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BV95 pg4-6 normandie_BV95 pg4-6  19/12/2017  03:16  Page 2

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 5
                    wedish rock band Normandie first came to our attention when supporting Yellowcard
                Son their final world tour. The UK shows took place a year ago, just prior to Christmas
              2016 and discovering the band was like pulling a Christmas cracker and finding a prize
              you’re excited to keep. We want to keep Normandie – but we’ll share them with you! Fast
              forward to December 2017 and here they are again; this time with frontman of Yellowcard,
              William Ryan Key, on tour with them performing as a solo artist. We caught up with Nor-
              mandie frontman Philip Strand to find out exactly how this touring partnership came to be
              – as well as discussing the band’s positivity, inner struggles and more.
                    ormandie  have  been  a  band  since  stand for from the first album that we do. We all  017 has seen the band follow up ‘Inguz’
                N2013, although how they started out is  agreed on that. Jesper has been a big part of  2with a couple of singles. ‘Ghost’ was re-
              quite a way away from where they are now. After  that. He was the first one to bring in the whole  leased on June 2nd, prior to the band’s appear-
              a couple of years, the band’s ‘screamer’ and  ‘Awakening’ thing. The full song of ‘Awakening’  ance at Download Festival. And while there is a
              bassist left, leaving the remaining members to  is basically around spirituality and finding your-  positive message in the song, it also came from
              decide where to go from there.     self awakening inside. ‘Believe’ is about religion,  a struggle.
                “Johan and Stefan left the band in Septem-  but at the same time it could be finding religion  “I know that everyone is going through a
              ber 2015, I think,” says Philip, “and we had a  in anything. It is finding a higher power to help  struggle,” says Philip. “The mid-20s and 30s is
              tour booked in March 2016, so that was half a  you even if you don’t need it. You can make it  always a big struggle. You come from your teens
              year where we were like, “Should we cancel the  up yourself, and that still affects your living situ-  and school when everything has been on a sil-
              tour and focus for a year on writing ‘Inguz’ or  ation and makes it easier to go through the day,  ver plate, basically. You get food every day at
              should we write this album now in two or three  maybe. You don’t have to believe in only your-  school and have something to do every day, and
              weeks and then get it mixed and recorded and  self, you can also have some kind of entity that  then you’re out of school and just facing eternity,
              other things?” We were backed up against the  you think of.”           and facing the world for the first time. And peo-
              wall; not by someone else, we could just face  In  ‘Fight’,  Philip  sings  ‘do  you  stand  for  ple freak out. It’s very natural to be experiencing
              upwards or quit, so we just took the best deci-  something or do you fall for nothing?’ He says  anxiety. I was myself experiencing it a few years
              sion  we  could  ever  take  and  just  sat  down,  that just standing for something is better than  ago. I had numerous panic attacks. I couldn’t re-
              talked about it and said, “What do we want to  nothing. “I have friends who stand for stuff that I  ally tell why because I’m a happy guy. I had my
              write? What should the songs be about? How  don’t stand for and you can all have different  family  and  I  was  living  together  with  three
              should  they  sound?”  -  everything  like  that.  opinions; it’s not about us judging someone. If  friends, and we had this really nice life, living for
              “Should we get a new screamer?” “No, I don’t  you don’t stand for anything, you won’t really  the day, and it just hit me like a full-on knockout
              think we should replace someone in the band.”  have  a  personality. You  won’t  really  have  an  to the jaw. And I just fell in a deep hole and when
              It didn’t feel right. We all just came to the con-  honest relationship with a person. We stand very  I got out of it, it took me a good time, six months
              clusion; ‘this is it or this is nothing,’ which is ba-  much for positivity. We talked about this right  or whatever. But, basically, what took me out
              sically ‘Inguz’, which is, ‘where there’s a will,  when we were writing ‘Inguz’.”  was something that I wanted to spread out to
              there’s a way’.”                      In ‘Awakening’, one of the major lyrics is ‘It  everyone else; if it can be any help that’s good,
                The band – which then comprised of Philip,  feels like I’m alive’ – and Philip says this came  but I don’t want to come across as this guy like,
              drummer Jesper Malmberg and guitarist Håkan  as a result of wanting fans to sing positive lyrics  “I’ve been suffering, you haven’t”, it’s more of
              Almbladh - worked on their debut album, ‘Inguz’,  back to them. “If we fill up an arena with 80,000  “everybody’s suffering and there is probably a
              for two months. “It took one month to write all  people, if that will ever happen, we’d rather have  way out for everybody, even if you don’t see it
              the ten songs, basically,” explains Philip. “And  people screaming ‘It feels like alive,’ than, I don’t  right now, there is a way out”. For me, it was ba-
