Page 24 - Black Velvet Issue 89
P. 24
BV89 pg22,23,24,25 the treatment_BV89 pg24 28/06/2016 00:01 Page 3
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 24
months of the old line-up was horrible, be- where all I can hear is, “Mitch, do you want Mitch. Mitch had sung on the initial tracks of
cause even though we were in Australia, we to do a shot out of Dave’s arse?” and for the album, so we sent them off to see what
knew it was going to be Matt’s last shows some reason I said yes. And then the next they thought, and they loved it. And without
anyway. None of us were really talking. It was day I felt awful.” even seeing us live, they were like, “We
a bit of a horrible situation to be honest. It Do new members often get an initiation wanna offer you a deal”. We were just taken
was basically me, our manager, who is my to go through? We ask. by that kind of enthusiasm in wanting to get
dad, Laurie, Tag (Grey) and Rick (Newman) “I think that’s the most special initiation behind the band, so we decided to go with
were one group and Matt and Fabian, the old we’ve ever had to be honest,” Dhani replies. Frontiers and they’ve been great for us so
guitar player, they were their group. They He turns to Mitch, “Now you can say you’re far.”
must’ve both known that they were going to close with Dave.” They love that the label is letting them
be leaving as well, even though at the time “I can,” replies Mitch. “I’ve never been get on with the music and not giving de-
Fabian hadn’t said anything. But they were that close to a roadie before.” mands. “One of our old labels, they were try-
kind of drifting apart and we were doing our ing to kind of put their stamp on our music,”
own thing, so it was kind of horrible towards esides new members (Tao, Tag’s says Dhani. We wanted to make the album
the end - so it’s nice to be like a sealed unit Bbrother, took over from Fabian), The we wanted to make and there’d be ridiculous
again.” Treatment have also signed a new record things; “We’re not releasing this record until
The new line-up definitely seem to be deal. Their new album, ‘Generation Me’, was we have the sound of an anvil in one of your
having an enjoyable time at present – with released on Frontiers Records in March. songs”… When we signed with Frontiers,
new vocalist Mitch drinking a… er… bum Dhani tells us, “We first got initiated with they were just like, “You do the music, we’ll
vodka cocktail prior to the band’s UK tour. Frontiers because my dad plays in a band do the business side of things,” and that was
Mitch explains, “It was actually the first party called Airrace so when Airrace reformed, literally all we wanted. So I think that’s why
I had with The Treatment. It was the first time Frontiers signed them for a couple of albums our latest record came out a lot more ener-
I met our roadie, who is called The Yeti. on the kind of reunion tour. We were watch- getic and a lot more raw, ‘cause it’s what we
Within minutes of meeting him for the first ing how good their press team was, and how wanted to do with it, rather than having to
time I was doing shots of vodka out of his they were working Airrace in Europe, and we keep a label boss happy.”
ass. That was my first meeting with the thought, if we ever have the opportunity to Half of the album was written before
band’s long-time roadie. I don’t really re- look for another label, we’ll definitely bear Mitch joined the band, but the band restruc-
member any of the night. It was a complete them in mind. So we sent them off the first tured the songs already written to fit Mitch’s
blur and then there’s a little bit of memory demos. It was even before we announced vocals. Mitch tells us, “A couple of tracks,