Page 24 - Black Velvet Issue 101
P. 24

BV101 the fallen state_BV101 pg24  11/06/2019  22:26  Page 3

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              with extended periods of time spent away  that’s from the heart, it can be a bit daunting  they put out a full-length at the start of their
              from family and friends, does not bode well  knowing that you’re going to tell everyone  career,  over  the  course  of  the  next  three
              for an individual’s mental health. As we know  about  something  that’s  personal  to  you.  I  years the band decided to stick to releasing
              all too well, even the most successful musi-  was trying to say I need to be braver with my  EP’s (five of them in total, excluding tour edi-
              cians suffer for the sake of their art.   lyric writing. I want to say things as they are,  tions). This decision helped give them time
                A  recent  survey  of  independent  musi-  be a bit more straightforward with the lyrics  to develop their sound. It was the heartfelt
              cians outlined that key triggers of their anx-  so that people can understand them, rather  ‘Nova’, from 2017’s ‘The View From Ruin’ EP
              iety  and  depression  were  fear  of  failure,  than   maybe   hiding   behind   shiny  that captured many people’s attention, in-
              financial  instability,  pressure  to  succeed,  metaphors.”           cluding that of a certain Chris Robertson,
              loneliness and being evaluated by others.  In the past, when it came to songwriting,  who many of you will know as the frontman
              Listening to ‘A Deadset Endeavour’, it’s clear  the band used to think more about the style  of Black Stone Cherry. Chris had fallen in
              that the members of The Fallen State can re-  of song they wanted to create, they would  love  with  the  song  while  The  Fallen  State
              late to some, if not all, of that list.  say, ‘let’s write a pop song’ or, ‘let’s write a  were touring with Black Stone Cherry, and it
                “To be honest, I think, all those aspects  heavy song’. Nowadays, they are more fo-  wasn’t long before Chris lent his vocals to
              are just part of being a musician, and being  cused on what they want to say in the song.  the  track,  alongside  Ben’s.  As  a  single,
              a creative person. You’re always going to be  We ask Ben whether this has altered how  ‘Nova’ climbed up the iTunes chart and re-
              second  guessing  everything  you  say  and  they collaborate with each other when work-  ceived  airplay  on  rock  radio.  It  is  their
              everything you do,” says Ben. The frontman  ing on new material. “Yeah,” Ben responds.  biggest hit to date. The video for the original
              goes  on  to  tell  us  how  honesty  helps  the  “Where we were before is, we’d always start  version of the song currently has over 1.9

              band retain a healthy mindset. “We tell each  with music. We’d write a heavy riff or some-  million views.
              other when we’re feeling low. We try and be  thing that was catchy, then we’d say what we  We ask whether any of the feedback they
              really honest with each other, it helps that  were  saying  based  on  that.  But  now  the  received from the EPs helped to shape how
              we’re really close friends, as well as a band.  music is really broken down, stripped down  they approached the album musically. “Prob-
              You know, we hang out anyway. We rehearse  and it’s just vocals and melodies. If the vocal  ably not, to be honest,” answers Ben. “We
              three or four times a week, we’re all together  is implying a tone that is more heavy, more  always try and write what we want to write.
              so we can make sure we’re all good and if  punky  or  more  poppy,  then  that’s  what  Our writing process has no real effect from
              anyone  is  feeling  low  then  we  pick  each  comes through with the music.”   EP to EP. We don’t say, ‘oh, people like this,
              other up. It helps a lot having the friendship  Ben  tells  us  that  they  have  found  this  so we’ll write this again,’ or ‘people didn’t
              between us, we know we can talk to each  way of working has actually helped speed up  like this, so we won’t do that’. We try and
              other.  I  think  that’s  probably  one  of  the  the writing process. “As a band, everyone  write  the  songs  as  a  band,  regardless  of
              things that we have that some other bands  knows where we are with the song; we’re not  what everyone else was thinking. If everyone
              don’t have, the fact that we are so close. Get-  trying to say to each other, ‘oh, hold on, this  loves it, great. If they don’t like it that’s cool
              ting inside your own head, it’s so… it can be  is meant to be catchier than this,’ or ‘this is  as well, because it’s what we wanted to write,
              devastating, as you’ve seen with a lot of mu-  meant to be harder than this.’ I think it makes  so it was on our terms.”
              sicians these days.”               us write better songs, because we’re not just  Finally on the cusp of breaking into the
                                                 there trying to write the next hit or write the  UK mainstream from the interest garnered
                   here is a song titled ‘Paradox’ on the  next heavy song. In terms of being creative,  from ‘Nova’, The Fallen State looked set to
                Talbum, which features the line ‘I need  if you’re locking yourself into this, ‘I have to  take  things  to  the  next  level,  their  break-
              a  little  more  courage  to  write  down  these  be pop’, or, ‘it has to be catchy, there’s got  through seemed almost complete. Unfortu-
              songs’.  We  are  intrigued  to  find  out  what  to be hooks’, you’re suddenly closing the  nately, despite being in touching distance,
              makes  Ben  more  anxious  -  writing  the  door on so many things.”   mainstream success didn’t follow. The frus-
              songs, or putting them out to the world. “I                            tration of that can be heard throughout ‘A
              think it’s probably the fact that you know that  t was in 2014 when The Fallen State re-  Deadset Endeavour’.
              everyone’s  going  to  hear  it.  When  you’re  Ileased their first (self-titled) EP. Con-
              being really honest and you’re writing stuff  cerned that they would be easily forgotten if
                THE FALLEN STATE
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