Page 26 - Black Velvet Issue 91
P. 26

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              gave me courage, it got me out of myself, I be-  girlfriend, other comforts of home. You get on  ing for Lionel Richie. This was the height… it
              came  this  other  persona….  very  confident.  I  the bus. It’s a moving vehicle and you’re con-  was when Cher was playing stadiums. Lionel
              liked that effect. It made me outgoing and more  stantly moving, so that in itself creates some-  Richie too. So I remember them but I also re-
              assertive. I don’t know if it necessarily made me  thing, right, to be able to deal with that. You have  member going to the bathroom and fixing up so
              smarter but in my mind I thought it did. So I liked  to  sleep  there,  you  eat  there,  you  spend  I could have the courage to go through the au-
              being under the influence. That led to pills, which  12/13/14/16  hours  of  the  day  in  that  vehicle.  dition. So there you go, it wasn’t supposed to
              led to alcohol, which led to the rest. And when I  When you get to another level, you get to nice  happen.  Chances  are  I  wouldn’t  be  here.  I
              found opiates, found heroin… that was it. Before  hotels like this one, but you’re in the hotel room  wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure. It didn’t
              you know it you develop a hardcore addiction to  by yourself. A lot of downtime. Most of the time  happen. I went on. I was doing what I call my
              it, where my existence consisted of me doing it,  when you get to our age, you’re either working  jazz years which for me to this day was the best
              getting it, running out of it and getting more. That  out, trying to get energy for the show tonight, or  learning experience that I could imagine, playing
              was it. Everything else suffers. I got married very  resting. So why not? A little pick-me-up. I have  with all these cats… musical giants. Maybe not
              young, I had two kids, my first marriage suffered  an issue with sleeping and I talk about it. There’s  in profile by name, but knowledge. So I went
              because  of                                               nothing  that  I  through three or four years of just jazz, I want to
              that.   Sec-                                              can take other  work on that and learn more as a bass player,
              ond   mar-  “The amount of highs that I’ve                than over-the-  harmony and melody and rhythms and all that.
              r i a g e ,                                               counter  stuff,  So  in  that  environment,  it’s  even  more  pro-
              a n o t h e r  reached in sobriety way over-              and  I’m  con-  nounced, believe it or not, so I got in trouble.
              child,  failed                                            stantly  asking  Again, I developed a strong addiction to heroin
              because  of  exceed what I could do with                  my   friends,  and cocaine. Ended up in New York and Florida
              that.   All                                               “What are you  playing with some heavy cats, but I had a big ad-
              along   I’m  chemicals.” - Marco Mendoza                  taking?  What  diction of opiates.”
              trying  to  be                                            are  you  tak-  He wasn’t the only one like that.
              productive                                                ing?”  and  if  it  “It’s so funny, jazz, looking from the outside
              in the industry, in the music business. Somehow  falls under the category of even slightly addic-  looking  in,  it  really  looks  like  people  are  to-
              I did. I was a functioning alcoholic addict if you  tive, I won’t touch it. Melatonin for me is what I  gether,” he says. “I’m not saying that we’re all
              will,  until  it  got  really  bad. Things  came  to  a  do. I wonder if it still works as I’ve had sleepless  like that. Generally speaking, at that time, when
              screeching halt when I got in trouble with the law  nights, many of them. But the bottom line for me,  I was in New York, Miami and working around,
              in my late 20s and it was time to decide. Do I  I’m not going to die from lack of sleep, I’m just  yeah, people had some issues with it. But some-
              want to keep living like this or am I ready to quit?  going to be a little tired and I’m going to look like  how we functioned, y’know. It was part of the en-
              In my life, in my circumstance, I had divine in-  this.” He points at his face. “And that’s ok, be-  vironment. And so you fit right in. There’s no
              tervention, no doubt in my mind. For me, it was  cause that’s all I have. Under no circumstances  reason to quit. A lot of blow, a lot of cocaine. So
              something  that  happened  in  order  for  me  to  am I going to be motivated to take anything that  you continue, until… I ended up in Las Vegas.
