Page 27 - Black Velvet Issue 89
P. 27

BV89 pg26,27,28,29 Hands Like Houses_BV89 pg27  28/06/2016  02:59  Page 2

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 27

              Symptom And The Cure
              Symptom And The Cure

               making the call to push back the release  sound, it probably has been just pursuing  time and space - I think this is something
               date, like we had a whole roll-out. We even  the band. As a living, it takes a lot of your  that we really need to be able to go all out
               had an entire world tour booked around it,  time, your energy and a lot of sacrifices of  on tour. So this tour we’ve had 11 shows
               which was then rescheduled for now and  normality. I think you know, sticking it out  straight  in America  and  now  we  have  13
               you’re witnessing the conclusion of it at the  has been one of the bravest things because  straight, and so 24 shows in 26 days is def-
               moment,  which  has  been  amazing.  But  you do have to put on a brave face and get  initely taking it out of us. But being able to
               yeah, I think just making that decision on  on with it when things do suck and kind of  be smarter with our opportunities and tak-
               the whole was a risk of losing momentum  ride it out to the next positive thing and say  ing the right tours is important, rather than
               to be able to get the album right. We were  ‘right, that was worthwhile’. There’s always  just being out on tours just be out there.
               right at the end with a week to go in the stu-  a balance.”          We’ve gotten to a point where we can grind
               dio. We were like, ‘Right, we can finish it,  Hands Like Houses are hard workers,  and grind and sure it will probably pay off
               but it’s not going to be what it should be.  and Trenton acknowledges that being in a  but we all have lives beyond, that are en-
               We need some time to go away to sit on it  band often means sacrificing a few things.   riched and enhanced by what we do in the
               and come back with a couple more songs.”  “Yeah, we’ve been really lucky, particu-  band and we want to be able to enjoy that,
                  Following on from making difficult de-  larly this year. We hope to continue push-  so striking a balance is kind of the biggest
               cisions, Black Velvet asks Trenton what the  ing as a band. We have been able to get a  obstacle at the present.”
               bravest thing he’s ever done is.   balance  as  we’ve  been  getting  busier.
                  “Oh Jeez!” He thinks for a moment and  We’ve had to balance it out more in order  oing  back  to  ‘Dissonants’,  the
               then, although a little embarrassed to start  to get our home time for recharging and  Glyrics ‘I won't sink into the sea of
               off  with,  he  says,  “As  lame  as  it  might  also  enjoying  making  music  in  our  own  grey, I won't melt into the choir of angels’ in

                                                                                          HANDS LIKE HOUSES
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