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BV99 pg05 Why Everyone Left_BV99 pg05 14/10/2018 21:26 Page 1
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STanding OuT
STanding OuT
ailing from Italy, Why Everyone Left are quickly establishing themselves as a pop-punk act that you should keep
Han eye out for, with a penchant for writing catchy tunes and delivering bombastic live performances. November
2nd saw the release of their ‘This Is Not A Test’ EP, and on it is a song called ‘Stand By’, which vocalist Enzo Cappucci
says is about ‘a healthy relationship, where you feel everything’s balanced and you can still feel you've got a lot to learn
about your mate and you're just excited about it.’ Since WE are excited about the band (which also includes Luca on
drums, Luca Bi on bass and Thomas on guitar) and the EP, we decided to get in touch and asked Enzo a bunch of questions
all relating to the theme of standing, whether it be standing by, standing on, standing up or standing out.
Black Velvet: What stood out to you the most and Four Year Strong. When you've stood EC: We don't usually argue on songs that much
about each other that made you want to start watching them, what sort of thing left the actually, but we did on our single ‘Do It Again’
a band together? deepest impact on you? What did you learn from our previous record. We knew it was a
Enzo Cappucci: We were all playing in different the most? What did you take away to use on pretty important song, (it's our most famous
bands before Why Everyone Left, and they all your own shows? song now) so we had several arguments about
broke up in the same period. We met a couple EC: Waterparks are incredible showmen. guitars and some vocal lines back when we
times and talked about putting up a new band, They're absolutely the best entertainers ever, recorded it, but nothing too serious! We're all on
and we found out we all wanted to take this fur- and their fans love the way they waste time be- the same wavelength.
ther than a hobby, and it worked! tween the songs, you never get bored watching
them. That's definitely something I wanna im- BV: Who in the band would most likely be
BV: What traits do you think make you stand prove on our band. able to make it as a stand up comedian?
out as a band? EC: Luca Bi, our bassist, always talks too much
EC: We work hard, all the time. We do our best BV: When have you most felt like you were on stage, haha, and he's kinda funny! Earlier
on social media, we practise A LOT, we always standing on your own two feet? What have this year we were playing in Germany, and there
do our best to put out the best music possible, been some of the biggest challenges for the were books really close to him, so he took one
even it means waiting a little more to release it band so far and how have you persevered and started to read it between songs, even
sometimes. But one thing in particular, is prob- through them? though he cannot speak any German at all. That
ably playing live: people tell us we're better live EC: For a small band like us, touring is really was a pretty funny moment.
than on record all the time. hard. I mean, really. Back when we toured Eu-
rope for the first time a couple years ago, we lit- BV: And finally, what should music fans
BV: When you go on stage, what is your No. erally spent more time in the van than outside. stand by for from you in 2019? What can we
1 aim to get across to the audience that is We drove a lot cause it was like a different coun- look forward to after this EP?
standing in front of you? try everyday, and we slept on floors most of the EC: Touring, touring, touring, as much as possi-
EC: We want everybody to have the best time nights. That was a really tough time. But when ble! We will definitely hit Europe and the UK for
ever. It's not just us playing, we want it to be a you're doing what you love the most, who cares sure, and hopefully even more! We'll see.
party! No matter even if you’ve never heard of about sleeping?
us, just dance, jump, make new friends. If peo- Visit
ple have fun, we have fun. BV: Have you ever had a 'stand-off' when for more information.
working on a song? What song did you
BV: You've supported bands like Waterparks argue about and/or dispute over the most? Words by Athena Kam
Photo By Jessica Bertolina