Page 19 - Black Velvet Issue 91
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BV91 pg16,17,18,19 sixxam alternative_BV91 pg19  19/12/2016  05:07  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 19
                    sings, looking back to that dark period in  The US tour supporting Five Finger  sings in the final song.
                    his life. He says that opening up about  Death Punch and Shinedown seemed like  He  tells  us,  “When  it  came  time  to
                    personal  issues  is  something  that  a particularly long and grueling one, with  choose how to end Volume 2, the way I
                    Sixx:A.M. has done since the beginning.  even Five Finger Death Punch frontman  was approaching it as a producer, as a
                    “It started with ‘The Heroin Diaries Sound-  Ivan Moody having to leave the tour, with  mixer,  was  that  we  were  ending  both
                    track’ and we were talking about heroin  All That Remains frontman Phil Labonte  records.  This  was  the  final  chapter  for
                    addiction and the recovery process and  standing  in  for  him.  James  has  loved  both  albums,  not  just  Volume  2.  So  I
                    the triumphs of overcoming that, so it’s  being  on  tour  though,  especially  as  he  wanted to have a song that felt that it, in a
                    nothing new for Sixx:A.M. to address very  was a singer/songwriter/musician prior to  way, went off into the sunset. I rode off
                    personal matters that a lot of people may  becoming a producer. James himself re-  into the sunset and I wanted there to be
                    find uncomfortable to deal with. But that  leased  a  solo  CD  entitled  ‘Inhale’  back  this moment where you definitely felt the
                    really is our comfort zone, taking on is-  around the turn of the century and had  completion  of  this  long  journey  that
                    sues like that, so yeah, a song like ‘Maybe  been in bands before choosing to do pro-  started with Volume 1 and ‘Helicopters’
                    It’s  Time’,  which  to  me,  is  one  of  my  duction work for a living, only returning to  was actually this song that I wrote about
                    favourite  Sixx:A.M.  songs  we’ve  ever  the road when Sixx:A.M. decided to go  15 years ago, so it’s been around for a
                    done, because it is so personal and it ad-  out on tour. “It is a dream come true. I’m  long time. We’ve tried to put it on other
                    dresses  an  inner  struggle  that  I  think  very grateful that I’m having these expe-  records and it just didn’t seem right but
                    many,  many  people  deal  with.  Not  just  riences, but I’m more grateful that I’m hav-  this just seemed like the perfect opportu-
                    with addiction but when you reach that  ing them now as opposed to earlier in my  nity to have this beautiful, soaring, almost
                    point in your life where you look at how  life because I’m old enough now to have  gospel-like experience to wind down this
                    you’re behaving and what you’re doing,  a real appreciation for how difficult this  journey that you’ve just been on that re-
                    and you have to assess the things that are  music industry is. It can really send you  ally,  for  all  practical  purposes,  started
                    working and the things that aren’t work-  down the wrong path. Success can be a  with the song ‘Rise’ at the beginning of
                    ing. I think that all of us reach a point in  very dangerous thing. When I look at how  Volume 1.
                    our lives where we look at how life has  some of these young pop stars are being  “I guess there is a mournfulness to
                    been up until now and then we figure out  affected by sudden success and how it  the final few songs on Volume 2 but I think
                    what needs to change. We start taking ef-  can really, really mess with your head and  that happens kind of naturally. To me, I be-
                    forts to change it. We dealt with that a lit-  affect everything moving forward in your  lieve it winds down gracefully, because it
                    tle  bit  with  the  song  ‘Better  Man’  off  life, so I’m grateful that I was able to build  has been quite a journey. In the first few
                    Volume 1, but I think ‘Maybe It’s Time’ is a  a  career  that  was  not  so  much  based  songs of Volume 2, there’s such an en-
                    song that really addresses that very mo-  upon being in the public eye. I’ve been a  ergy and such an aggression and a pas-
                    ment where the decision is made. To me,  behind-the-scenes  person  most  of  my  sion  to  those  songs.  Songs  like
                    that’s just a heroic moment in any per-  adult  life  and  that’s  where  my  comfort  ‘Barbarians’ and ‘We Will Not Go Quietly’,
                    son’s life where they decide, ‘OK, I can  zone was and where I felt I always did my  ‘Wolf At Your Door’, I think that the transi-
                    still change. I can still improve myself. I  best  work.  So  to  have  this  opportunity  tion  to  winding  it  down  had  to  happen
                    can  fix  the  things  that  aren’t  working  come along at this stage in my career; No.  kind of gradually, so you’ll notice that the
                    about my life. That’s a beautiful moment.  1, it is absolutely still a dream come true,  record does gradually slow down. These
                    It’s  something  that  hopefully  everyone  I’m having the time of my life, but I’m also  emotions start to settle in a little bit so by
                    can experience in their life, when they re-  very  grateful  that  I’m  able  to  handle  it  the time you get to the end with songs like
                    alize  that  they  are  capable  of  making  from a maturity standpoint. I don’t know  ‘Suffocate’ and ‘Helicopters’ you’re ready
                    changes for the better in their personal  if I could have handled it in my 20s. But  for this thing to unwind and come to a
                    lives.”                           believe me when I tell you, I’m living out  close. That’s something that I really loved
                                                      my dream every day.”             about the pacing of these records; that it
                          nother song that is deeply reveal-  One specific dream he lived out re-  really does take you on a journey from be-
                       Aing is ‘Wolf At Your Door’. James  cently was getting to play for the troops  ginning to end.”
