Page 16 - Black Velvet Issue 89
P. 16

BV89 pg14,15,16,17 the amorettes_BV89 pg16  02/07/2016  21:21  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 16

              a house party kind of thing. Having a good                                 Speaking of ‘Pervert Alert’, this is one
              time  and  not  giving  a  damn  about  your                            of Black Velvet’s favourite tracks on the
              neighbours.”                                                             album. We ask if they have had perverts
                “We’d toured with Ricky’s band and he                                   at their shows?
              actually approached us to do some writing,                                   “Yeah. It’s not really as bad as you
              ‘cause he loved the band and he loved the                                  think,”  replies  Hannah.  “Now  and
              songs but he felt that the choruses                                         again  you’ll  get  the  odd  guy  who’ll
              especially  needed  a  little                                                just back you into a corner because
              something  else,  an-                                                        they have no concept of personal
              other little lift, and                                                        space and they’re quite shameless
              he thought he could                                                            with  their  chat-up  lines.  But  it’s
              help with that. So Gill                                                        not just focused towards guys.
              and him wrote to each                                                           It’s just anyone that’s in that sit-
              other via email and he                                                           uation  where  you’re  getting
              sent Gill a set of lyrics                                                        sleazed upon. It’s more gen-
              and she put the tune to                                                           eral. It was just a nice change
              ‘The Neighbours…’ and it                                                           of tempo as well. A bit more
              seemed to work really well.                                                         of a groovy tempo, it’s quite
              A  really  good  catchy  cho-                                                       danceable.  It’s  been  get-
              rus. So we sent him the fin-                                                         ting quite a good recep-
              ished song and he was really                                                          tion.  At  the  Pledge
              happy with it.”                                                                       shows  we  played  the
                                                                                                   album in full and that one
                   he band recorded ‘White                                                   seemed to get a really good re-
                THot Heat’ at Nick Brine’s                                              ception. But yeah, you do get the odd
              Leeders  Vale  Studios  in  Ebbw                                       sleazy guy but generally it’s not as bad as
              Vale,  South  Wales.  Nick  engi-                                      you  think!  We’re  getting  better  at  dealing
              neered the album while Luke Mor-                                       with it as well! Getting out of a conversation
              ley  (Thunder)  produced  it.                                          as quick as you can!”
              Hannah  tells  us,  “We  had                                              The band also have a song called ‘Man
              toured with Thunder and Luke                                               Meat’.  Hannah  says,  “Gill’s  usually
              had  seen  the  band  actually                                                   quite insular about her songs,
              years  ago.  He’d  seen  us                                                          she keeps it a lot to her-
              progress over the years and                                                         self, as like I say, it’s her
              he just really wanted to get                                                        that  does  the  majority  of
              involved.  He  was  quite                                                          the writing. But we did an in-
              hands-on. When we did                                                             terview  yesterday  and  she
              our  last  album  it  was                                                         said she heard some woman
              just  a  case  of  go  in,                                                       call a man a beefcake and she
              record and get out of                                                           sort of connected that to ‘Man
              there. We did it in five                                                        Meat’. Yeah, don’t ask! I honestly
              days. But this time,                                                           don’t know what goes on in her
              we   were   down                                                              head. It’s kind of like when you’re
              there  for  three                                                            attracted  to  a  guy.  I  think  women
              weeks. We had a                                                              can be as pervy as men!”
              week of pre-pro-                                                               The band have an old song called
              duction,  to  play  him                                                    ‘She Devil’, so we take the opportunity
              the songs and he’d stop and                                                to ask who is the most devilish member
              say, “No. Why don’t you play this?”                                       of  the  band.  Hannah  replies,  “I  think
              He had a lot of input. We really did learn a                              we’re all quite bad for that when we’ve
              lot. We’ve progressed a lot as musicians as                                got a drink in us! Generally, we’re all
              well. Just kind of slower tempos, a bit more                                quite  calm  people,  we’re  quite  laid
              variety  in  the  songs,  maybe  a  bit  more                               back but once you get a drink in us,
              melody, but still keeping our old sound. But                                 anything can happen really. We were
              these guys have done it and it was                                            on tour with Ash at the end of last
              just really great to have their                                                year. We thought they’d be quite
              input. It’s just a differ-                                                     calm but they were actually the
              ent  way  of  working                                                           most  hardcore  band  we’ve
              but we learned a lot. I                                                          toured with. Every night they’d
              think  we  had  to  do  it,                                                      be  coming  into  our  dressing
              definitely.  The  album,                                                          room  with  some  whiskey.
              we’re  just  really  happy                                                         There were a couple of really
              with it.”                                                                          bad hangovers. There was a
                The  band  set  up  a                                                             bit of mischief caused on
              PledgeMusic  campaign  for                                                           that tour but I’d say we’re
              the album and had pledgers                                                            all  equally  as  bad.  Or
              sing  backing  vocals  on  the                                                        probably me, to be hon-
              album as well as playing guitar                                                        est… I’m probably the
              and bass. Hannah says, “I think                                                         biggest lightweight.”
              they did backing vocals on ‘Per-
              vert Alert’ and I think it was ‘Man                                                         rior to the album
              Meat’ as well. There was one other                                                       Prelease, the band
              that they did hand claps on. And we                                        played two shows, one in London and
              had pledgers who played guitar and                                     one in Glasgow, for fans that had pledged on
              bass. They just seemed so happy to                                     PledgeMusic. As mentioned, the band played
              be there. It was a really fun day to have                              the  album  in  full.  Hannah  says  they  were
              them all in. It feels more of a joint effort,                          nervous  before  the  show.  “‘Cause  we  fin-
              with the pledgers. We’re just so happy                                 ished The Treatment tour and then we had a
              that they’ve helped us out and it’s been a                             week to go and we hadn’t really touched the
              really fun experience.”                                                songs since we were in the studio. We just
                THE AMORETTES
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