Page 44 - Black Velvet Issue 93
P. 44
BV93 albums pg1_BV93 pg44 03/06/2017 03:25 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 44
YYYYY Excellent YYYY Very Good YYY Good
YY Listenable, Just Y Poor
have brilliantly infused their Seasonal as while ‘Bloom’ sure to leave you reeling whose star has the poten-
pop rock with a healthy remains somewhat short, it for another listen. The sec- tial to become one of solid
dose of hard rock and de- is certainly sharp and to the ond track on the EP, 'Sleep gold based on this six-track
spite Jody’s cries in this point and during their 20 A Little Better', is a stand- offering. The talents of vo-
song of ‘can’t seem to fit in, minute stay in your out track, and it shows a calist and bassist Joe Bon-
don’t know where to begin,’ eardrums they tick almost somewhat calmer side to son are immediately clear
there is absolutely no need every box you would ex- Veridian, both musically and everything on this EP
because what they have pect from a budding pop- and lyrically. A mix of tran- gels perfectly to bring out
produced here is fantastic rock outfit. quil guitar riffs and soulful the best of all four involved.
stuff. And there is a great Kicking off in style with vocals go hand-in-hand to- The guitar work of Phil
deal of their softer side to ‘Certainty’, Seasonal in- gether to create a stunning Haines and Tom Collett
EVEN NINE be heard here as well. stantly make their mark piece of music that you are and sticksmanship of Jack
EMPIRES Tracks like ‘I Should’ve and make their intentions sure to fall in love with. The Bonson all brilliantly come
(EVEN NINE) Moved The Earth’, ‘Oxy- clear with as sweet a slice third track, 'Follow', is quite together to highlight their
Rome and its empire gen’ and ‘The World’s of this genre as you will find similar in structure to skills without ever trying to
wasn’t built in a day and Greatest’ don’t share the anywhere else and driven 'Headlights'; there is no squeeze any other part out
while few in history are, it hard rock edge seen in forward by vocalist and real introduction and we of the spotlight. But be
could be argued that the tracks like ‘Sweet Anarchy’ bassist Matt Truseler are dropped straight into warned, it may require a
more successful ones are and ‘Back To The Drawing whose crystal clear vocals an energetic verse that in patient ear to get the very
those which have been Board’ but allow Jody’s vo- are a big selling point of the true Veridian style works its best from what this record
built gradually over time, cals to shine brightly and band and this EP. The way up and forces us into a has to offer. Third track
which bodes well for the fu- this is even more the case trend continues with ‘Head- huge chorus. The EP ‘Feel The Burn’, for exam-
ture trajectory of Cornish in ‘Snowblind’ and ‘Star- phones’, another bouncing closes with 'So They Say', ple, opens with a slow
trio Even Nine, whose third dust,’ where the musical tune typical of the pop-rock which is another track that burning build up but when
full-length album ‘Empires’ power of the band is dialled fraternity but things take an starts off with a pretty bliss- you expect it to explode
could be the catalyst to back further to allow the interesting twist with ful melody but soon into top gear, it melts back
much bigger things. vocals to soar even higher ‘These Games’, where the evolves and erupts into to its initial slower, smoul-
Formed in 2008, Even and it’s nothing short of bril- guitar work of Max O’Neill one of the heaviest outros dering pace.
