Page 14 - Black Velvet Issue 91
P. 14

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              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 14

              should set the bar high and just see where it  overly challenging to perform live. “We’re  ing time looking after his baby. That’s dedi-
              takes you rather than waking up every day  playing 9 of the 11 tracks so a large portion  cation to music - and of course his son. Al-
              and  telling  yourself  that  you’re  not  good  of the night is dedicated to the new album,  though he doesn’t remember much of that
              enough to do this, you’re not good enough  ‘Solas’. You want to walk off stage at the end  time, it was just a very dark and awful time
              to do that.”                       of it all happy that you did those songs jus-  for him and his wife. “That time in the hospi-
                Cormac says that it’s all down to your at-  tice, kind of more of a holistic way than one  tal was like living in a horrible dark bubble. I
              titude. He repeats, “You just need to set your  specific  song.  There’s  so  much  different  can’t  remember  much  other  than  driving
              sights  high  and  don’t  short-change  your-  about this live show than our previous ten  straight to the hospital, sitting by my son’s
              self.”                             years of touring, so some people are arriving  incubator, and then driving home again that
                So with a renewed and invigorated atti-  and they’re surprised by what they see and  night  for  four  months.”  Dabhóg  was  born
              tude,  the  band  chose  to  upgrade  their  re-  what they hear. We just want to give a good  weighing a mere 1lb 12oz. He had multiple
              hearsal  room  in  Northern  Ireland  into  a  account of ourselves.”  health  issues  and  needed  heart  surgery.
              recording  studio  and  recorded  the  album  They’ve gone down well with The Dead  Thankfully, he was a fighter and with time got
              with guitarist Paul Mahon acting as the engi-  Daisies fans, although Cormac is surprised  healthier  and  is  now  doing  well.  Cormac
              neer and Andy Bradfield and Avril Mackin-  that some fans haven’t listened to, or even  says this his son being healthy and well and
              tosh producing. Cormac explains, “It was the  known of The Answer before. “We’ve had a  at home in his own bed/cot has given him
              right thing to do. We were making a Celtic-  few people saying, ‘We were here to see The  hope. “My wife and I managed to get our-
              influenced record, there are songs on there  Dead Daisies, never heard you guys before  selves out of that deep, dark hole. You look
              that very much hone in on our environment  but  really  loved  it,’  which  surprises  me.  at life a bit differently after an experience like
              back in Northern Ireland. Our rehearsal room  You’d like to think that the UK, the size that  that and you just appreciate a bit of normal-
              was already a studio, it just wasn’t up to the  it  is,  if  you’re  into  rock  ‘n’  roll  music  you  ity. You appreciate being able to go out and
              standards needed to record a full, profes-  should be checking out the handful of bands  reclaim your life again, get back into the re-
              sional record. Instead of taking our record  that are out there trying to keep the genre  hearsal room and start writing songs again,
              label advance and going to a studio some-  alive. But that’s one of the good things about  making a record. Being able to go on tour
              where else in the world, we figured we’d take  this tour, I suppose,” he says.   and know that my family’s at home, well, in
              the money and get our studio up to that de-  Of  The  Dead  Daisies  themselves,  Cor-  Belfast, that’s a real cause for celebration in
              sired standard. There’s a lot to be said for  mac  says,  “They’re  really  fun  guys  to  be  my mind.”
              not working on a clock when you’re making  around. A lot of good stories. We’ve been
              a  record,  not  being                                     talking   to       hen Cormac is at home himself in
              told  you’ve  got  three  “I think you’ve gotta dream      Marco.  He’s   WNorthern  Ireland,  he  does  many
              weeks, whatever’s not                                      got  a  few  other things relating to music but outside of
              done by then won’t get  big. You have to actually believe  gigs  coming  the band. For starters, he does vocal coach-
              done,  and  we  were                                       up in the new  ing. “I love watching young people learn that
              able  to  take  our  time that  you  can  achieve  your    year  and  so  they have what it takes to sing in a band or
              with this. We probably                                     do  we  so  to  sing  that  song  that  they  never  had  the
              worked  longer  hours dreams,” - Cormac Neeson             we’re  won-  confidence to sing. Young and old as well.