              wake up and realize that I was going to end up  will compromise my sobriety. 29 years, my so-  There were a couple of shows in Las Vegas that
              in jail, institutions or death. That’s the bottom  briety,  last  September  20th.  By  the  grace  of  called me, and there was a lot of reading in-
              line. I love life as you can tell, everything about  God.”             volved and a lot of concentration and they were
              life, I’m amazed. My friends joke about it but I  This is what we love about Marco. Despite  big shows and they were paying an exuberant
              have the attitude of gratitude today. I wake up  getting so addicted to drugs for so long, he man-  amount of money. Long story short, Las Vegas,
              and have all this energy, I’m grateful to be some-  aged to get clean and sober, and is very proud  24/7 party town, and that’s where I really hit my
              where, I’m grateful to be anywhere, and then the  of that and lives to tell the tale. The anniversary  bottom, because I couldn’t get away from it. My
              fact that we get to travel the world, I get to play  of him getting clean is etched in his memory and  sister came. Saved by my family and friends. I
              music with some of the people I love and re-  he will tell you the years and how long it’s been  came to California to get sober and that’s when
              spect, build a business if you will, this is what I  in an instant. We tell him that we’ve never drank  the seed was planted. That was in ‘86. I still
              do for a living. And I show up and try to enjoy  or taken drugs at all.   needed to go out there and get some arrows on
              every minute of this. That’s what I call the ‘atti-  “I’m  so  glad  for  you,”  he  replies.  “You’re  my ass and go through the feeling of suffering
              tude of gratitude’.”               smart. It takes a certain type of personality, and  and feeling helpless and hopeless and getting
                He confirms that he was not courageous  it IS intelligence, because you can project and  to that point again to appreciate… and finally I
              and not an extrovert when he was young.  see what the consequences are. All you have to  got busted. That was the best thing that could
                “The opposite,” he says. “I was very intro-  do is look around. “OK, do I want to be that guy  have ever happened to me. And facing 15 years
              verted  and  very  fearful  and  insecure,  which  sitting there, nodding off, scratching his face for  in the penitentiary for drugs. So that’s when I
              amazes me why I would want to play music. I re-  hours at a time? That’s what happens. Or do I  had a spiritual awakening. I got on my knees
              member the first gig I ever played, I’ll never for-  want to be that cat that’s working out, living life,  and prayed, and to this day I haven’t touched
              get it for the rest of my life. I couldn’t face the  being productive, going somewhere in life? Look  anything. September 20th at 3 o’clock, 1987.
              audience. You’ve heard about stories like that.  at  him,  he’s  got  life  around  him,  he’s  got  an  “The reason that I feel that I’m still here is
              That was me. It wasn’t anything high profile. It  aura.” I want to be THAT guy NOW. But I had to  so that I can fly that flag. And that’s why I love to
              was my cousin’s birthday. My dad and my uncle  go through that process of learning for myself. I  talk about sobriety and all the dynamics that go
              had a brilliant idea, “Why don’t we have the boys  haven’t had a drink or a pill or smoked, any in-  into  using,  starting,  why  you  use,  how  you
              come and play?!” I wasn’t ready, nobody was.  jections of any kind, or any snorts. I have my  started,  what  happened  and  where  you’re  at
              We had 100 people; it was a big party. I was so  vices, I do snuff, the tobacco thing, recently mis-  today, just to give anyone hope. If there’s just
              nervous. I almost pissed my pants. I was singing  construed to be something else. That’s alright. I  two people out there that might consider getting
              some songs so I put the mic sideways and my  believe in sobriety. And people that know me  some help, job’s done.”
              dad got up and said, “Hey, stop, stop!” It was  know that it’s snuff, tobacco, and I’m also work-  He has a message for people reading, “If
              family. “Turn around! Put the mic there, and face  ing on quitting that.”  you have any problems with drugs or alcohol
              that way, and smile. If you make mistakes just                         check it out, there are a lot of places where you
              keep smiling.” And I’ll never forget that; the best  acktracking to his past again, he contin-  can go, a lot of phone numbers, just reach out.
              advice that anyone could give me for playing in  Bues, telling us about when he got into  It will blow your mind the possibilities that sobri-
              front of an audience. That’s when I started taking  some well-known named projects. “There were  ety can bring to you and your life.”
              a little shot of this and thinking, “Oh, I feel more  so many bands, so many projects up to that  Black  Velvet  asks  if  he’s  ever  thought  of
              confident. OK, cool.” Taking a little pill of that and  point. I had been in the circuit. I had a bit of a  doing any anti-drug campaigning or awareness.
              thinking, “Oh, I feel better, I feel stronger, I feel  reputation. I’d done some projects, I’d played  “I’ve been doing a little bit here and there, not
              wiser, I feel more talented,” altering who you are.  with some people. I could drop some names.  on a bigger scale. I’m hoping to,” he replies. “I
              That’s what alcohol does, that’s what smoke,  But I wasn’t together here,” he touches his fore-  really believe in it. The amount of highs that I’ve
              that’s what weed does, pills, opiates, cocaine,  head, “and I wasn’t together here,” he pats his  reached  in  sobriety  way  over-exceed  what  I
              the whole thing. I speak from my own experi-  heart, “spiritually, emotionally, psychologically,  could do with chemicals. Honestly. It’s hard to
              ence though.”                      mentally, I was weak because I had this problem  explain. But you have to be ready to make that
                Marco thinks that this is why a lot of musi-  with drugs and alcohol. So let’s just say every  commitment. If you’ve already started and you
              cians start drinking and taking drugs.   opportunity that came up was just half-assed. It  have an addiction, there’s obviously one thing
                “It’s very easy to see. You get on a tour bus.  was just a gamble if I was even gonna get it. I  you need to do immediately – stop – and that’s
              You leave all the comforts of home, your wife,  remember auditioning for Cher. I got the call, so  the hardest thing to do. There’s rooms that can
              your kids, whatever. If you’re not married, your  I was in pretty good circles. I remember audition-  help you with it, there are numbers online, ‘help
                THE DEAD DAISIES
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