Page 24 - Black Velvet Issue 94
P. 24

BV94 pg22-25 xander_BV94 pg24  17/09/2017  00:18  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 24

               These experiences allow us to see  This was inspiring and uplifting and
               how connected everything truly is.  made us see the power of peace,
               Everything is equal in importance,  love  and  music  combined,”  says
               just as the trees absorb the CO2  Stu.
               we breathe out and we breath in  So, what makes a peace pirate
               the oxygen they release. It is one  exactly? Stu tells us,  “A peace pi-
               motion, that is synchronicity, seeing  rate  is  simply  an  expression  of
               that it is all one.”       peace, and peace is the result of
                                          letting go and seeing that we are
                    he album opens with ‘Mind-  being done by something far more
                  Tscape’. Keith says that hav-  amazing than we can imagine.”
               ing a clear mind is important when  You too can become a peace
               writing and performing music. “The  pirate though – it’s not just confined
               mind  can  become  noisy  at  times  to the band members themselves.
               and  quietening  it  down  is  highly  Stu says that “Being a Peace Pirate
               beneficial  to  becoming  more  in-  is no longer listening to the mind
               spired and creative. Music is simply  that  believes,  but  moving  into
               another expression of the soul, so  spaces beyond the limitation of the
               although music is a big part of that  condition to see that we are already
               expression,  it  is  not  the  only  ex-  free. Peace is here and now, and
               pression. Poetry and painting and  no thought can reveal the  peace
               sculpting  and  writing  books  are  that it is hiding beneath; our being
               also part of this journey, amongst  is closer than thought. A peace pi-
               other  interests  such  as  reading  rate is becoming an instrument of
               books on the subject of liberation;  peace, and an uplifting force of light
               for  example,  The  Power  Of  Now  and love in the world.”
               and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle,  And  do  the  Xander  brothers
               True Meditation and The Way Of  ever think there will be peace on
               Liberation by Adyashanti, are also  earth?
               wonderful books for those who truly  Keith replies, “Only if each indi-
               seek  a  deeper  truth  and  under-  vidual can see the peace that they
               standing of peace. Zen Buddhism  already  are  before  their  being  is
               is part of this, as are the countless  covered up with fearful and divisive
               others teaching that point to self-re-  thinking. Peace on Earth is an in-
               alisation. When you see what they  side job. As long as we continue to
               are pointing to, along with all reli-  believe that changing out there will
               gion, you see how misunderstood  bring peace in here, we are missing
               these pointings are, because the  the point of who we are. In reality,
               words are only symbols of the truth.  there is no in here or out there, it is
               They only point to truth and these  all one, but that can only be fully
               teachings all give you pointers of  seen when the mind is still and it
               how to transcend the thinking that  cannot be taught, only pointed to
               limits our capacity to perceive real-  and experienced through deep self
               ity clearly and move from a con-  enquiry. It begins with letting go of
               tracted  state  of  being  to  an  that  which  limits  us;  mainly
               expanded infinite stateless being.  thoughts and feelings. That means
               ‘Mindscape’ is really about accept-  letting go of the false identity we
               ing the thoughts and feelings that  believe ourselves to be, the person
               arise  so  that  our  consciousness  we take ourselves to be is just a
               can move beyond the noise they  bunch of thoughts and feelings, the
               create.”                   one that perceives this cannot be
                  Currently the band have their  perceived or imagined as it is the
               mind set on working on their next  foundation  of  what  we  are,  pure
               album. “Part of the process is to re-  awareness  or  being  or  whatever
               main peaceful within the creation of  names or symbols you wish to use.
               the music so that the message is  The question we have to ask if we
               strong and strikes a chord in the lis-  wish to experience true peace is,
               tener,” says Keith. “A big part of fo-  am I still here when I stop focusing
               cusing  is  silencing  the  mind,  on the thoughts that arise within? If
               meditation  and  practicing  being  those thoughts are removed tem-
               present and thus abiding in a more  porarily, then who am I really? If,
               pure awareness aids this process  when  I  am  fully  present,  I  am  at
               massively. The main goal is to stay  peace because I am not focused
               true to the message of peace and  on thinking about the past and fu-
               love. Music is a wonderful medium  ture and therefore free of the limit-
               to spread this message. The ulti-  ing  identity,  then  who  is  it  that
               mate goal is to be an instrument of  perceives all of this that arises in
               peace and remain as a source of  awareness? And  the  deeper  you
               light and love in a world that needs  go, the more you realise that what
               it more than ever; we are part of  you are is more like an empty infi-
               that wave of awakening to the so-  nite space in which all phenome-
               lutions to the problem.”   non appears. It is easier to begin
                                          with what I am not before we can
                    he Xander brothers first be-  understand the unified field of con-
                  Tcame interested in peace,  sciousness. Reading True Medita-
               love and music after watching the  tion and The Way of Liberation by
               Woodstock films. “It was a time of  Adyashanti and applying his point-
               true connection and togetherness.  ing is a good start; these books are

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