Page 16 - Black Velvet Issue 101
P. 16
BV101 pg14-17 AT THE SUN_BV101 pg17 10/06/2019 23:25 Page 3
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 16
This is especially underlined by the song growing and growing. Rock was huge in the past ing ‘Whatever you do it should never be at
'Bite Your Tongue' which is perhaps the most and we want to keep it alive and you can only someone else's loss just so it can be for your
thought-provoking of those to be found on do that as a community. If we are the only band gain,’ and they were never pushy either. I used
'Leave Before The Light', especially with lyrics playing our type of music you might have a small to be into sport, but if it didn't work out they were
such as ‘when the world is on fire, be the water crowd, but it's never going to grow so we need 'OK, let's try something else'. It was pretty laid-
on the flames’ which is where we start our con- to help each other along the way." back so my life wasn’t pigeonholed down a path
versation with Alex Matthews and Craig Steen That being said, we ask the pair what else which they wanted. They left it open for me to
who perform bass and drums for the band re- people as a whole can do to try and improve our grow and if I made mistakes they didn't castrate
spectively. We ask them to tell us about the communities. Craig points to the little things me for it. They would help teach me what I’d
ways in which they feel the world is on fire and which he believes, collectively, can make a big done wrong so the next time I would get it right.
how we as a society can be the water to extin- difference. "There are all the big things going on "I remember littering once, it was the only
guish the blaze. in the world, countries are in financial trouble all time I littered. It was a Starburst wrapper. Well,
"Wow, where do you start?" is the immedi- over the place, there are problems in the Middle it might have still been Opal Fruits at the time,
ate response from Craig but Alex quickly does East and places like that. There are problems and my dad was like, ‘What are you doing? Are
just that as he tells Black Velvet, "It's just people here like Brexit and there is all kind of hatred you just going to leave that on the floor? Go and
on each other. There is a lot of hatred rather going on, such as racism all over the world, but get it because someone else has got to pick that
than love, so much conflict, so many battles, you if you start with the smaller things, something as up. Don't make a mess for someone else to
can talk about it in a political sense, race, it can simple as letting someone pull out in front of you clear up and make their day worse because you
be just someone down the shop not opening a when you are driving, they can multiply into big- couldn't be bothered,’ and I never littered again!
door for you. These are the kind of things, I ger things. It doesn't have to be some grand And I work in a school and there is litter every-
think. We are very much about having good gesture to make the world a nice place to live in, where and it does my head in! But messages
manners and living our life where if you help you can do one or two small things which help like that stayed with me."
someone they might help you, and if someone put other people in a better mood and they will The five members in the band (Alex and
is kicking off or causing a problem, be the water then pass that on and do the same thing for Craig are joined by Harry on vocals, Kieron on
on the fire and neutralise it, don't add to it. someone else. One small step at a time, it does- guitar and Chet on guitar) help and support
"When (lead singer) Harry (Dale) wrote n't have to be a massive thing. I think if you are teach other.