              on a daily basis on this                                   dering   can  Just  watching  that  development  does  my
              album  than  we  have                                      we get a few  heart  good,  y’know.  Similarly,  I’ve  a  band
              on  any  record  in  the  past.  That’s  just  be-  together? John Corabi’s an amazing front-  called The Unholy Gospel Band, who meet
              cause we could. Even when our producers  man,  great  voice,  very  soulful  voice.  We  up every Sunday afternoon and play Unholy
              went back to London, Paul and myself would  know Doug and the rest of the guys from the  Gospel  Brunch  at  my  friend’s  venue  in
              stay in the studio and work 12-hour days to  various bands that they’ve played in in the  Belfast. That does me good as well because
              layer  up  guitars  and  vocals,  adding  little  past, so it’s a really positive tour, I think. It’s  when I’m not on the road I’m singing regu-
              extra touches along the way. It was the right  a good tour in that the two bands are very  larly and performing in front of people. It’s
              thing to do. And now we have that studio  different right now, it’s a really good cross  very different music to what we do in The An-
              there ready to go whenever we need to get  section of what the rock ‘n’ roll genre has to  swer but that light and shade helps me ap-
              back in there again and start making more  offer  at  this  point  in  time.  You’ve  got  the  preciate what I do in The Answer. So I’ve got
              new music.”                        guys doing their old school thing and then  different kinds of sidelines that help keep me
                                                 we’re getting up and playing what I would  sharp.”
                   he Answer formed at the turn of the  like to think is quite a forward-thinking pro-  Do The Answer’s own fans ever go to see
                Tcentury and have, for most of their  gressive  record.  There’s  a  really  good  di-  The Unholy Gospel Band, we ask. Cormac
              career, in general, been thought of as a clas-  chotomy going on there.”  says they do. “I’ve had people fly in from
              sic  blues  rock  and  hard  rock  band.  But                          England and further afield in Europe specif-
              ‘Solas’ sees the band spreading their wings.  ormac  mentions  that  the  album  is  ically  for  these  few  hours  on  a  Sunday.
              Cormac says, “I think with every record we  Cforward-thinking and progressive. In  They’ll maybe catch a rock ‘n’ roll show on a
              always try and do things differently to the  the title track, ‘Solas’, the frontman sings,  Saturday night and then come in for a few
              previous one but this album was a more pro-  ‘Do you ever stop to wonder why we are all  beers on the Sunday afternoon and listen to
              found step to the left than anything we’ve  here?’ That’s quite profound. So why are we  The Unholy Gospel Band. It’s always good to
              done before. It’s weird now because people  here? “I haven’t really worked that one out  see.”
              are going to listen to our previous five al-  yet,” replies Cormac, smiling. “I think you’ve
              bums and actually pay more attention to the  got  to  kind  of  live  in  the  present  to  even  n  ‘Left  Me  Standing’,  Cormac  sings
              left of centre tunes, the tunes that aren’t just  come  close  to  answering  that  question.  I  I‘can’t wait for the ground to swallow
              down-the-line, four-to-the-floor rock ‘n’ roll.  could sit in a dark room and reminisce about  me up’. We’re curious as to whether he’ll tell
              People are starting to realize there’s more to  the four months that my son was in hospital  us about some moments where he’s wanted
              The Answer than what we stood for for the  but it wouldn’t do me any good. There’s no  the ground to swallow him up. He says it’s
              last  ten  years  and  what  we  might  come  point in that. Or I could spend that time and  happened to him a lot of times. “Is there a
              across as if people are generalizing. So this  that energy trying to create a brilliant life for  man  or  woman  on  this  earth  who  hasn’t
              record, there’s a certain degree of reinven-  him, moving forward, and I’m lucky enough  wanted the ground to swallow them up at
              tion going on rather than a natural, slow evo-  to have that sense of focus. I think if you go  one point?” He laughs.  “That song specifi-
              lution. It’s exciting.”            through life and have a couple of little focus  cally is a break-up song, but I like to throw a
                The  album  incorporates  Gaelic  influ-  points to put your positive energy and your  few lines in there that have a slightly more
              ences,  sees  the  band  using  instruments  positive vibes into then you’re doing alright.”  far-reaching,  general  meaning.  But  yeah,
              such  as  the  bouzouki  and  mandolin,  and  Positivity  was  definitely  needed  when  you’ll have to wait until I write my book!”
              challenging themselves in a number of ways.  Cormac’s  newborn  son  Dabhóg  was  born  Gah!  Well,  while  we’re  waiting  for  the
              They then surprised fans by then performing  prematurely around the time of the release  book,  make  sure  you  get  ‘Solas’  if  you
              a ‘Solas’-heavy live set on tour, neglecting  of previous album, ‘Raise A Little Hell’. We  haven’t already, and go see The Answer on
              (for the time being) most of their previous  actually  interviewed  Cormac  on  the  tele-  tour. Visit for more info.
              musical catalogue. This hasn’t been too test-  phone when he was in the hospital sat by his
              ing  for  Cormac,  Paul,  Micky  and  James  child – not knowing how serious it was. He  Words & Live Photo By Shari Black Velvet
              though.  No  particular  songs  have  been  was doing promo for the album while spend-
                THE ANSWER
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