Page 50 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 50

BV88 pg50_BV88 pg50  03/04/2016  02:16  Page 1

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 50
                                   biggest ever hit, 'New York  tracks  and  sound  experi-  heavier  than  the  band’s  ‘Hallelujah’, always a risky
                                   Groove' (from 1978), was a  mentation, all of which are  previous ‘Modern Vintage’  one  with  so  many  top-
                                   cover version, so it's per-  high calibre and display the  and  has  more  of  a  cohe-  notch  versions  out  there.
                                   haps a little surprising that  band’s range and talent to  sive  sound.  Opening  with  It’s a reasonable collection,
                                   he hasn't released a covers  full effect. The angst-laden  first  single,  ‘Rise’,  you’re  but   the   performances
                                   album  before.  This  new  ‘Breaking Out’ may be shot  immediately  handed  a  seem  a  little  bland.  It’s
                                   collection  includes  guest  through   with   Tarin’s  plate of strength, focus and  oddly  lacking  in  energy.
                                   appearances by a number  screams and the growls of  hope.  It’s  a  call  to  arms,  Disc  2  is  billed  as  a  rock
                                   of  fellow  musicians,  the  guitarist  Nick  Magee,  but  urging you to get yourself  fantasy and best described
                                   most  noteworthy  to  Kiss  alongside the frenetic riffs  together  and  rise  up.  as AOR.  It  starts  promis-
                                   fans being mainman Paul  and  punishing  drum  beat  ‘Sometimes  you  feel  like  ingly  with  the  hard  rock
              TOSELAND             Stanley, who delivers a fine  there’s a strong melody. In  giving up’, James Michael  intro to ‘Sexy Taxi Driver’.
              CRADLE THE RAGE      lead vocal performance on  Flames  guitarist  Jesper  sings in ‘You Have Come  ‘I’ll Be There For You’ and
              (52 MUSIC)           Free's  'Fire  And  Water',  Stromblad  co-wrote  and  To  The  Right  Place’.  The  ‘Bikers Feeling’ both have
                 Toseland’s   debut  and marking the first time  features on ‘Empty’, which  album  as  a  whole  has  a  a good driving rock rhythm,
              album,  ‘Renegade’,  im-  that the two of them have  contrasts  walls  of  sound  dark filter to the songs, but  while ‘When The Children
              pressed  rock  fans  as  the  appeared on record since  and  melodic  passages,  always with the light at the  Cry’ is a decent ballad. It’s
              former  motorcycle  cham-  1998.  Slash  trades  guitar  and  Tarin’s  strong,  clear  end of the tunnel vibe that  an enjoyable package and
              pion proved his talent was  leads  with  Ace  on  Thin  vocals  with  Nick’s  roars.  ‘This  Is  Gonna  Hurt’  had.  an entertaining enough lis-
              not restricted just to sport-  Lizzy's   Celtic-flavoured  ‘Breathe Out’ goes entirely  It’s here to help those that  ten. Just don’t expect fire-
              ing activities. ‘Cradle The  'Emerald'; Mike McCreedy  the other way, a lyrical bal-  need  a  bit  of  encourage-  works.
              Rage’ solidifies that. It’s a  of  Pearl  Jam  plays  guitar  lad   also   featuring  ment. ‘I’m Sick’ is a partic-  YYY
              kick-ass album from start to  on  possibly  Ace's  most  Stromblad,  with  acoustic  ular  favourite  with  the  Clare Huckett
              finish. Songs such as ‘Liv-  popular Kiss favourite 'Cold  guitars  and  the  ghost  of  chorus  ‘I’m  sick,  gimme
              ing In A Moment’ and open-  Gin';  guitarist  John  5  strings   underlying   the  some  more’  jumping  re-
              ing track ‘Too Close To Call’  shares  flashy  licks  on  heartfelt vocals. Hot on its  peatedly around your head
              will enrich your life. If you  'Spanish Castle Magic' by  heels, ‘Black Sheep’ has a  long after the song has fin-
              need an excuse to let your  Jimi Hendrix and a stonk-  dark intensity, a venting of  ished.  There’s  a  quality
              hair  down,  then  put  the  ing version of Kiss' 'Para-  frustration,  and  Tarin’s  solo by Dj in the song too.
              album  on  and  you’ll  be  site';   and   Lita   Ford  vocal variations are excep-  Title track ‘Prayers For The
              rocking  back  and  forth  to  provides  lead  vocals  and  tionally  good.  Finishing  Damned’ sees a vulnerabil-
              ‘Puppet  On  A  Chain’.  guitar on The Troggs' time-  with the dreamy and hope-  ity,  (‘everything  is  crum-
              There’s power and convic-  less  60s  hit  'Wild  Thing'.  ful anthem ‘Whole World’,  bling  in  my  head’,  James
              tion in ‘We’ll Stop At Noth-  Ace himself provides copi-  this is a phenomenal album  sings). ‘What have I got to
              ing’, while ‘Fingers Burned’  ous amounts of his famous  in its breadth of vision and  lose, when I’ve already lost
              sees the pace slow a little  guitar  stylings  right  from  delivery. Magnificent.  it all?’ is quite a heartbreak-  3 DOORS DOWN
              for  a  wistful  beast,  which  the  outset  on  a  cracking  YYYYY  ing  line,  although  there’s  US AND THE NIGHT
              includes some particularly  version of Cream's 'White  Clare Huckett  hope in there somewhere.  (REPUBLIC)
              strong guitar work coming  Room',  and  especially  on          More  stand  out  guitars  3  Doors  Down’s  new
              to the fore and ends with  an outstanding rendition of          from Dj in this song. ‘Better  album, ‘Us And The Night’,
