Page 44 - Black Velvet Rock Music Magazine Issue 92
P. 44

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                                   of a mountain, but it is far  rock attitude – all present  You’  was  a  great  song  to  est and picks up pace and
                                   from all balls and no brains.  and correct. ‘Ready To Roll’  pick as one of the lead sin-  strength  as  it  continues.
                                   Variety  is  a  word  that  kicks off proceedings nicely  gles before the album re-  ‘Lucky  Me’  is  one  of  the
                                   springs to mind. Sticking to  with  a  catchy,  grinding  lease. It has an infectious  heavier tracks; the band re-
                                   the  rock/punk  ethic,  but  rhythm,  followed  by  the  hook and melody and the  ally  rock  out  on  this  one,
                                   drawing on the many won-  bluesy ‘Livin’ Free’, which  subject matter delves into  while ‘For You’ has a main-
                                   derful influences that alter-  is a bit of a foot-stomper.  something very personal –  stream,  summery,  radio-
                                   native  music  provides,  The Southern/country rock  Sam’s experience with de-  friendly  vibe.  There’s  no
                                   ‘Aurelia’ is the first track to  of ‘Six Hundred Sixty Six’  pression  and  being  given  huge  epic  like  ‘She  Took
                                   stand out with its alterna-  and its high quality riffage  medication from a doctor.  Him To The Lake’ on previ-
                                   tive folk influence. It cap-  is  infectious,  while  ‘Rat-  ‘Falling  In  Love’  begins  ous  album,  ‘Asymmetry’,
              LOWER THAN ATLANTIS  tures a darkness that gets  tlesnake  Shake’  has  the  quite melancholy and also  but as a whole, this album
              SAFE IN SOUND        under the skin and evokes  pace and rhythm of a run-  mentions  personal  issues  is epic in its lyrical subject
              (EASY LIFE/RED ESSEN-  the  nocturnal  primal  feel-  away locomotive; fast, fre-  such as demons and hav-  matter, and shows a band
              TIAL)                ings that any decent alter-  netic,  and  fabulous.  ‘Run  ing a ‘broken soul’. While a  unafraid to speak out and
                 ‘Safe In Sound’ is the  native  song  should  do.  If  Home’ is a little deceptive.  guitar is plucked, you can  do what they want.
              fifth studio album by Lower  you want an all-out sprint  It slows the pace down and  hear the baring of a soul.  YYYY
              Than Atlantis and it’s one  that  owes  more  to  punk,  has the angst-driven vocals  The song is brave and hon-  SBV
              that  sees  the  quartet  ex-  then listen to ‘Dumb Kids’.  and soul of a heartfelt bal-
              panding their range of mu-  ‘Snow Cats’ is another that  lad,  but  there’s  a  hint  of
              sical  styles  and  sounds.  demands attention, easing  menace in the lyrics. The
              The most flawless song on  in  before  bursting  into  a  gospel ending is certainly a
              the  album  is  ‘I  Would’,  powerful chorus and dying  surprise. A cracking debut
              which is a smooth, heart-  back  down,  driven  on  by  from  a  no-frills  foursome
              melting,  life-affirming  hid-  encouragement  from  the  who  know  how  to  rock.  BACKYARD BABIES  at  around  1  hour  15  min-
              den gem, the pot of gold at  snare drum. It ends with a  Well worth checking out.  LIVE AT CIRKUS  utes it’s a decent length set,
              the end of the rainbow. It’s  guitar  fading  into  the  dis-  YYYY  (GAIN)          complete  with  encore  in-
              a  romantic  song  about  tance.  If  you  are  after  a  Clare Huckett  The  title  credits  float  cluding  crowd  favourite
              being in love with someone  more  edgy  guitar  sound,          over  a  smoky  haze  and  ‘Minus  Celsius’.  Recom-
              so much that you’d do al-  then ‘So Beneath You’ is for  THE DEVIL IN FAUST  waiting  crowd.  There’s  a  mended  for  BYB  fans  old
              most  anything  to  be  with  you.  It  is  rough  and  raw  COME APART  brief  glimpse  of  the  walk  and new – and anyone else
              them.  Elsewhere,  ‘Had  and will batter you around  (THE DEVIL IN FAUST)  from  backstage  then  into  with  a  love  of  live  music
              Enough’ kicks the album off  the room as you let loose  The debut EP from The  the  glare  of  the  strobing  who likes their rock mixed
              with  a  tough  edge.  Mike  listening to this rocker. The  Devil In Faust has been a  lights  step  Backyard  Ba-  with a good dose of punk.
