Page 42 - Black Velvet Rock Music Magazine Issue 92
P. 42
BV92 albums pg42_BV92 pg42 14/03/2017 00:33 Page 1
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maybe the first word of the style. Title track ‘Bad Habit’ from bottom to top, some- they ever did at their peak,
band’s name is an indicator keeps up the pace with a thing all-encompassing, their latest album will not
of how they like to spend grinding guitar line which then listen to this band. disappoint classic rock afi-
their spare time. This be- breaks into a soaring solo, This is hard rock for the cionados. Some of the
comes evidently clear in while Beth’s strong vocals present. It is new, it is con- beats and grooves may
second track ‘Never Go add power and intensity. A temporary but the way the sound like they belong to a
Home’, where the Byrds different form of vocal in- songs are put together are 70s supergroup, but as al-
sing of ‘work for the week- tensity comes in ‘Poster reminiscent of how classic ways the Thunder lyrical
end and live for the dream’ Girl For Pain’, which allows rock bands created songs. subject matter still res-
in as clear of a party an- Beth to demonstrate her Opener ‘Systemic’ kicks off onates with its modern au-
TEQUILA MOCKING- them as you’ll ever find and emotional range and ups with a riffamatic stop-go dience. Written by lead
BYRD a perfect track to blast on the melodic element over- beat that gives the song an guitarist Luke Morley, the
FIGHT AND FLIGHT the way home from work all. ‘Angel With A Dirty infectious bounce. Listen album once again show-
(DISTORTION) on a Friday night. Face’ is something really out for nuances like a talk- cases the stunning vocals
Having already taken The party theme con- special – it’s a stunningly ing voice following singer of Danny Bowes, who has
flight, hard-rocking Aussie tinues in ‘Jagerbomb’ and beautiful and expressive Shane Jolie on ‘Breaking lost none of his power or
trio Tequila Mockingbyrd you’ll be hard pushed to story of a troubled young The Silence’ or on the unbelievable range. The
are now up for a fight and not raise a smile with the woman. The instrumenta- same track, the titter, titter Led Zeppelin-inspired riff to
based on this powerhouse infectious guitar riffs, which tion is fantastic with the gui- on the symbol mirrored on opener ‘No One Gets Out
of a debut album, it’s a fight again could make this a tar melody and solo in the guitar just providing in- Alive’ grinds along for a
you might want to make great party tune for rockers power ballad territory and a teresting snippets before it minute before the vocals
sure you are on the right everywhere, especially perfect match for the lyrics. is quickly forgotten as the come in and take hold of
side of. Right from the first those who are into the This is one of the standout band move into the main the song whilst Harry
chords of blistering open- drink in question, as Estelle tracks of the album. Clos- body of the song. There is James reminds us he
ing track ‘I Smell Rock N will soon tell you, ‘if you’re ing out with ‘Legends a scorcher of a guitar solo never misses a beat with
Roll’ and lead singer Es- not Jager, then you’re not Never Die’, the band pays that is all too brief but some impressive drum
telle Artois’ roar, it’s clear for me’. ‘Half Of The Man’ tribute to their influences maybe that is the point; it work. The title track ‘Rip It
that this isn’t just simply a is an indicator that life and sends you off rocking. leaves you wanting more. Up’ also has a 70s groove
track #1 from a new album, might not have been too It’s a strong first album and Throughout, there is with a positive lyrical mes-
but more of a mission smooth for the Byrds, with a thoroughly good time. punch, power and muscu- sage – if you don’t like it,
statement from rock’s lat- this, ‘So Not Me’ and ‘Why YYYY larity to the music but there change it! Longtime fans
est all-female line-up and Are We Still Friends’, ripe Clare Huckett is melody and even tender- are sure to love ‘Right
it’s clear they mean busi- with middle figure salutes ness. Songs seem to start From The Start’, a classic-
ness. Further evidence of to those who may have WILLIAM CONTROL up like kick-starting an en- sounding Thunder song
their dedication to the spurned our girls in years REVELATIONS: THE gine or dropping a match building from an acoustic
cause comes from their de- past, as well as producing BLACK EP into petrol, they ignite guitar into a full-blown bal-
cision last year to up sticks some great alternative (WILLIAM CONTROL) quickly and burn hot. This lad, with Danny’s searing
