Page 9 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
P. 9

BV99 pg06-09 The Bad Flowers_BV99 pg09  31/10/2018  21:45  Page 4

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 9
              she shows me support when it comes to the  other song on the album, ‘Rich Man’, a track  being afraid to do what you want to do and
              band, which in previous relationships I’ve  Tom has described as being about a man  not letting anyone hold you back. The songs
              never had, so I’m onto a winner and I don’t  who has everything materialistic he could  contain equally motivational and thoughtful
              intend on letting her go.          ever want, but at a cost, and while he has  lyrics such as ‘what are you afraid of, you’ve
                “There was a time when the band first  everything, he is not rich in life or love. We  got  the  courage  of  a  beast’.  While  Karl  is
              started and I was talking to someone new  ask  Karl  if  he  agrees  with  the  idea  that  quick to admit that songwriting is not his
              and when I explained that I was quite busy  money cannot buy everything or happiness.  greatest contribution to the band, he does
              and  out  quite  a  lot  and  she  said  straight  “Without being overly cliché, money is  share  the  sentiments  and  ideas  of  these
              away that she couldn’t hack that and while  literally the root of all evil”, is his immediate  songs and is eager to encourage others to
              I’ve  never  had  to  let  a  relationship  with  a  answer. “It really is and I couldn’t agree more  do the same.
              partner go because of a band, I’ve had to let  that money cannot buy you happiness at all.  “You’ve  got  one  shot  at  life,”  he  tells
              friendships go. And it’s a shame. And while I  At all. Personally over the last year I’ve been  Black Velvet. “At the end of the day you only
              still see them and say hello, it’s not how it  in a situation with money where I’ve strug-  get so much time to spend here, so you’ve
              used to be but I don’t blame them, I can’t ex-  gled  and  I’ve  allowed  myself  to  struggle  got to make the most of every single bit of
              pect them to wait around for me, their lives  thinking the things I was doing would make  time  you’ve  got.  Personally,  I’m  a  big  be-
               are probably going just as fast as mine,  me happier and it didn’t, it just put me in a  liever in taking chances and taking a gamble
                just in a different direction. I guess we’re  hole. I’m out of that now and I’m in a good  because  if  you  don’t  take  that  risk  you’ll
                all at that age where we’re growing up  place, so it’s fine but what I’m saying is I  never  know  what  the  outcome  will  be,
                 and our lives take different paths and  thought if I had more money I’d be happier,  whether it be good or bad. I’d rather take a
                  you do stray away from each other; it  but I wasn’t.               gamble and it go wrong, at least that way I
                   is  what  it  is.  But  for  me,  my  true  “I’ve also got different friends who  can say I took that gamble and yes, it went
                   friends,  their  lives  have        have come from different walks of  wrong, but I’ve learnt a lesson, or on the flip-
                       strayed  just  as                 life  and  I  have  a  friend  who  has  side  you  can  take  that  gamble  and  it  can
                           much   as                      come from a very, very wealthy  make  you  happy  so  I  definitely  think  you
                                mine                       background  and  has  literally  should take chances in life.”
                                                            been  given  whatever  they  Of course to some these words will feel
                                                              wanted,  yet  I  know  for  a  like someone stating the obvious. Most will
                                                                fact they can sit at home  agree we only have one chance at life and
                                                                  as a family and sit in  surely we should therefore make the most of
                                                                   different corners of  it, yet more and more we are hearing stories
                                                                     the house and do  of people who are hesitant, reluctant, unwill-
                                                                       not spend time  ing or unable to do this and in a worryingly
                                                                        together as a  increasing number of cases we hear stories
                                                                          family.  Yet,  of those who take the extreme measure to
                                                                           you  take  purposely bring an end to their time here.
                                                                           my  family  Karl thinks that social media has a large ef-
                                                                           and  how  I  fect. “From a personal point of view, I know
                                                                          had it as a  too many people who care too much about
                                                                          child,   it  what everyone else thinks and don’t live for
                                                                          was   me,  themselves. They spend too much time on
                                                                          mum,  dad  social media trying to impress everyone else
                                                                          and   my   and proving to everyone that they have this
                                                                          brother and  perfect life when in fact they are suffering
                                                                          we   didn’t  quite badly inside and instead of reaching
                                                                          have a lot in  out  for  help  they  are  trying  to  constantly
                                                                         terms   of  prove to everyone they have this perfect life.
                                                                         materialistic  “You shouldn’t do that. If you are in a bad
                                                                        things,   we  place, talk about it. If you are down in the
                                                                        had  what  we  dumps or you do suffer with mental health,
                                                                       needed,  yet  I  it’s not anything to be ashamed of. I would
                                                                       will say to any-  say  probably  most  of  the  population  go
                                                                      one I ever come  through it at some point in their life. The so-
                                                                     across that I had  cial media thing creates such a false sense
                                                                     by far the best up-  of security. Why not just be true to yourself
                                                                    bringing  I  could  and instead of trying to make everyone else
                                                                   have ever asked for  happy, do what you want to do? If you want
                                                                   or  wish  anyone  to  to go out and have five takeaways a week
                                                                   have,   purely   be-  and you put on x amount of pounds, does it
                                                                   cause we were given  matter what everyone else thinks? No! Do it,
                                                                   time. It wasn’t a case  if it makes you happy, do it. Why are we con-
                                                                  of   ‘Here’s   some  forming  to  what  everyone  else  sees  and
                                                                  money,  go  and  do  what society sees as fit?”
                                                                  this,’ because my par-  Karl believes everyone has that courage
                                                                  ents couldn’t afford to  within them to live their lives to the fullest.
                                                                  do that, so instead we  “100%,”  he  tells  us.  “It’s  just  a  matter  of
                                                                  would  go  to  the  park  firstly finding that courage, being able to ac-
                                                                  and  do  stuff  like  that  cept yourself first, accepting you have the
                                                                 and  if  I  can  give  any-  ability to make yourself happy and then hav-
                                                                 one any advice family-  ing the bottle to do it.”
                                                                 wise, it’s that money is  The Bad Flowers definitely have the bot-
                                                                 nothing, it gets printed  tle to make themselves very happy – and you
                                                                 every  day,  it  doesn’t  too. There doesn’t seem to be a better time
                                                                 bring  happiness.  Mak-  than the present to grab a bouquet of Bad
                                                                ing yourself happy and  Flowers because you be assured they will be
                                                                making  the  ones  you  blooming brilliant.
              has, but we still make time to go out and  care about happy is what brings happiness.”  Visit  for  more
              have  a  beer  and  a  good  craic  with  each  One of the biggest themes on ‘Starting  info.
              other.”                            Gun’, something which can be found heavily         Words By Michael Coventry
                                                 on two tracks on the album, ‘Lion’s Blood’
                This comment bridges us nicely to an-  and ‘Let’s Misbehave’, is being brave and not      Photo By Mark Varney
                                                                                             THE BAD FLOWERS
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