Page 46 - Black Velvet Issue 95
P. 46
BV95 pg46_BV95 pg46 20/12/2017 04:09 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 46
ours is definitely getting a example of its kind; each Hawkins, a trend continued had strings, is undressed;
workout with this release. song is deserving of its by the simply brilliant ‘Solid the heavy metal encasing
YYYY place and the whole thing Gold’, arguably the best peeled off bringing Amy
Michael Coventry ends far too soon, leaving song they have produced Lee’s stunning vocals
the listener wanting more. since 2011, before ‘South- much more to the fore, al-
CRIMSON STAR This is a very mature re- ern Trains’, their ode to the lowing them to sound even
BAY VIEW lease bringing together the woes train commuters of a better than ever. Every
(CRIMSON STAR) band’s various influences certain rail line face on an song is taken into a new
Crimson Star were before making them their apparently regular basis, a realm. There’s a large em-
formed in 2012 in Birming- own and holds up very well song which is equal meas- phasis on piano, the album
ham, going through several to repeated listens. ures bonkers and simply even includes a piano solo
JOSH TODD & THE CON- different line-ups and for- YYYYY great. The album closes ‘The In-Between’, while
FLICT mats before settling on the Duncan Everson with ‘Happiness’ and new song ‘Imperfection’ in-
YEAR OF THE TIGER three members that ‘Stampede of Love’, the corporates electronic
(CENTURY MEDIA) recorded this EP (their sec- former a blissful tune which beats, and ‘Hi-Lo’ bears a
‘I feel a bad thing com- ond) during the summer will restore any lost smile delicate vulnerability before
ing so I’m taking a risk, if I this year. ‘The Pragmatist’ and the latter a quite su- blossoming into an exotic
don’t then I never win,’ is the first release from the perb ballad, one of the best musical body. Billed by Lee
sings Josh Todd, known by EP and has an amusing they have ever written and as a passion project, the
many as the lead singer of video already on YouTube. featuring a majestic instru- redevelopment of Evanes-
Buckcherry for the sharp The song gives a good in- mental piece. The highlight cence’s music should get it
end of 20 years, but this dication of what the band is, without question, ‘Solid out to a whole new audi-
line comes from the debut are about musically with a Gold’, a song in which ence and set of ears, while
album from Josh Todd & simple-yet-catchy riff and a Justin sings “we’re immor- at the same time impress-
The Conflict’s ‘Year Of The vocal melody line that will THE DARKNESS tal because the songs will ing old fans with what
Tiger’. Fans of Todd’s work be in your heads for quite PINEWOOD SMILE never die and we’re never they’ve managed to do
in Buckcherry over the some time. ‘LA Prom’ is a (COOKING VINYL) gonna stop shitting out here.
years will be impressed more understated song, There have been many solid gold”. Here, YYYYY
with the opening trio of featuring great use of a gui- times throughout 2017 ‘Pinewood Smile’ have SBV
tracks; the title track a rip- tar echo effect and another where it’s been difficult to more than satisfied their
roaring blast of punk rock hook-laden chorus. James find something to smile loyal fanbase, all hoping LULLABY
where Todd’s vocals are Shaw’s vocals are excel- about, but fear not, be- the solid gold will continue NEVER LET THE DEVIL
fully unchained and doing lent, as they are throughout cause there is one band to come. IN
what they do best, while the EP, with a pleasingly who can always be YYYY (SHED)
‘Inside’ and ‘Fucked Up’ rough edge to them that counted on to turn any Michael Coventry Lullaby are an up-and-
continue the punk rock-in- works brilliantly to add frown upside down and coming British alternative
fected theme to the first character and enhance all The Darkness have done rock outfit who have played
part of the album. So far the songs, not just this one. exactly that with the appro- shows with the likes of
Josh and his band are def- After two good songs priately-titled ‘Pinewood Fangclub and Dead!. Their
initely winning and any and a consistently high- Smile’, an album guaran- debut EP, ‘Never Let The
concerns that ‘Year Of The quality level, the one thing teed to cheer up even the Devil In’, is a riff-filled
Tiger’ is a one-trick pony not yet present is a big, most moody of souls. This record which is sure to
are swiftly dispelled with standout riff, but then up is the fifth full-length album have you singing along in
the blistering ‘Rain’, an comes middle song, from the self-professed no time at all. ‘A Lie’ starts