those lyrics he'd gone through a lot of conflict nice to people, people will reflect that and multi- Craig says, "We chat quite a lot. Obviously
personally, sorting out different bits and bobs in ply and amplify it, and that is a good thing. when we get together it’s to rehearse and play,
his life but having people around to help and not "And I think that reflects the ethos of the but it's not like we all grew up together at school,
hinder him made a big difference and if we have band, we're not an attitude band, we don't we've all come from different backgrounds, and
people who we can help in our personal lives smash our guitars up and kick our drums over. we do chat and lean on each other when we
then we should. We are need to. And we're lucky
only here because of because we do travel
other people helping us, “We're not an attitude band, we don't smash our guitars up around with such a broad
so having people to and kick our drums over. Well, if we do, it's a mistake! We selection of other musi-
help neutralise prob- cians and you can always
lems and not add to don't trash hotel rooms or lock ourselves up in some bar and ask for their thoughts so
them is huge." get destroyed each night. We like to hang around with the from a musical side it's
Good manners is a great and from a personal
trait many would argue people who have taken the time to come and hear us and we side I'm very lucky be-
is lost on too many in want to take the time to chat to them and make friends. Al- cause I have such a solid
2019 although the band foundation of friends and
try and do what they though I did have three Shandies one night so I suppose I am family who I can lean on
can to help others. living the dream!" - Craig Steen and they are always there
Craig says, "I hope this for me. That's the great
band is a great example thing about family,
of that, say when we arrive at a gig, we've had Well, if we do, it's a mistake! We don't trash hotel whether they want to or not, they are always
other bands help us load in and so now when rooms or lock ourselves up in some bar and get there for you. My folks have been very support-
we arrive at a show we will always do the same destroyed each night. We like to hang around ive and I have some great friends too, not just
and help the other bands with stuff like that. On with the people who have taken the time to in the band but all around the country, and tour-
a band level, the etiquette is important and I come and hear us and we want to take the time ing with the band has helped me see some of
think it should be across society. Simple things to chat to them and make friends. Although I did them when we've played in their towns. I think
like holding a door for someone, it's nice to let have three Shandies one night so I suppose I it's really important sometimes to stop and think
someone go first. It's nice to not push to the front am living the dream!" about the value of friendship sometimes, and
and think of just yourself, that kind of thing. Alex adds, "Some people can be ignorant to that people actually do think about you and are
"And for us, when we've done a gig we're how selfish they are, they are just oblivious to it there for you and you're there for them. You
not sat in a green room somewhere having a and you can help make them aware.” have to value those relationships.”
few beers. We want to talk to people and make
friends with people. We call them fans but ite Your Tongue' contains some words T THE SUN released their debut album,
they're not really, they're friends and they truly 'Bof wisdom. ‘When I was a young boy, A‘Leave Before The Light’, in March of
are. We get to hang around with a lot of guys my mama said don't let the fire in your belly melt this year. The album-making process was not
after the show and the more people we can the ice in your head.’ We learn that this was gen- without obstacles though. "Time is always an
have a chat and a beer with the better. It's just uine advice given to Harry by his parents. Alex issue with us,” says Craig. “To write and re-
about getting on with people, which goes back and Craig have also received advice from their hearse and record stuff, you first have to get us
to being the water on the flames. Just getting on parents over the years. all together and we are five guys from quite very
with people makes everything better." Craig tells Black Velvet, "My dad always different walks of life in terms of what we do for
Alex adds, "People travel so far to come and used to tell me of the importance of little things, a career and none of us live next door to each
see us and if you can't even spend the time to again, like holding the door for someone. Back other. We come from Croydon, Crawley, Central
speak to them, that's not cool; we're only here then, I think it was a generation thing. It was es- London and Essex so the logistics of that are
because of these people. We're big fans of the pecially so if it was a lady, which I guess would quite hard and trying to get together to write ma-
Foo Fighters, we're not fans of bands who are be considered a bit sexist these days, but I will terial isn't easy sometimes. And we can be our
rude or act like idiots. We're fans of the good always hold the door for someone. I'd never let own worst critics when it comes to writing, so
guys, and, as much as it sounds all rock ‘n’ roll it slam on someone. It's just being polite and just getting to a point where we were happy with
being lavish and drinking and being a lout, it's considerate to other people. I was always it took time, which is why the album took us a
not really rock ‘n’ roll in my eyes. It's someone brought up that way. And I used to think every- year because we just refined and refined and re-
who is good and by being that way you gain one was, but I guess not, so I suppose I was fined it. We'd write and then play it live and come
from it as well as everyone else, that's great! lucky." back and go ‘This bit could have been better and
"We need camaraderie in our scene. We're Alex joins in with high praise of his parents, that bit could be better,’ but we don't see them
not pop music, we are a niche at the moment telling us, "They are incredible, very artistic and as obstacles, we see them as an opportunity to
and we want to make that niche keep going and very level-headed people and were always say- be really happy about what we release at the