Page 19 - Black Velvet Issue 94
P. 19
BV94 pg18-21_BV94 pg19 17/09/2017 00:03 Page 2
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 19
take every show as the most impor- The band have played shows with every- Timmy started out playing the saxo-
“Itant one, because it’s the one that is one from Accept to The Dead Daisies, ZZ Top phone at school and was in the school or-
just happening,” says frontman Timmy to Black Stone Cherry, as well as festivals chestra. Going back to the beginning, he
Rough. “Sometimes you don’t know how im- like Harley Days in Switzerland and Hellfest tells Black Velvet, “Then I played in a big
portant your show is for somebody else. For in France. Earlier this year, they finally came band and the guitarist of the big band, he
example, we played a show with Accept in to the UK for their first show ever in London was as old as me. We were the youngest kids
Budapest. We were touring with Accept, so – although they will be returning later in the in the orchestra. He sat right behind me so
we were just opening. But there was this year for Hard Rock Hell (as well as a smaller we always talked between songs and he
guy; he came after the show. He said, “I rode show in Evesham). It is definitely time for the asked me if I would like to join his band as a
8 or 9 hours in a car with all my friends just UK to see what they have to offer. saxophone player and I did, and we played
to see you guys play because I couldn’t be- The New Roses may have ‘new’ in their Jerry Lee Lewis stuff, Little Richard, Johnny
lieve you were coming to my country.” I just band name, and they may be new to some B. Goode, Chuck Berry stuff.”
imagined being hungover or shitfaced from readers, but in actual fact, they’ve been a Their singer quit, so while they were
last night and disappointing these guys driv- band for ten years already. Music life and the looking for a new singer, Timmy started
ing nine hours to our show, so this was a road is definitely not new to them. Frontman singing in the rehearsal room.
very important thing that happened to me. I Timmy Rough met drummer Urban Berz “I tried to sing and I sang really shitty,
realized one more time, that every time it has back in 2007, although it was a few years be- but I just wanted to keep the band going, and
to be your most important show, because it fore they released their debut album – the I wanted to get better, so I trained hard. So
might be a very special thing for somebody. self-titled full-length album was released in that’s how I became a singer, and then we
I really take that seriously now.” 2013. played a show with that formation.”