Page 27 - Black Velvet Rock Music Magazine Issue 92
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If anyone is reading who has depression and wrote ‘Changed my life has this one’. about it, ‘Mother’… if you look back at our
or anxiety, or if you know someone who Now the couple are moving in with each last closers, we had ‘Creeper’ on ‘Signals’
does, Sam says the thing to do is talk. Open other. and ‘Dare You’ on ‘Asymmetry’; these big,
up. Tell someone. Sam says, “I’ve very, very happy with epic, huge… big guitars, loud, emotive
“Just talk to someone, because even if it her. Again, I guess when you’re away from songs, and ‘Mother’ is emotive but at the
gives you that frustration of they don’t know someone for that long that brings new diffi- same time, it’s epic in its own way. There
what you’re going through, or they end up culties, but that’s just life. I’m doing what I aren’t these big guitars, but it sounds like it’s
telling you, “You’re going to be fine,” if they get to do and she supports me, and that’s all being played, in my mind, in this big fucking
don’t understand you, at least you feel that I could ever ask for.” hall. The message is a positive one. For me,
frustration and anger, so you start to feel He says he’s happier now. “This record, that song has one of my favourite lines; ‘this
something again. And I always think emotion truthfully, was a bit of an eye-opener... It was- broken home kept me safe and warm when
will bring out the part of you that needs to n’t a tough record to make, it was just one of the wind was cold,’ because like a lot of peo-
come back out instead of fucking being those, that when I’d written the lyrics I kind ple, the stuff that happens in families is hard
zombified. If you’re not talking to people and of almost did it subliminally, and when I read to go through, but the cool thing with my
you’re putting on a brave face, you’re lying, it back, and realized what I was writing family is that they always paid attention to
it’s as simple as that. So talk to someone. I about, kind of made me go, “Maybe I was a the people that matter and made sure they
don’t have the answers, I still get stressed lot worse off than I thought I was at the were okay before they were ok themselves,
out today, but that’s just life, isn’t it? I guess time,” and it’s not like a sympathy record. At kinda thing. It’s just how that song is, it was
we live in a society now where life is so fast, the time, you’re 26 and you’ve got girlfriends always a big thank you, on behalf of all of us
sometimes it’s hard to keep up. The thing is, and brothers and sisters that are getting en- to our families for allowing us to be 27-year-
that’s okay. It’s okay to feel like you can’t gaged and you’re missing out on stuff be- olds and having to lend us money when we
keep up right now and if you need to do cause you’re the other side of the world. couldn’t afford to pay petrol to get to a show
something about it during that specific mo- You’ve got to try and find that balance of in Stoke and our families had our back. It
ment in time, to help you through that, that’s being able to keep normality with your reality wasn’t to end the album on a positive note,
not a big deal either. I think that people and being in a band; that can be very, very but because I thought, for me, album closers
should accept that it’s ok to, as Mikey said, challenging at times. But I’d like to think have to be fantastic and ‘Mother’’s probably
feel like you’re a bit fucked up and do some- now, and I was saying this to the guys the my favourite song off the album, so… it just
thing about it, ‘cause you might not be other day at practice, this album I’ve felt a felt right to put it at the end.”
fucked up in a year’s time. And just don’t let hunger and a passion, not that it ever left So while the band end by thanking their
it dwell. Just get out there and try and do this band, is back now. We kind of feel like families for allowing them to do what they
something about it, if that’s what makes you we’ve gone through that to get to this point do, we would also like to end by thanking
feel more comfortable about it. The worst now if that makes sense.” their mothers and fathers for producing such
thing is being scared to tell someone. But talents – and the band for existing, and cre-
what are they realistically going to do? he album ends on a positive note, ating another gem of an album. Go buy
They’re not going to sit there and laugh. It’s Twith Mikey singing ‘chin up, kid’ in ‘Wired’, if you haven’t yet.
just that fear of opening up to someone. final song, ‘Mother’.
That’s the hard part. That’s the thing I had to “‘Mother’ for me was a song that I origi- Visit for more
get over; telling people, but it helped me.” nally wanted to open the album,” reveals info.
One person who has helped him feel bet- Sam. “I thought it was such a cool intro and
ter is his girlfriend. He posted a photo of her thought it was the one that we should open Words & Live Photo By Shari Black Velvet
on Instagram back in the Summer of 2015 the album with, but the more we thought