs onto the set
as to what has haunted them on this partic- of the album, which follows in the footsteps of their video, dressing them up in costumes
ular tour so far, Mike replies, “Well, there was of previous ‘final songs’ of each album, – one, of course, as a ghost, to coincide with
a skin condition one of our crew guys picked being the longest and most experimental the spooky album theme. The band brought