Page 20 - Black Velvet Issue 101
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BV101 pg18-21 A New Revenge_BV101 pg20 11/06/2019 21:21 Page 3
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Tim and then Tim would pick out the bits that story was going. I think they’re all cool. some; that cameraderie that people have,
he liked and then we developed those a little They’re all little kids. Songs are like little they love going to these big festivals and
bit more. So, it was very fulfilling for me be- kids. You start with one and you build them concerts together. Then you’ve got these
cause I was just doing whatever I wanted to and let them grow. But ‘Enemies & Lovers’ I seminal metal bands these days like Maiden
do, and the last x amount of years playing think is a great song. It does kind of encap- or Metallica. They have fans that travel all
with other bands, even though we’ve re- sulate what a lot of the subject matter is, around the world to see them play when they
leased records, Alice, Night Ranger and kind of, on the record. I think it was actually tour. It’s awesome. So yeah, that’s really
things like that, and I have songs on all those Tim that came up with calling the record that. what that song’s about and I think the whole
records, you’re in a different mindset. You’re One day, he just said, ‘Why don’t we call it community, they never waiver. Pop music
kinda like writing songs that you think would ‘Enemies & Lovers’?’ ‘Cause a lot of times, a fans are very fluffy, but the metal community
fit Alice. and hard rock
“What is community,
A l i c e they’re like lif-
Cooper ’s ers and I think
m u s i c ? it’s awe-
W h a t some.”
would be “The song
an Alice is really about
C o o p e r the rock and
s o n g ? roll commu-
W h a t nity, but I
would be a think within
N i g h t that commu-
R a n g e r nity, espe-
s o n g ? cially, as I
W h a t said, some of
would be a the seminal
Slash kind bands these
of a riff? days, when
Which is of you have peo-
c o u r s e ple travelling
great, but from all over,
with this I every country,
was just going to see
kind of the first Metal-
w r i t i n g lica show in
anything. Europe or the
And then it first Maiden
would go show or Guns
off to Tim N’ Roses, it
and he’d doesn’t mat-
be the ter if you’re
sounding from Indone-
board and sia, Germany,
then we’d go from there. So, it was really band, their first record is just self-titled, the or Ohio. They’re going to that show, wher-
awesome, ‘cause it was literally free form name of the band, and I think he said it, and ever the show is, and they’re all one. And I
and we did it in our own time. It was not put I think I said, ‘Yeah, that’s cool.’ And then we think that music, or that band, hard rock,
together, it was not manufactured, it just de- came up with that concept; the album cover united them.”
veloped over time and I think that album with the doll, so it’s kind of like revenge and
came out awesome.” enemies kind of thing, so it all ties in to- ouring the world is always a dream
Keri and Tim both worked on the album gether.” Tfor musicians and getting on stage to
in their own home studios, with Keri gener- Why enemies? we ask. Have they got a packed-out house is life-affirming. Keri has
ally being inspired with the initial idea for the many? been doing this for years, although A New
song. “Yeah, a ton of them!” Keri laughs. “You Revenge, as they are now, are yet to bring
“It was like half and half. I would send want to keep your friends close and your en- their music to the fans in the live arena. They
him ideas usually. Or I would already have an emies closer, that’s the coolest thing… so did, however, venture to Moscow under their
idea. Or a chorus or something which I had they don’t even really know. And that’s not previous guise of Project Rock - and even
with the song that I sent him originally. I saying that they’re an enemy like you’re wrote a song with ‘Moscow’ as its title.
would send him two or three songs every going to go out and knife somebody, but “On the touring aspect, I always love
two or three weeks, so it really depended you’ve got to always watch your back. And touring and the playing live aspect,” says
how much time I had to work on stuff, and in the entertainment business, even though Keri. Regarding Moscow, he says, “It’s a
then he would pick through them and go, everyone tries to be cool with each other or huge city, but it does never sleep. It’s kinda
‘Hey, that first song, I like that a lot. The other friends, sometimes you think you’re friends like Singapore or Beijing or these other cities
two are fucking shit!’ But, you know, it’s all and maybe that plays into the ‘keep your that are literally 24-hour cities, they’re so
fine with me, and then we, or he, would de- friends close and your enemies closer’. ‘I huge. But yeah, it’s always moving and beat-
velop that ‘Song No. 1’ that he was getting a thought that guy was my friend,’ and then ing and I love playing in different cities, we
cool vibe for. He has a studio at his house, later on you find this, that or whatever. all do. People come out, it makes you feel
so he cut vocals there, then he’d send them Everybody has enemies, but you’ve got to great and it makes you feel alive. It makes
back to me, so we worked back and forth on try and keep them close.” me feel alive. I feel good. I love entertaining
it. Yeah, on the vocals and melody it was Tim people. I love people coming out, having a
and I, pretty much.” ere’s To Us’, track 9 on the album, great time while I, or we, are trying to enter-
Keri wrote lyrics to every song. “Some- ‘His ‘an ode to hard rock fans the tain them, which is really what it is. Yes, it’s
times I would have a verse, pre-chorus and planet over’. Keri says, “The hard rock fans, music, but I always think of it as entertain-
a chorus, but I didn’t have a second verse,” they’re diehards, man. They’re awesome. It’s ment as well. It’s the entertainment busi-
he explains. “Once you have a verse, pre- like their own gang in a way. Especially in ness/music business. I love it.”
chorus and chorus, the chorus repeats many Europe. In America, of course, people are Keri’s been thankful for the many years
times usually. That might be most of the into it, but I think the hard rock or even more of touring and all of the experiences he’s
song there, then Tim would go, ‘Dude, this of the metal fans in Europe and other places, had. “Especially being able to do a lot of
one is cool, man!’ and then he’d just write they’re like diehards. It’s like a Hells Angels stuff with some of the artists that I’ve played
the second verse to where he thought the of music or something. And I think it’s awe- with; Slash in the early days and then Alice