                    has said that it is about depression – and  in Japan a few months ago.   Well, the journey to the end of our in-
                    that he himself suffers from severe de-  “I  certainly  dreamed  about  it,”  he  terview is nearly over, so we’re curious
                    pression. It’s a song that a lot of fans will  says. “I think it’s always been an exciting  about  when  we  can  expect  to  see
                    be able to relate to and one that offers  prospect for me, to be able to go over to  Sixx:A.M. in concert again, especially in
                    comfort with lyrics such as ‘You’re not  Japan and be on US military bases over  the UK and Europe.
                    alone anymore, I’ll be right by your side  there  and  meet  those  young  men  and  “I’m not sure what our tour plans are
                    when the wolf is at your door’. We ask  women that we have held up as heroes  going to be. We are going to be in the stu-
                    James how touring affects his own de-  from afar for so long, but to be there and  dio a lot next year and as you know we’ve
                    pression.                         shake their hands and look in their eyes  been on the road a lot this year. I think it’s
                       James  answers,  “It’s  an  ongoing  and talk to them and hear their stories and  been about six months total of being on
                    struggle and certainly has been most of  realize  that  yes,  these  people  are  truly  the road this year, so we’re very excited
                    my  adult  life.  Touring  in  a  way  is  very  heroic but they’re also human beings with  that we were able to get out and play so
                    helpful  for  that,  as  I’m  able  to  live  in  a  families and they miss their families and  many shows. We also know we’ve got to
                    very, very regimented routine out here on  they’re doing incredible work and they’re  get  back  in  the  studio  and  write  more
                    the road. It’s almost like Groundhog Day  risking their lives… it was just an incred-  music. So I think that 2017 is going to be
                    where you really do get into this routine  ibly  powerful  experience  to  spend  time  mostly  in  the  studio  but  we’re  already
                    that is almost the same from day to day  with  them  and  be  given  the  honour  to  starting to talk about what our next route
                    and I find that very helpful because I can  have the chance to entertain them. I actu-  of touring is going to look like. There’s
                    stay very focused on certain things and  ally  befriended  a  colonel  on  the  base  nothing on the books yet but it’s certainly
                    there’s always a task in hand. There’s al-  there. We went out and we spent the day  something that we’re working on very ag-
                    ways  a  schedule  that  you  have  to  deal  golfing  together  and  I  really  felt  like  I  gressively.”
                    with. For me personally, that’s very help-  made some real friends there. It was an  While Sixx:A.M. always create amaz-
                    ful, but it’s always been a struggle. I find  experience  that  I  will  remember  for  the  ing works of art while in the studio and we
                    that when I’m not on the road, and I’m in  rest of my life and be very proud of and  look  forward  to  even  more  new  music
                    the  studio,  creating,  that’s  when  the  grateful that I had the opportunity.”  from them, after hearing that James can
                    demons are really going full-force and it’s                        struggle in the studio we hope the band
                    usually  quite  a  struggle  to  get  through  etting back to the double album,  aren’t there too long and do get back out
                    some of those times. So I’m grateful for  GJames says that he sees Volume  on the road sooner rather than later. We
                    the  routine, I’m  grateful for the  intense  1  and  2  as  one  big  story. As  Volume  2  also hope that James knows that if the
                    passion and focus that not only I, but my  nears its end, the album winds down, but  wolf is at his door we’d all be right by his
                    bandmates have on this band. Getting up  we, the listener, feel a sense of sadness  side.
                    every  day  and  being  able  to  perform  from songs such as ‘Suffocate’, Riot In  Visit for more
                    Sixx:A.M. music is about the most thera-  My Head’ and ‘Helicopters’. It seems as if  info.
                    peutic thing I could ever have imagined  a relationship has reached its end. ‘You  Words & Live Photo By Shari Black Velvet
                    being able to do.”                left  me  here  all  alone  to  suffer,’  James
                                                                                                       Band Photo By Dustin Jack
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