Page 11 - Black Velvet Issue 91
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BV91 pg8-11 royalrepublic_BV91 pg11 08/12/2016 01:30 Page 4
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aside for a while.” sometimes I think… if you look at Kurt out.”
The band’s second album was titled Cobain for example, he was 27 years old The four members’ parents have always
‘Save The Nation’, although it was more when he died and what he managed to get been 100% supportive of their sons’ musical
about saving themselves and yourself rather out, he was basically a kid, writing these aspirations. Today they get to shows when
than the world or nation as a whole. Both lyrics. His mind has got to be… there’s al- they can, with Jonas adding, “That’s the ben-
Hannes and Jonas think that music has kind most too much going on in there. The efit of the internet nowadays and everyone
of helped save them to some degree – or at thoughts and the creativity would last a life- having a smart phone. They put it up on
least made life better for them. time for a ‘normal’ person. Sometimes I think YouTube so they always keep track. It’s kind
“Sometimes when I actually do take a there was just too much going on in the head of cool, they call me and say, “So, tomorrow
moment to reflect on things, I realise that of these people, and there was basically no you play there and there, how’s it going to
everything I’ve done, all the people I’ve met, way around it, which is a shame and I’m not be? Looking forward to it?” and I have no
all my friends, my family, none of this would saying this is the case, but that’s kind of idea but they know in advance where I’m
have happened without music for me, and I what I think, actually.” going to be. ‘Cause when you’re on tour it’s
wouldn’t have met all these people,” says basically one big blurry mess. You just go to
Hannes. “I met my wife through music, my he band have a song called ‘Good To bed, wake up in a new town, “Where’s the
friends, these guys, I went to places I would TBe Bad’ on their debut ‘We Are The nearest coffee shop?” and then you can kind
never have gone if it wasn’t through music. I Royals’ album. In the song, Adam sings, ‘I’m of sort out your thoughts.”
can’t think of one single thing in my life that the plague of the neighbourhood’. Hannes There are no plans to stop touring yet
does not have a straight connection to imagines that Jonas was probably the though… so that big blurry mess looks to be
music.” plague of his neighbourhood. continuing for a while. “This tour will keep
The band’s music has also helped some “No, I was one of the good guys actu- rolling for quite some time now. All the way
of their fans. Jonas tells us, “We’ve had a lot ally,” Jonas says. “I was basically the plague through 2017, I believe. Eventually we have
of fans coming up or writing us, “Thank you for my parents, always running away, basi- to sit down and write a new album,” he
for putting out such great music and getting cally. I was nice and cool. I did my home smiles, “and record it, so the schedule is
me through my depression,” or “I’m feeling studies, I did what I was supposed to do. No kind of packed. We have plans for at least 1
very low,” or “my divorce”. It’s a bit weird hassle. I’m one of the good guys. I would ½ years ahead.”
‘cause you’re just a normal guy and people love to be bad sometime. Still haven’t done “And that’s how it works within the
look up to you and say thank you for things it.” music industry,” says Jonas. “You make an
that I didn’t really consider when I started Hannes, meanwhile, says that, “Between album, you do promo, you tour for two years
with music, and they’re like, “This music the years from when I was 15 to 19 I was and then you start over again. And slowly
helped me through a lot of shit in my life,” probably a bit of a hassle actually.” but surely try to build it up even further. I
and make you feel good. You’re welcome! Adam’s parents were musicians and love it.”
Thank you for the support.” Hannes confirms that his dad was also a mu- Well, we love Royal Republic – so we
Some people sadly haven’t been saved sician, although not on a professional level. can’t wait for more tours and more albums,
by music though. Even certain musicians “He was quite an accomplished classical and hope they build things up more and
haven’t been saved by music. People like guitar player. He taught me my first chords more, until eventually everyone in the world
Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse achieved on the guitar. He taught me Bob Dylan sees them on that musical throne. As we
success through music, yet lost their lives. songs, Guns N’ Roses, and then I started said, they deserve it.
Could anything have saved them? checking out Nirvana stuff. So I got a lot of Visit for more
“I’m not sure about that,” replies music through him. And a lot of the stuff that info.
Hannes. “When I think of guys like Cobain, I listen to today is what he got me into when Words By Shari Black Velvet
Jimi Hendrix, Joplin and all these people that I was 10 or 11 years old, which I started out
were taken away from us at an early age, hating but now I can’t see myself living with- Photos By Eric Weiss