in the native land and make breakup songs to anyone William Control’s music may be heavy at vocals delivering a retro-
the UK their nest who’s fed up with Adele’s album ‘Revelations’ is times but it never loses spective look back at the
Since their arrival, Es- ‘Someone Like You’. being released as four control. Well crafted, it people who may have
telle, bassist Jess Reily The second half of the EPs, each of which is draws from a variety of in- come and gone from your
and pocket rocket drum- album may not be as named after one of the rid- fluences. Shane’s vocals at life over the years. Not to
mer Josie O’Toole have strong as the first, but ends ers of the Apocalypse, al- times are reminiscent of be outdone, a masterful
been busy Byrds, landing in style with ‘Shut Me though their link to the Layne Staley but other solo from Luke Morley
supporting gigs with Mas- Down’ and ‘Good Time’, songs is not obvious. ‘The times could be more Myles sees out the song which is
sive, SKAM, Richie Ra- the latter starting with the Black’ is part two, and is in Kennedy; the bounce is sure to be a big hit live on
mone and more, but fans line ‘my life is one big party’ the synthpop line, which that groove that Pantera tour. When ‘In Another Life’
who have been won over and after ‘Fight And Flight’ suits William Control’s vo- had, but then again it isn’t starts up, you would be for-
by their no-nonsense, in- that could be exactly the cals very well. Opener any of these, it is its own given for thinking that
your-face rock have had to case for Tequila Mocking- ‘Analog Flesh In A Digital entity. All these different ‘Black Velvet’ by Alannah
wait patiently for the re- byrd who seem destined to World’ is a love song to a ideas and influences are Myles has been shoe-
lease of their first full-length fly high. digital girl and has strong brought together to form horned into the album, with
album, ‘Fight And Flight’. YYYY dance rhythms, while ‘All I songs that feel just right. their beats and riffs being
But it’s certainly been worth Michael Coventry Need’ is less dance and YYYY so similar. This is no song
the wait as this 13-track, more pop. ‘Knife Play’ is Steve Rigby about Elvis though, rather
46-minute effort is packed slightly sinister lyrically, in a song about regretting not
with plenty of punches and contrast with the lightness doing something rather
more than one is likely to of the first two tracks, with than doing something or a
cause a knockout. As al- matching slower and missed opportunity.
ready mentioned, opening slightly twisted rhythms. To ‘There’s Always A Loser’
track ‘I Smell Rock N Roll’ finish, ‘Velvet Rose’ is a rounds things off with a
is a savage opening three- mellow ballad on piano, beautiful drum and piano-
and-a-half minutes, but this which makes for a surpris- driven ballad.
is far from over and done in ing change of direction. Impressively, ‘Rip It Up’
one round. The fight theme Worth checking out. debuted at No. 3 on the UK
rings loud and clear in YYY album chart and Thunder
‘Money Tree’, where Es- BETH BLADE AND THE Clare Huckett have confirmed that they
telle encourages all those BEAUTIFUL DISASTERS remain a very popular live
listening to ‘punch a little BAD HABIT CRNKSHFT THUNDER draw, having already sold
straighter and fight like (BETH BLADE AND THE CRNKSHFT RIP IT UP out many of their upcoming
you’ve nothing to lose’, all BEAUTIFUL DISASTERS) (CRNKSHFT) (EAR MUSIC) headline arena shows. This
the while the music she Beth Blade And The With the very first listen There’s no doubt Thun- is a heavily influenced 70’s
and her band mates pro- Beautiful Disasters’ debut of CRNKSHFT, you’ll be der have been experienc- sounding album with only a
duces swirls around you album is modern melodic socked in the chops and ing a renaissance over the couple of classic Thunder-
like a billowing tornado, hard rock with a dollop of lying flat on your back, hop- last couple of years and style tracks from the Lon-
spurred on by Jess’ meaty sleaze and a take-no-pris- ing there is plenty more of they now intend to capi- doners that overall doesn’t
bassline. But it’s not just oners attitude. Opener ‘Hell where that came from. This talise on that with their lat- quite live up to the heights
about fighting here as there Yeah!’ is a high-octane is the four-track EP by est offering, ‘Rip It Up’. of their last album.
is a massive party theme start with a rabble-rousing CRNKSHFT from Vancou- Currently headlining more YYY
which isn’t hard to find and chorus and a hard-partying ver. If you like rock music arenas and festivals than Adam Clark