Page 41 - Black Velvet Rock Music Magazine Issue 92
P. 41

BV92 albums pg41_BV92 pg41  13/03/2017  23:35  Page 1

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 41
                                                                 YYYYY Excellent YYYY Very Good YYY Good
                                                                                       YY Listenable, Just Y Poor

                                   solo before moving into a  that adds to the toughness           There’s more than a hint of
                                   brilliant  bridge  section  of  certain  songs.  In  title      the  darkly  sinister  about
                                   building up to a big finale.  track, ‘Selfish Age’, which       their   modern   alt-rock
                                   ‘Spell It Out’ is by far one of  bubbles   with   sonic         sound, yet there are plenty
                                   the most intimate tracks on  prowess,  Austin  sings,           of infectious hooks and sin-
                                   the  album,  offering  lyrics  ‘every truth has been be-        galong  choruses  which
                                   such as ‘My darkest days  trayed’. If you pick up this          give a contrasting flash of
                                   have come and pulled me  album, you’re bound to fall            light. ‘Poor Disguises’ has
                                   under’, and mixed with the  in love with the sound of As        a  thudding  drum-led  intro
                                   huge guitar section makes  Lions, and as a band, they           which  builds  into  another
                                   for a track perfect for pack-  won’t betray you.                crescendo with strong riff-
              YOU ME AT SIX        ing out giant venues in the       YYYY     CAROUSEL KINGS       ing. The  vocals  are  more
              NIGHT PEOPLE         future.  The  final  track  on       SBV   CHARM CITY           poppy and there’s an ap-
              (BMG)                the album is ‘Give’. When                  (VICTORY)            pealing   melody   which
                 Things  have  been  this was released as a sin-                 There’s a professional-  works  well  when  inter-
              quiet for the past couple of  gle,  fans  instantly  fell  in   ism  and  succinctness  to  spersed with the thunder-
              years on the You Me At Six  love with it and some even          ‘Charm  City’,  the  new  ous  instrumental  breaks.
              front. Since the release of  called it one of the band’s        album by Carousel Kings.  ‘Wake Up’ is a highlight on
              ‘Cavalier  Youth’  back  in  best tracks to date, and for       If you’ve not yet heard of  a  strong  album,  possibly
              2014 the band decided to  good  reason.  Starting  as           the  pop-punk  four-piece  more  radio-friendly  and
              take a break from music for  an  acoustic,  fairly  simple      from  Pennsylvania,  they  straightforward as a rocker
              a  while.  Then,  in  August  song  it  quickly  escalates      have  been  around  since  with a lot of appeal and en-
              2016,  the  group  an-  into a huge anthem, mak-                2008 and this is the fourth  ergy. There’s a classic rock
              nounced that their fifth stu-  ing it a perfect end to the      studio album to date, and  guitar line leading into the
              dio album, ‘Night People’,  album. Overall, it is clear to      first  on  Victory  Records.  finale  which  is  excellent.
              would be released in Janu-  see the direction this band  DEAF HAVANA  ‘Charm City’ sees the band  Hellbound  Hearts  have
              ary 2017, and released the  are  heading  and  ‘Night  ALL THESE COUNTLESS  reach  a  whole  new  level.  both  energy  and  ability,
              title track along with it. The  People’ marks the start of  NIGHTS  When you look back at a  which  makes  ‘Still  We
              title  track,  ‘Night  People’,  an impressive new chapter  (SO RECORDINGS)  band’s  discography,  you  Wait’, ‘Silent Horror Movie’
              kicks  this  new  record  off  for You Me At Six.  There’s  a  sumptuous  often  see  that  one  album  and the rest of the album
              with a bang and introduces        YYYY    sound to ‘All These Count-  where  everything  turned  such  a  good  listen.  Huge
              the new era of You Me At     Becky Simpson  less Nights’, the new album  around for them and made  amount of potential here.
              Six. With its infectious hook             from Deaf Havana. Songs  their  name  and  ‘Charm       YYYY
              and  funky  groove,  it  sets             such  as  ‘Ashes,  Ashes’  City’ certainly gives off that  Clare Huckett
              the tone for the rest of the              have  a  dreamy,  yet  very  vibe. The album opens with
              record perfectly. ‘Plus One’              real, air. The songs come  ‘Grey  Goose’,  a  dynamic  SHALLOW SIDE
              goes  slightly  heavier,  still           from the heart of frontman  track that you just know will  ONE
              with punchy guitars and the               James  Veck-Gilodi  and  get  all  of  the  audience  (THERMAL  ENTERTAIN-