Nine’s empire most cer- liant. It’s somewhat fitting and Alex Coombes, ably on the EP. This track high- There is a nice amount
tainly hasn’t been built in that ‘Snowblind’ includes supported by drummer lights just how well Veridian of variety among the six
24 hours but the construc- the line ‘how life can get so Alex Tickner, take more of can contrast softer vocals songs on offer, even
tion phase could take a big slow’ and when things slow the centre stage but the with energy-filled instru- though none of them stray
step forward with this 12- down for Even Nine we get song fails to lose any of its mentals and execute it too far from what appears
track effort, their first in to enjoy some of their finest finger tapping pop-rock beautifully. Although they to be Hollowstar’s some-
over four years and it’s ob- work. There is truly some- beat. Closing track ‘Home- do sound similar to a lot of what sludgy and, at times a
vious that the time between thing for everyone in this ward’ also offers something bands that are popular little sleazy, trademark
albums has been well album and it’s one in which different to the norm, a within the scene at the mo- sound. ‘New Age Lullaby’
spent as there is much to the majority of rock fans slow-paced EP closer. It’s a ment, this is not a bad is a fast-paced, punchy
celebrate here. are likely to find something heart-wrenching tune but thing. Veridian seem to song which will quickly
Highlights are plentiful to enjoy. soaked with emotion, it is have found a sound that have your head automati-
and there is no denying YYYY the standout song of the suits them almost perfectly cally nodding in time with
that the silky smooth vocals Michael Coventry five. While Seasonal may and they may just have its beat. Opening track ‘Lay
of Jody Martin are very not be Bloom-ing with orig- what it takes to come out Down’ is a great example
much at the centre of the inality, they certainly have on top. '40826D' shows us of the band’s sticky and
band’s success. Indeed, in bags of potential and if they that this is just the begin- thumping riff work which is
the album’s title track, ‘Em- can find something to sep- ning for the band but they a constant feature of the
pires’, he sings ‘sweep me arate them from the crowd are certainly going in the EP and the opening line
off my feet, here for the tak- it could be summer all year right direction. This EP is ‘pretty little lady on the walk
ing’ and his talents are round for them. packed with pure energy of shame, I doubt it if he
likely to do exactly that to YYYY and you can really tell that even asked you for your
everyone who listens along Michael Coventry they mean business. Who name’ will give you a good
and songs such as this one knows, maybe a world indication of what to expect
underline that the future is VERIDIAN takeover will be on the over the next four minutes
very much theirs for the 40826D cards for Veridian one day. or so. ‘Guilty’ is a fine EP
taking. Later in the song he SEASONAL (PRIMORDIAL) YYYY closer, which perhaps of-
sings ‘are you tough BLOOM Veridian are a band Abby Coulson fers Joe’s best vocal work
enough’ and with the back- (SEASONAL) that are slowly but surely of the release, where he
ing of brother Rick and The seasons may be making their mark on the sings ‘can you tell, I’m
Brett Stepto the trio are constantly shifting but rock scene. Their debut EP going to hell’ which if that
more than tough enough, some things remain the '40826D' really puts the proves true, and I highly
as proved by the superb same and one of those is feelers out there and doubt it, maybe as AC/DC
tornado of sound which that when done right, pop- shows us what the band preached, hell won’t be
comes at the end of this rock can always put a smile are all about. Having al- such a bad place to be
song which is also present on a face with its trademark ready played shows and after all. All in all this is a
in ‘Sweet Anarchy’, which infectious and upbeat festivals all over the UK, very promising start for four
features some blistering melodies. And that is more they are definitely one to clearly talented musicians
guitar work at its heart and than apparent with the watch. We are welcomed which offers several mo-
soul. What perhaps makes debut EP of Guildford into the EP with an ex- HOLLOWSTAR ments of greatness, al-
‘Empires’ stand out as a based quartet Seasonal, tremely energetic track, SOME THINGS MATTER though you still sense that
complete album is the ex- which may have been bet- 'Headlights'. The song (HOLLOWSTAR) should they truly open the
cellent amount of variety ter named ‘Bloom-ing starts off with a fairly There is absolutely throttle on their capabilities
Even Nine have produced Good’, rather than simply straightforward, fast-paced nothing hollow about the even greater things lie in
in their songs. ‘Back To The ‘Bloom’. This five track ef- drum beat but it quickly debut EP ‘Some Things the future.
Drawing Board’ is a good fort is a good insight into builds up before exploding Matter’ from Cambridge- YYY
example of where they what could lay ahead for into a forceful chorus that is based rockers Hollowstar, Michael Coventry