Page 32 - Black Velvet Issue 89
P. 32

BV89 pg30,31,32,33,34,35,36_BV89 pg32  30/06/2016  23:20  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 32
              or feeling in your past or whatever it is. It’s  people dance to called ‘We Don’t Have To  ndy Biersack is an only child.  Be-
              almost like eating food and then getting sick  Dance’, so there’s a little bit of a tongue-in-  Acause of this it makes sense that he
              right when you eat that food and then any  cheek thing there.”         was  not  a  fan  of  social  situations.  When
              time you ever smell that food or anyone ever  We wonder whether Andy has ever felt  growing  up,  only  children  may  often  be
              offers it to you, then you get that sick feeling  anxious when meeting any fellow musicians  alone. Despite having friends, relatives etc.
              again.  There’s  a  large  part  of  songwriting  or idols. He answers, “It’s much the oppo-  they’ll  always  come  home  and  have  their
              that deals with emotions that feel the same  site. I have found that I’ve missed opportu-  own alone time. They don’t have a brother or
              way. When you’re thinking about a time that  nities to meet people really cool because I  sister to share time, bedrooms and toys with.
              was upsetting you, for instance the loss of a  have resigned myself in my emotions that I  Instead, their best friend may become soli-
              friend. I wrote a lot about the loss of a friend  don’t care about meeting anybody. When I  tude,  peace  and  quietness.  They  become
              on this record, my friend Chris, who passed  was really young, I decided early on that no-  conditioned to depend on themselves rather
              away. So those are the kind of things that  one could really ever live up to the version  than always being with others and having
              you get those senses come back to you. In  that you build in your head so I didn’t want  others to lean on. Some may become inse-
              the moment that you’re writing you’re kind  to disappoint myself with meeting my heroes  cure because of this. Although, others use
              of in this dark place that you’re kind of ac-  because I thought, “What’s better, the book  this as motivation. Andy says that being an
              cessing  intentionally  and  putting  yourself  or the movie?” I never thought that anybody  only  child  actually  helped  him  further  his
              there.”                            could live up to it, so I think there are many  musical career. “I think because I’m an only
                There are some things that may surprise  times when I probably could have become  child I never had anyone to keep me in check
              rock fans about Andy. Did you know, for ex-  friendly with people that I looked up to in an  and tell me that someone might not want me
              ample,  that  despite  being  in  one  of  the  early point in my career. Fortunately, pretty  to perform. I’ve performed my entire life with
              biggest rock bands around, Andy is not a  early on I got                                  a complete lack of
              huge fan of social situations – as the song  put in the sit-  rom the time I was a little kid, I  self-awareness  to
              ‘We Don’t Have To Dance’ reveals.  uation where,                                          the  idea  that  that
                He  looks  back  to  the  early  Black  Veil  because  my “Fwas  constantly  getting  repri-  someone wouldn’t
              Brides days. “You have to understand that I  band   had  manded in school, and the term was ‘This  want  to  watch  me
              started touring at 17/18 and by the time I was  gotten  suc-                              do that. If I’d had a
              touring  internationally  it  was  19  and  I’m  cessful  to  a  isn’t the Andy Show’, everything isn’t ‘The  brother  or  some-
              around people at the time who are my age  degree,  peo-  Andy  Show’.  So  if  you  look  in  the  liner  one  to  tell  me  to
              that I am now, so when you’re that young  ple   were                                      stop doing it when
              you piece together your personality socially  coming  out  notes  of the  Andy  Black  record,  I  put a  I   was   younger
              from other people. You’re kind of putting to-  to shows and                               maybe   I   would
              gether elements of everything you’re seeing  introducing  dedication to my teachers that this IS in  have  had  more
              and you’re building a version of yourself. So  themselves,  fact the Andy Show...” - Andy Biersack  sense   when   it
              it’s kind of a veilance that you’re presenting.  so I was kind                            came  to  when  I
              So in that way you can kind of be extrovert  of able to get                               should   perform.