              Duce is honest in his lyrics  production on this album is  long  time  coming,  but  it  bies, blasting straight into  YYYYY
              about  not  liking  people.  superb and this band deliv-  was  worth  the  wait.  This  ‘Th1rte3n Or Nothing’. And  Clare Huckett
              ‘Could  Be  Worse’  is  a  ers  music  of  a  very  high  outfit is best described as  we’re off! Prepare yourself
              stroke of melodic positivity,  quality.  Jade  Puget,  the  alt-rock  with  a  gothic  for  a  raucous,  energetic  DEF LEPPARD
              written and translated in a  band’s guitarist, produced  flavour and an occasional  and   exhilarating   ride.  AND THERE WILL BE A
              realistic way. ‘Work For It’ is  this album. A band that has  sidestep into indie territory.  Filmed in February 2016 at  NEXT TIME…
              bass-heavy,  ‘Boomerang’  been around for this long  ‘Come Apart’ showcases a  Stockholm’s   legendary  (EAGLE VISION)
              has more of a trippy feel,  have  learnt  things  along  strong  songwriting  ability,  Cirkus, it captures the boys  Named  after  Joe  El-
              while ‘I Don’t Want To Be  the way but the one thing  tight, high quality perform-  in their natural habitat and  liott’s now-famous penulti-
              Here  Anymore’  is  a  sad,  that  they  probably  have  ances,  and  a  certain  successfully draws you into  mate  leaving  quote  at
              melancholy  song.  Mike  come back to with making  amount  of  versatility.  The  the  live  experience  of  a  shows, ‘And There Will Be
              spills his guts while orches-  this album is that the ba-  gothic flavour comes in the  club  gig.  Ripping  through  A  Next Time…  Live  From
              tral  strings  add  emotion.  sics that they had in their  darkly atmospheric intro to  ‘Highlights’,  ‘Made  Me  Detroit’ is a new live pack-
              The album ends on a posi-  heads  when  they  first  ‘Soulmate’  but  that  falls  Madman’,  ‘UFO  Romeo’,  age from well-known rock-
              tive  note  with  ‘A  Night To  started  out  remain  to  be  away early on in favour of  and the brilliantly infectious  ers Def Leppard. You get to
              Forget’,  a  chilled,  mellow  great  building  blocks.  It’s  pounding  rock  bass  and  ‘Brand  New  Hate’,  com-  see the band from the best
              number with a happy, party  an album packed with en-  drum refrains. ‘In My Eyes’  plete  with  fist-pumping,  seats in the house, follow-
              atmosphere. The best thing  ergy where you feel every  is  a  bit  90s  indie,  while  scream-along   audience  ing the video camera’s best
              about ‘Safe In Sound’ is the  raw  emotion  in  Davey  ‘Seed’ is back in rock terri-  participation, no one could  high-definition shots. There
              emotional  honesty  in  the  Havok’s  sometimes  des-  tory with a strong bass line  blame them for needing a  are lots of colourful close-
              lyrics. Mike Duce is forever  perate, sometimes haunt-  overlaid by very appealing  breather. Everything comes  ups  (I  bet  you’ve  never
              blunt  and  real,  and  as  ing singing. This, their 10th  classic rock guitar rhythms.  to a stop for a bit of audi-  seen  Phil  Collen’s  wash-
              such, you feel for him and  album,  is  far  from  their  The Devil In Faust have a  ence  chat  from  singer  board stomach this close-
              relate to him. Lower Than  hardcore  roots,  but  the  lot of potential and could be  Nicke  Borg  before  the  up!),  as  well  as  wider
              Atlantis  are  a  band  of  band have gone on to ex-  one to watch.  slower  pace  of  ‘Bloody  angles  showing  the  full
              down-to-earth and very tal-  plore  and  expand  their  YYYY    Tears’  but  they  don’t  lose  crowd. Def Leppard are the
              ented  guys.  With  this  sound.  Aggression  has   Clare Huckett  the energy and get straight  kings of melodic arena rock
              album being their first top  given way for creativeness         back to it with ‘Heaven 2.9’.  and  this  amphitheatre-
              10  album,  they  definitely  but there will always be a  MALLORY KNOX  Later  on  there’s  another  based show features all the
              deserve the success that’s  bit of ‘out of control’ in the  WIRED  brief  slowdown  for  the  hits you’d expect – ‘Animal’,
              come  with  it  so  far,  and  DNA.       (RCA UK)              semi-acoustic  ‘Painkiller’,  ‘Love Bites’, ‘Armageddon
              hopefully this will continue        YYY      There are a lot of great  before going full throttle for  It’,  ‘Rocket’,  ‘Pour  Some
              to grow.                       Steve Rigby  albums  being  released  at  ‘Roads’.  Both  Borg  and  Sugar On Me’ and more, all
                           YYYY                         the  moment  and  Mallory  lead guitarist Dregen have  sounding a dream. From a
                             SBV   THE WILD!            Knox’s ‘Wired’ is at the top  a good rapport with the au-  show  in  the  summer  of
                                   WILD AT HEART        of the pile. From start to fin-  dience – although subtitles  2016, this is an up-to-date
              AFI                  (STEAMHAMMER/SPV)    ish,  the  album  is  packed  might be handy for the non-  account of Def Leppard in
              AFI   (THE   BLOOD      They  may  be  Cana-  with  quality  songwriting,  Swedish  speakers.  As  a  action and it shows exactly
              ALBUM)               dian, but the hearts of The  bursting with heartfelt and  live  spectacle,  the  band’s  why they’re still such a big
              (CONCORD)            Wild! lie in the land of the  open lyrics. Opening  with  performance  is  practically  draw. The long time rockers
                 AFI’s self-titled album,  Delta  Blues.  Their  hard  ‘Giving  It  Up’,  a  standard  flawless.  The camera an-  are  professionals  with  a
              AKA  ‘The  Blood  Album’,  rockin’  debut  ticks  all  the  rock gem, we find that lyri-  gles are well considered –  quality catalogue of music
              should be listened to while  right boxes. Dirty blues gui-  cist Sam Mallory had feel-  decent longer shots for the  and  it  shows  in  this
              doing something energetic  tars, whiskey-drenched vo-  ings of giving music up –  full  concert  feel  while  the  2CD/DVD package.
              whether that be skating or  cals, foot-stomping drums  we’re   glad   he   didn’t  close-ups  manage  not  to  YYYYY
              freewheeling down the side  and a good dose of punk  though. ‘Better Off Without  feel obtrusive. Clocking in  SBV

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