              packed chorus giving a full               he’s not afraid to put every-  singing and dancing when  MENT)
              sense  of  the  direction  in             thing on show. This album  on  tour.  From  the  slower  Taking   a   mix-and-
              which  You  Me At  Six  are               sees him baring all, expos-  ‘Here, Now, Forever’ to the  match  approach,  this  six-
              heading. We see this again                ing every inch of his per-  killer solo in ‘Dynamite’, the  track  EP  from  Alabama’s
              with  the  upbeat  ‘Heavy                 sona.  He  sings  of  hating  band,  fronted  by  David  Shallow Side is an intrigu-
              Soul’, which offers more of               himself  in  the  morning  in  Alexander, have an eclectic  ing listen. There’s a fusion
              the mature sound we see                   single ‘Trigger’, a song that  mix  of  skills  which  they  of  modern  rock,  a  nod  to
              from  this  album,  and  the  AS LIONS    wraps its arms around you  aren’t  modest  about,  and  the  classics,  bits  of  elec-
              minimalist approach to this  SELFISH AGE  come  the  chorus.  ‘I’m  a  rightly so. Not to mention  tronica here and there, and
              track is a great addition to  (ELEVEN SEVEN)  drunk  and  you’re  just  their lyrical strength across  a  modern  country  sound.
              this  record. You  can  defi-  As  Lions  release  a  lonely’,   he   sings   in  the entirety of ‘Charm City’,  With  so  many  styles  it
              nitely  feel  the  soul.  ‘Take  debut  album  that  makes  ‘L.O.V.E.’, a stark look into  which sees David opening  could  have  been  a  mess
              On The World’ slows things  them  a  band  to  contend  an  on  the  road  one  night  up about the struggles he’s  but they’ve pulled it all to-
              down. With a simple back-  with. It’s powerful from the  stand. It’s no surprise that  been  through.  Carousel  gether well. ‘Rebel’ comes
              ing track and tender, heart-  off.  The  five-piece  show  ‘Fever’  was  picked  as  a  Kings are definitely a band  direct from their Southern
              felt  lyrics,  this  track  is  they  mean  business  as  single as it has a gloriously  you need to see and hear;  roots  with  a  heavy,  foot-
              definitely one to tug at the  soon  as  ‘Aftermath’  kicks  lush chorus. ‘Like A Ghost’  they’re  currently  on  the  stomping  rhythm,  while
              heartstrings.  It  leads  into  in. Frontman Austin Dickin-  has a dancier beat, while  road  in  the  USA,  who  ‘Can You Hear Me’ seeks
              ‘Brand New’, which is eas-  son asks, ‘What have we  Tom Ogden’s drumbeat is  knows  where  they’ll  go  to combine every genre in
              ily one of the best songs on  created?’ In relation to the  really brought to the fore in  next. Let’s hope this is one  one.  The  electronic  vibe
              the  album,  with  a  great  band,  it’s  a  powerhouse  ‘Pretty Low’. It’s a song that  carousel that doesn’t stop.  contrasts surprisingly well
              build  that  leads  into  a  that has the ability to move  cascades  like  a  delicate  YYYYY  with the country/Southern-
              bouncy chorus. We see a  mountains.       waterfall.  You  relate  to  Yasmeen Frasso  tinged modern rock. ‘Fight
              dynamic   approach   in  All  the  songs  on  the  James  in  ‘England’  when        Or  Flight’  is  heavier  and
              ‘Swear’  and  ‘Make  Your  album  belong  in  the  hard  he  sings,  ‘I  still  feel  awk-  HELLBOUND HEARTS  played straighter than the
              Move’,  which  incorporate  rock  category.  There’s  a  ward sober around people  FILM NOIR  rest,  a  solid  injection  of
              huge  vocal  sections  and  melodic edge, catchy cho-  I  don’t  know’.  With  ‘All  (HELLBOUND HEARTS)  heavy  rock  that’s  a  real
              surely  make  a  statement  ruses  and  fist-pumping  These  Countless  Nights’,  Portentous notes over-  headbanger. And  when  a
              on  the  album,  with  the  beats. ‘Pieces’ is one of the  Deaf   Havana   comes  laid with a simple piano re-  band  gets  plaudits  from
              band really rocking out to-  most  anthemic  songs  on  across  as  just  like  each  frain float out through the  s o n g w r i t e r / f r o n t m a n
              wards the end, giving a nod  the album, while ‘World On  and every one of us – yet  speakers  before  the  full-  Tommy Shaw for their ver-
              of the head to some of the  Fire’  begins  very  mellow  the quality and talent that  frontal  assault  of  power  sion of Styx’s ‘Renegade’
              legendary 70s rock bands.  before  building  up  into  a  emanates  make  them  so  chords  and  hammering  you know they’ve got a lot
              Moving  into  the  latter  real wistful lighters-in-the-  much more.  drums kicks ‘Suffering The  going for them.
              stages of the album, ‘Can’t  air number. The album was  YYYYY   Radio’  into  gear  and  sets      YYY
              Hold Back’ has captivating  inspired  by  what’s  been    SBV   the  tone  for  Hellbound     Clare Huckett
              riffs and an amazing guitar  going  on  in  the  world  so      Hearts’  full-length  debut.
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