              and you can show a level of excitement for  over that pretty quickly, because I saw that  But from the time I was a little kid, I was con-
              socialization that isn’t necessarily accurate,  most people actually are pretty cool. The fact  stantly getting reprimanded in school, and
              so it’s more so about a constant feeling that  that I have Matt Skiba, who is the singer of  the  term  was  ‘This  isn’t  the  Andy  Show’,
              I’ve had since I was a kid of being uncomfort-  Alkaline Trio, my favourite band of all time,  everything isn’t ‘The Andy Show’. So if you
              able with the perceived cool thing that was  on this record, singing with me, that’s a great  look  in  the  liner  notes  of  the  Andy  Black
              happening, whether it was being at a dance  example of how sometimes your heroes can  record, I put a dedication to my teachers that
              club, for instance, most venues in the UK on  turn out to be really cool.”  this IS in fact the Andy Show, so I hope they
              club level turn into dance clubs or rock clubs  In  the  last  issue  of  Black  Velvet,  Erik  enjoy this record for that, but I don’t know,
              after the show’s over and if you’re in a hard  Chandler of Bowling For Soup said he didn’t  I’ve never had any fear of performing. It’s
              rock band that are heavy drinkers you tend  want  to  meet  his  heroes  because  he  was  something that I’ve always felt I wanted to do
              to then go into that dance club and if you’re  worried they would be horrible.  and  it’s  the  most  fun  thing  for  me.  I  love
              a guy who’s in the band that just headlined  “It’s a really delicate thing when you’re  sports, I love arts, I love so many different
              that night you’re meant to be the guy that’s  listening to rock music and you kind of build  things, but when it comes to an act or doing
              excited and having fun to be there and in  up a mythology in your head of these peo-  something that is exciting for me, getting on
              some ways I guess I was always internally a  ple,” Andy says. “The minute that you get  stage regardless of how I feel that day or
              little bit conflicted because I had to present  into this, and you’re successful in any way,  how tired I am, jetlag, it’s always a fun thing.”
              this excited ‘I can’t wait to dance and drink  the curtain sort of drops a little bit on the  Touring has become even more fun the
              and everything else’ and in reality I was kind  mythology  and  the  kind  of  mysticism  of  healthier Andy has become. Many bands find
              of crawling under my skin because there’s a  these people, because you know that their  drinking fun, and of course Andy did too, but
              huge part of me that is still that social anx-  life, very much like yours presently, is back-  over the years, its enjoyment faded, and now
              ious wallflower, kind of thing. But, I think it’s  stage rooms, hotels and flights and shows.  Andy has quit drinking. This has benefitted
              more a tongue-in-cheek thing, it’s not that I  The monotony of touring and all that stuff is  Andy both on and offstage.
              can’t be in a fun situation and not enjoy my-  the  same  for  them  but  the  magic  and  the  “I think it’s changed me in every way, at
              self, it’s more just that I’m hyper-aware of the  things that they put on the records that you  least in the way that I perceive things,” says
              fact that I have a kind of misanthropic ten-  listened to when you were young is this kind  Andy. “You’re much more aware when you’re
              dency.”                            of fallable, amazing thing. So it’s kind of a  not inebriated, I know that sounds pretty ob-
                No doubt some fans can relate to this  tightrope  that  you  walk.  While  you  know  vious but you sometimes don’t see it, be-
              song. We certainly can. And Andy thinks this  there isn’t anything amazing, you don’t want  cause the nature of what I do is that it’s so
              is a positive thing.               to  ruin  the  perception,  that  you  have  this  Groundhog Day. You’re going from venue to
                “Yeah, I don’t think it’s uncommon for  magical thing that you’ve built around them.  venue  and  you’re  drinking  and  not  even
              people to not want to join in,” Andy says. “I  So when you are in the situation where you  overdrinking – I’ve never been someone that
              just think that it’s so prevalent, the idea of  meet someone that was a hero and they’re  was  too  crazy.  When  I  stopped  it  was  be-
              being involved in the group that it’s hard to  so great, it’s such a pleasant thing and it’s  cause I had had moments when I could see
              escape, so if my song is making people feel  such a wonderful thing. I’ve been so fortu-  myself drinking too much and feeling like I
              that wallflower feeling, it’s making them feel  nate,  whether  it’s  people  in  the  hard  rock  was missing track of time, not fully living my
              that  they  have  something  that  is  in  some  world like Alice Cooper, Dee Snider, Nikki  life, kind of thing and it just wasn’t agreeing
              ways anthemic to them then I think that’s a  Sixx, so many other people, that I grew up  with me. I was feeling sluggish and bloated
              huge positive because it is a real thing. Ob-  idolizing who’ve been huge fans and sup-  and just kind of shitty. I was like, “I think I’m
              viously I’m poking fun at it but there are cer-  porters  of  Black  Veil  Brides,  or  on  this  going to stop drinking for a while,” because
              tainly people who, unlike myself, who cannot  record, having people like Matt Skiba come  over the years I’d done “Oh, I won’t drink for
              go  into  social  situations  because  of  their  in and Quinn from The Used and Gerard Way  a while,” and I was like, “I’m just going to do
              feeling of crippling fear of socialization and  and some people in the alternative scene,  some tours without it,” and then those tours
              being around other people and being the life  I’ve been really fortunate that everybody that  went by and I was like, “Well fuck, why would
              of the party and everything, but… it’s meant  I’ve come to know over the years has been  I go back? This is great,” so I’ve just been
              to be fun. It’s a dancey song. It’s a song that  great.”               enjoying it. I’ve had a few glasses of wine
                ANDY BLACK
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