Page 21 - Black Velvet Issue 89
P. 21

BV89 pg18,19,20,21 boy jumps ship_BV89 pg21  18/06/2016  00:16  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 21

              a digital radio in their kitchen, I always used  s  well  as  having  a  great  time  on  was one of the worst times ever getting to a
              to listen to XFM or something, but I don’t  Astage, Boy Jumps Ship have a great  gig.” laughs Jonny R.
              even  own  a  digital  radio  anymore.  So  it’s  relationship off stage. “We have great friend-  “Whenever  you  turn  up  to  a  festival,  I
              tough for radio in that sense but it means  ships,”  Jonny  R  tells  us.  “We’ve  all  been  mean  usually  advancing  for  festivals  is
              that people have so many more mediums to  friends  for  years  anyway  before  the  band  great,” JD says, “But there’s always that fes-
              go and listen to music now instead.”  started, just because we all played in other  tival that has security on the gates and the
                Now  that  there  is  a  massive  library  of  bands that were in the scene at the same  security tend not to always know where cer-
              music  online,  bands  have  to  go  the  extra  time and stuff, so we’ve always been really  tain bands are going, so you’ll drive to the
              mile to try and stand out from the crowd and  good friends and then creatively. Creatively,  festival for six, seven hours and you can fi-
              make themselves heard. Boy Jumps Ship try  being in a band we just learn how each other  nally see where you need to be but you just
              and stand out when they’re playing their live  works,” He explains. “You can’t have egos  need to know how to get there, so you ask
              shows. “I think that when we play live, we try  you know. If someone says your part sucks  the first guy you see and 9 out of 10 times
              and give, as cliché as it is to say “Oh, we al-  then you’ve just got to take it on the chin and  he’ll sort of stand there like, “I need to talk
              ways give 110% blah blah blah”, we do, we  go “Okay, that’s fine”. There’s no room for  to my supervisor,” and whatnot. Getting in
              try our best to have fun and enjoy ourselves  egos in a band. It’s your job at the end of the  and out of festivals can be a bit of a pain
              and I think with the level of our band at the  day so you can’t get too emotive about it. So  when you don’t know where your tent is.”
              minute, our job is to influence the energy in  yeah, we’re good with things like that, and
              the room from the stage as oppose to relying  then  once  we’re  out  of  the  practice  room  ne of the last tracks on ‘Wake Up’ is
              on people off the stage giving it back to us,”  we’ll  go  and  have  a  pint  and  have  an  ab-  O‘The Best Is Yet To Come’, and we’re
              JD says. “A lot of the shows on this tour that  solute hoot because, you know, we’re great  certain  the  best  is  yet  to  come  for  Boy
              we’ve  done,  we’ve  found  that  there  have  friends at the end of the day.”   Jumps Ship, but what’s been their favourite
              been more and more people who have come  When you’re in a band you get to experi-  memory so far? After contemplating for a
              along to the shows who are becoming bigger  ence all of the amazing, fun things that come  while JD tells us, “Okay, I’d say, right now,
              fans of our band and are travelling so far just  with it, but you also have to experience the  as it stands, the best thing that’s happened
              to come and see us play for 45/50 minutes. I  bad things, like getting lost on the way to a  to me is releasing that album and playing our
              mean, we’re not relying on needing a room  gig. “We get lost on our way to gigs all the  hometown show in Newcastle for the album
              full of 500, 1000 people to have a good time,  time!” laughs JD. “Jonny R is like a human  release.  It  was  something  else.  The  place
              you know, we just give it as much as we can  sat nav though.”          was  absolutely  bouncing  and  I  was  very
              on stage and enjoy it as much as we can, no  Jonny R agrees, “Yeah, I pride myself on  humbled to be able to walk out in our home-
              matter what the circumstances, no matter  my geographical knowledge so I hate getting  town and have that reaction that we got, so
              how good or bad our day has gone that day.  lost and when we do get lost it’s the worst.  I’d say that moment for me, was up there.”
              There’s always things with being in a band  Oh my god, when we played Rome!”   Jonny  R  agrees,  “From  now  on,  we’ll  be
              where certain days you wake up and some-  JD looks like he’s just been hit with a  looking to move on to album number two but
              thing goes wrong, or something goes right,  painful  memory,  “Aw,  not  Rome!”  Boy  I’d agree that hometown show, that was the
              and it’s about putting all of that energy and  Jumps Ship went on tour with Arcane Roots  best.”
              turning it into a positive force on stage, so  a few years ago and played a show in Rome,  Visit
              yeah, I’d say that we just like to have a good  “It was the worst. The sat nav had no idea  music for more info.
              time.”                             what was going on, the roads were all di-
                                                 verted. Just getting in and out of that city  Words & Jonny & JK Photos By Carissa Thorne

                                                                                                BOY JUMPS SHIP
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