              then I produced it almost 12 hours a day for a  know, ‘Rock ‘n’ roll is dead’ or ‘fuck the society’.  sically accepting that I was anxious. It’s not an
              full month. I recorded guitars, vocals… we got  The vibe in the room will be a positive vibe and  outside thing. It’s all happening inside me, in my
              the  drums  recorded  by  Jesper  in  the  studio,  I think that will influence people or at least light  mind, and finding myself, the actual self that I
              recorded bass, synths… everything from 0 to  a spark. It’s like a prayer. You can say a prayer  am, and finding my place in my life, and cutting
              100%. It took two months and then mixing the  and you don’t even have to believe in God, but  off everything that wasn’t doing anything for me,
              final third month and then doing a music video  a  prayer  will  make  you  feel  like  you’ve  done  and just prioritizing myself and my energy, hang-
              and then we got signed literally two weeks be-  something. Even if people scream ‘It feels like  ing out with myself for a good few days, just
              fore the album was supposed to come out. So it  I’m alive’ and they don’t know what the song is  being with myself in my thoughts and not being
              all really had some momentum, I think, because  all about, it’s still going to make a difference, I  scared  of  thinking  and  hearing  voices,  that’s
              of our dedication to this album. It worked out in  think; to fill up the room and atmosphere with  what helped me; accepting that I am me. Every-
              the end but could have come crashing down.”  positivity.”              thing that is happening in my body is my body
                The band signed to InVogue Records, an in-  Out  of  the  bandmates,  drummer  Jesper  reacting to myself. Even if you have a fever, your
              dependent record label based in Ohio. The label  posts the most positive tweets. We spotted him  body will try and shake it off, and if you get a
              is also home to Courage My Love, JT Woodruff  posting  ‘compassion  +  meditation  =  (love)’.  panic attack it’s probably your body telling your-
              and Ashland, and a previous home to bands like  Philip says that compassion and positivity has  self that something is wrong, and you can try
              Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!, Hawthorne Heights  affected the band in a good way. “It’s way easier  and face it in the best way possible. I’m not a
              and Punchline. Normandie then released ‘Inguz’  to tour when you have a positive vibe, for sure.  doctor so I’m speaking about my experience,
              in March 2016. Since ‘Inguz’ stands for change  Going on stage and doing a good positive set; I  and that’s all that song is about.”
              and with the band’s new phase of life, Black Vel-  do these positive talks in between a few songs  For the song, the band managed to enlist a
              vet asks whether as individuals the members  sometimes. It depends on the mood in the room.  local children’s school choir. “That was a beau-
              transformed as people along with the general  We don’t really care if people are jumping or  tiful experience,” Philip says. “I’d never done it
              band transformation.               screaming at us, we’re rather see 100% of the  but I’d always talked about how I’d like to have
                “Not  necessarily,”  answers  Philip,  “but  people in there having a smile on their face in-  a choir that’s just children, and Maria, our man-
              throughout that year, 2015, was a big change of  stead of half of the people in there looking angry  ager, she went to this school way back, a musi-
              mood. We kind of found ourselves there, lyric-  and half of the people going insane. We’d rather  cal school, and the kids there are just amazing.
              wise,  and  we  did  three  tours  in  2015;  three  just fill up the room with… or help people leave  They  play  guitar  fluently  and  they  are  12/13
              headline  tours…  or  one  of  them  might  have  the room happy. So yeah, we don’t wanna be  tops, so we sent an email to Maria’s old teacher
              been supporting… but anyway, the touring situ-  the band that goes on stage with this mask on  and got in contact and they said, “Yes, this falls
              ation isn’t always good and we all found spiritu-  to look cool. I do some really dorky smiles on  perfect into our schedule because we’re looking
              ality.  Is  it  a  religious  view  on  stuff  or  is  it  a  stage. I don’t really know the way I look, but we  for something practical to use their voices”. For
              spiritual view or is it just common sense? We all  all try to smile in between the songs and hug  the children to actually get studio experience is
              found this way that we might not do this for 20  people after the show, and have a great talk with  something that will matter a lot to them, so it fell
              years, and we might have a chance to make an  everybody, even if it means pushing the curfew  perfectly hand-in-hand, so we took a train there
              influence and make a difference here. We don’t  a  few  minutes,  which  happens  almost  every  to Urebro (a city in Sweden), and recorded it for
              want to become a big band and then make the  night.”                   two hours and they heard the song before it was
              change to become positive. We want to do it                            released. It sounded great. I didn’t have to do
              from day one, and everyone should see what we                          that much with it. I just put up two mics and that
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