emotionally-drenched song ‘Once’. This song raises ‘cock-rockers’ but more the release off well, with a
from which the aforemen- the EP from interesting to noteworthy is that it is the strong guitar riff that in-
tioned lyric comes and the essential for hard rock third since their 2011 refor- stantly grabs your atten-
impressively honest words fans. Royal Blood are an mation meaning this sec- EVANESCENCE tion. Despite the vocals
are perfectly accompanied obvious influence here and ond era of the band has SYNTHESIS needing a little more promi-
by Stevie D’s masterful gui- this, in essence, is how now outstretched the first in (RCA UK) nence, it doesn’t take much
tar work during a quite sub- they would sound with a terms of both albums pro- If you ever thought that away from the overall track
lime instrumental where normal bass sound added duced and years together. Evanescence exuded an and this improves drasti-
the distorted and jagged to the mix – in other words, And happily this has had air of elegance and epic- cally in ‘Animal’. ‘Animal’ is
notes sing almost as bloody great! The way the absolutely no adverse ef- ness from their gothic rock a song made to be played
clearly and loudly as Josh’s instruments all work to- fect on the quality of their persona, then take a listen live with huge choruses
vocals and things are even gether is so cleverly done music as The Darkness to ‘Synthesis’. This is and an immense solo in the
more stripped back in that repeated listens are continue to do not only Evanescence’s 4th studio middle. You’ll want to sing
‘Good Enough’, Josh’s vo- needed to pick out all the what The Darkness do best album, but it’s not the usual along whenever you hear
cals trembling with the subtler parts, further im- but what few, if any, other studio album in the form of it. Softer vocals at the be-
weight of the words, mak- pressing with each listen. current bands can, the new music – it is the re- ginning and end break up
ing a powerful statement ‘Euthanise Me’ could album opening in grand working of previous mate- the brashness of the cho-
and a song which also possibly be the most inter- fashion as the near 20 rial with a full orchestra and rus. We see more huge riffs
showcase his versatility as esting song here. It starts opening seconds of ‘All the electronics. After opening in ‘Speed’, while ‘Why
a performer. ‘The Conflict’ with a riff that taps into the Pretty Girls’ gives a moody, with the 58-second ‘Over- Don’t You Love Me’ reverts
is as angry and aggressive band’s Brummie roots, brooding instrumental be- ture’, which flows into the to a similar sort of style as
as its title may suggest, but channelling early Ozzy-era fore Justin Hawkins opens dramatic ‘Never Go Back’, the first two tracks. Guitars
the highlight of the album Sabbath before the verse his pipes and you know we are treated to an ex- play a huge part and the
comes with ‘Push It’ where changes tack completely. you’ve come to the right tremely powerful perform- lyrics are easier to under-
the punk levels are Featuring a slinky bassline, place. The first half of the ance, both vocally and stand. The closer, ‘Never
dropped just slightly pro- sparse and groovy drums album is an adrenaline-fu- musically. ‘Never Go Back’ Let The Devil In’, is ar-
ducing an epic slice of the and a very effective softly elled rollercoaster of a ride, has become, with the or- guably one of the better
top dollar hard rock Josh spoken vocal, this could the likes of which only The chestral arrangement cour- tracks on the record with a
has been involved in for so easily be featured on a Darkness could create, tesy of David Campbell, a slight slower approach
long. The 11-track album David Lynch soundtrack. with ‘Buccaneers Of His- true masterpiece which de- which emphasises the riffs
(counting the alternative The chorus switches to the paniola’ continuing the serves a standing ovation. later on even more. Over-
version of ‘Rain’ at the end) more usual style for the craziness and also offering Songs such as ‘My Immor- all, a great debut for Lull-
makes up half an hour of band and it all works bril- the first great riff of tal’ sound refreshed, aby and hopefully an
enjoyment and leaves you liantly, even though on ‘Pinewood Smile’, an ex- stronger and more vibrant, indicator of things to come.
hungry for more. Thank paper it sounds a bit con- ample of the hugely under- while ‘Imaginary’, whose YYYY
God for repeat buttons – fused. This EP is a perfect rated guitar skills of Dan original version already Becky Simpson