              strings.  ‘Stranger  Things’  Led Zeppelin's 'Bring It On       Man’  bleeds  real  honesty  opens  with  the  vibrant,
              includes mention of world  Home'.  Album closer, Kiss'          while  ‘Can’t  Stop’  is  an-  ‘The  Broken’,  which  is  a
              issues such as how it’s be-  'Rock And  Roll  Hell',  is  a     other fist in the air rocker  ‘call to the broken’. It’s an
              coming  too  hot  (climate  somewhat peculiar choice            but with an electro founda-  empowering  song.  ‘Take
              change), while ‘Never Love  for Ace to cover as it is from      tion. You’ll want to bite into  back  your  world  today,’
              Another’  is  about  a  lost  1982's  'Creatures  Of  The       its sonic layers and savour  Brad Arnold sings. It sets a
              love. You can feel the pain  Night',  the  album  which         every  piece.  We  were  positive tone for the rest of
              and  emotion  through  the  Kiss put out just after Ace         slightly worried before we  the  album.  ‘In  The  Dark’
              tone  and  melody  of  the  originally left the band but        heard  ‘Prayers  For  The  begins with a funky dance
              song. The album ends with  which still featured him in          Damned’  as  Sixx:A.M.’s  beat. ‘She likes to do it in
              the title track ‘Cradle The  the  cover  photo,  even  SIXX:A.M.  three  previous  releases  the dark,’ Brad sings, giv-
              Rage’, a riffalicious number  though  he  didn't  actually  PRAYERS   FOR   THE  have always been spot on,  ing off sultry connotations.
              with  a  serious  tone  to  its  play  on  it.  He  more  than  DAMNED  always impressing us and  Songs such as ‘Believe It’
              lyrics. With repeated ‘cra-  does  the  song  justice  (ELEVEN SEVEN MUSIC)  with  nothing  to  fault.  We  and ‘Living In Your Hell’ are
              dle the rage’s towards the  though, contributing some  With   Mötley   Crüe  need not have worried as  instant  winners  with  their
              end, you feel the intensity  tasty  soloing  to  flesh  the  going their separate ways  the band have done it yet  infectious melodious tunes
              turning up, there’s even a  song out towards the end,  following  the  band’s  final  again. This IS what we live  and heartfelt lyrics. 3 Doors
              Velvet  Revolver-style  riff  making  it  over  2  minutes  show on New Year’s Eve,  for.  Down sound the best they
              which  shows  that  James  longer  than  the  Kiss  ver-  this left the door wide open  YYYYY  ever  have  with  Chet
              and the band mean busi-  sion. 'Origins Vol .1' is a su-  for  Nikki  Sixx  to  commit  SBV  Roberts  and  Justin  Bilto-
              ness.  A  top  class  album,  perb effort from the Space  fully to Sixx:A.M. Sixx:A.M.,  nen helping to recharge the
              one  we’ll  be  cradling  for  Ace  and  ranks  up  there  which  also  includes  Dj  THE BOYSCOUT  unit, and the album sounds
              quite a while.       with the very best work he  Ashba  (Guns  N’  Roses)  MY ROUTE 66  chock-a-block  full  of  hits.
                         YYYYY     has ever produced, giving  and James Michael, have  (SONIC REVOLUTION)  Unlike some albums there
                              SBV  his  loyal  fans  even  more  actually  been  a  band  for  Manuel   Mijalkovski,  is  no  wavering  in  quality
                                   good reasons to be proud  nearly ten years, but had,  aka The Boyscout, has re-  and  it  continues  its  solid
              ACE FREHLEY          of him.              for a large part of this time,  cruited a plethora of recog-  status right to the end. The
              ORIGINS VOL. 1                  YYYYY     mostly  been  just  a  studio  nisable  voices  to  journey  title  track,  ‘Us  And  The
              (STEAMHAMMER/SPV)                 Ian Trigg  project.  However,  now,  with him down his own per-  Night’, is a particular high-
                 Legendary   ex-Kiss                    Sixx:A.M. is well and truly  sonal  Route  66.  Claus  light, it grabs you instantly
              lead guitarist Ace Frehley is  SANGUINE   all systems go and to cele-  Lessmann  does  the  hon-  and wraps its dreamy cho-
              back with a new album less  BLACK SHEEP   brate,  they’ve  written  not  ours on ‘Born To Be Wild’,  rus around you, while the
              than 2 years after his last  (ODYSSEY MUSIC)  just  one  but  two  albums  Jeff Scott Soto contributes  piano-led  final  number,
              release, 2014's 'Space In-  Sanguine  is  a  band  and  will  tour  throughout  ‘Get Your Kicks On Route  ‘Fell From The Moon’ ends
              vader'. 'Origins Vol. 1' is an  that gets bored easily, ac-  2016  and  2017.  The  al-  66’, while Michael Voss is  things on a gentle and sin-
              all-covers album featuring  cording  to  vocalist  Tarin  bums  are  being  released  up for ‘Ride The Wind’, and  cere  note. A  great  album
              songs  by  artists  who  in-  Kerrey. So while there’s a  separately,  with  ‘Vol.  1’’s  Linda  Lulka  belts  out  a  from a great band.
              spired him, along with new  fair  amount  of  brutal  ag-  release  date  being  April  creditable  version  of  ‘Be-  YYYYY
              takes on several of his own  gression,  it’s  mixed  with  29th. The album itself is a  cause  The  Night’.  Mi-  SBV
              classic  Kiss  tracks.  His  some hauntingly beautiful  fine slab of hard rock. It’s  jalkovski  himself  tackles

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