Page 39 - Black Velvet Rock Music Magazine Issue 92
P. 39
BV92 pg38-40 As Lions_BV92 pg39 13/03/2017 00:55 Page 2
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sings tunefully rather than aggressively off at Little Rock Verizon Arena on October ous’. The song is related to internet cul-
screaming and roaring as he previously 19th. It was a grueling tour that saw Five ture’s obsession with image. Austin ex-
did. Austin, Conor and Will are now joined Finger Death Punch frontman Ivan Moody plains, “I think it’s the self-confidence and
by bassist Stefan Whiting and drummer have a meltdown and end up leaving the the trust that you have. In some ways it can
Dave Fee. Austin continues talking about tour early – with Austin and others actually be considered an innocence. What I was
their first show, “It was really cool to sell standing in and singing some songs in his trying to say there was provided you keep
that show out and it was really cool to see place one night. Austin enjoyed the whole your head down, you put your individuality
so many people down there, almost exclu- tour. “I think the first three weeks were the aside and you buy in, that’s kind of the cure
sively because of that, because we had longest. That was probably the moment we for it and that’s sliding into that mindless
nothing out. We had one song out, so peo- felt like, “Holy shit, we’ve still got all of this paradigm. That’s something that even I find
ple were coming down to check us out and to do, we’ve still got so much time left on myself doing. I’m so bad at social media
to see what we did, so that was a lot of trust the road.” By the end of it, it was like, “Oh though. I’m really bad at it, because I can’t
from their part. We had the best time. I still fuck, it’s nearly ending! Oh my God, we just ‘play the game’ really well.”
remember nearly knocking myself out started!” So time being the thing that it is,
about three times as well, because Stef had it felt very long at the beginning and felt far t’s one thing to release an EP, but it’s
this absolutely massive Jackson bass, too short at the very end. We were ex- Isomething else to release a full-length
which has got this fucking monolith of a tremely lucky to do that tour.” album. The band’s debut album was re-
headstock, and yeah, I connected with that leased three months after their ‘Aftermath’
a couple of times.” he band released their debut EP, ‘Af- EP. Looking back to album release day in
Since then, the band have been con- Ttermath’, on October 14th to coin- January, Austin says, “Album release day
necting with fans via their live perform- cide with the tour. Or maybe it was vice was really, really fun. It’s one of those sort
ances. They supported Five Finger Death versa with the band joining the tour to co- of ‘pinch me’ moments. We never take any-
Punch in November 2015 at Wembley incide with the EP release? The EP featured thing for granted, really. We’d had the
Arena, and more recently, as mentioned, four songs; ‘Aftermath’, ’White Flags’, recording for some of those songs for the
headed over to the US for a 6 or 7 week tour ‘Deathless’ and ‘World on Fire’, that were longest time, to finally have it be available
in the Autumn of 2016 supporting the Amer- then on the band’s debut album, released and be ready, and also, for us who were in
ican band again. “That tour did so much for on January 20th, 2017. In ‘Deathless’, Rise, we had a record for that on the way
us,” says Austin of the US tour that kicked Austin sings, ‘our innocence was danger- when we sort of broke up, so to be able to