Page 27 - Black Velvet Issue 94
P. 27
BV94 pg26-29_BV94 pg27 17/09/2017 21:59 Page 2
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estricted to just five songs, and done gether real quick and just got out on the road, like a locked groove like they used to have on
Rand dusted in a shade under 20 min- and then we were like, ‘Fuck, the cat’s out of vinyl’. Some albums had a locked groove at the
utes, ‘Side One’ will likely leave the listener the bag’ so to speak, that well known expres- end where the needle never stops and just
thirsty for more. But then again, it could be ar- sion, we need some music. So we had these slips into a groove at the end and that was the
gued that this is the job of any good EP, or LP tunes but we didn’t want to rush an album, so thinking behind the message at the end of the
for that matter: to leave the audience wanting we just thought, let’s go in, do an EP and split EP, but it was slowly melting the record. So ba-
more and eager to hear the next instalment. it in two so we can pull it out and play it and in- sically it’s a locked groove on an MP3 file!”
And this one certainly ticks that box. troduce people to the band and the music. And When asked if having their work produced
Interestingly, ‘Side One’ ends with a less- we could do another one which we could com- on vinyl would be an ambition of the band there
than-subtle nod that more is to come as, im- bine to make an LP.” is zero hesitation in Sid’s answer of ‘Definitely,’
mediately following the conclusion of the final It’s clear that the band is very much think- and the expanding smile only adds to confir-
track, ‘The Promised Land’, we receive the in- ing about the future, but in adopting the game mation of how much he would clearly relish
struction of ‘This concludes Side One. To con- plan they have for their first official release they that to happen before he adds, “The thing is,
tinue listening, please flip to the other side’. have also tipped their hat to the past and this now we’ve committed to it, so now we have to
Bearing in mind that there presently is no sec- is something Sid is quick to point out when he write and record ‘Side Two’. But we never said
ond side and ‘Side One’ has only just been re- talks about the possibility of a second EP, when it was coming out. We might do two more
leased, it’s an encouraging sign that the band, which may or may not be called ‘Side Two’, albums before we do that or do it in 30 years!”
which didn’t even have a name at the start of and the potential to join the two together. He Through the laughter of himself and the entire
the year, has both eyes firmly fixed on the fu- says, “It’s also a bit of a nod to the vinyl era re- band at this note, Sid continues, “Maybe it will
ture. But before talking about the future, the ally where listening to an album was a bit more be the last thing we ever do, ‘Here it is - ‘Side
guys talk about the steps that have led them to of a journey.” Two’!’ The intention is there though!”
where they are at the moment. The aforementioned announcement at the
Sid begins, “We wanted to get music out end of the EP was also specially designed to hen talking about the debut EP, the
because we’d been writing tunes behind the represent the vinyl era and as the message is Wband has been quoted in saying,
scenes and then we launched as a band pre- repeated over and over it becomes distorted, ‘After getting the chance to test drive these
maturely because The Pretty Reckless heard which again was in recognition of how music songs on tour, we’ve worked tirelessly to make
our demos and asked us to come on tour with used to be listened to. Sid explains, “When we sure this debut EP is the perfect example of
them. We were like, ‘Yeah, but we don’t have said, ‘Let’s do ‘Side One’ and ‘Side Two’, we what we’re about’. So, with that in mind, we ask
a band name or a band yet’. So we threw it to- were like ‘Love it,’ and then we said, ‘Let’s do the guys to describe more about what they are