Page 53 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 53

BV88 pg53 column_BV88 pg53  03/04/2016  18:54  Page 1

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com -  53

                              A (Musical) Note From...

                                                     ACEY SLADE

                    oe Strummer said, ‘The Future is Un-  pride, having visas from places spanning five  is unwritten. And all we have is this moment.
                  Jwritten’. It’s one of my favourite quotes.  continents. Each stamp a show, a party, lover  I’ve been asked a few times if I’ve thought
               Someday  I  want  to  make  a  Joe  Strummer  or  broken  heart. Always  a  memory  though!  about writing a book. Admittedly I’ve lived a lot.
               quote book or quote-a-day calendar. Another  Over the years the visas and stamps pile up  Shit, in a five year span I was in a Rock And
               idea that will have to wait till I’m semi-retired,  and  start  to  make  the  little  book  look  less  Roll Hall Of Fame inducted band, and gradu-
               living on an island in Asia or something. But for  charming  and  more  a  reflection  of  a  small  ated  both  cosmetology  school,  became  a
               now, I’m busy doing and saying things that  cramped world. Amazing how small you can  Teacher’s Instructor at one of New York City’s
               maybe will inspire someone to write a book  make your world with an identity that gives you  best photography schools and found out that I
               about me, or quotes of mine. The Joe Strum-  the keys to the world.  The caged bird does  had a sister two years my senior living in Ger-
               mer quote came to mind today as I opened my  sing.  With each new destination and terminal,  many that I never even knew existed! That’s
               passport to check that I have enough pages  a little more worn. The ink all blending together  just the past five years! Yet, somehow I still feel
               left for visas and that it hasn’t expired before  to make illegible lines like a broken map where  like I’m in the middle of writing this story. To do
               my visit to the UK on my next tour! It’s a newer  all  the  roads  lead  back  to  the  same  place.  an autobiography would, to me, seem like I
               one, but still, better safe then sorry. I have had  Like a once great tattoo that stayed in the sun  was putting a cap on life and retiring or some-
               the unpleasant experience of  having to expe-  too long. You don’t regret that you got it, you  thing. That being said, I have seen and done
               dite official documents with the US embassy,  maybe  just  wish  that  you  had  thought  it  some pretty crazy shit. If you wanna hear the
               and it’s not fun! Anyway, I’m sad to see the old  through a bit more and maybe didn’t let it get  good stories make sure you come out to my
               one go. But it’s leaving ended up being an un-  infected. So now it’s scared and faded and the  tour this April. I’ll play stuff from Dope, Murder-
               expected gift. The real gift was the joy of clo-  ink’s bled. It has had its glorious moments of  dolls,  Trashlight  Vision,  Joan  Jett  and  the
               sure  to  so  many  parts  of  my  life.    What  prideful display, but now just reminds you of  Blackhearts  and  my  latest  album,  and  tell
               freedom to look at new blank pages!  What re-  what  you  used  to  be.  For  better  or  worse.  some anecdotes between songs. I swear, you
               lief to compare the photo from 10 years ago to  There are times I have let myself be defined  WILL sing at the top of your lungs and laugh
               the new one and see that I’ve held up pretty  by just a band name. That’s letting yourself be  out loud. It isn’t lost on me that without you,
               good, haha... I remember when I got my first  defined  by  as  little  as  four  letters.  Looking  these stories wouldn’t exist; thank you!
               passport. I was on tour with Dope and I had to  back, I never want to be described by just one  Acey Slade
               pick it up at the Passport agency in Seattle be-  word, let alone a four letter word! Now, I have
               fore we headed into Vancouver, Canada. I re-  28 blank pages to paint, scream, cry, laugh,  Visit
               member  thinking  I  was  in  heaven  when  I  love or hurt with. I hope this one is filled a little  for more info and catch Acey in the UK in April.
               walked out of the office. There were, literally,  slower and with more care. With richer memo-
               four Starbucks there - one on EVERY corner!  ries that are worthy of my time and attention. I  Photo By Kevin Wilson
               No lie! Why you need four Starbucks on each  hope that I am present enough to watch the
               corner, I have no idea but, God hail the God of  customs official’s arm come down in slow mo-  In a band? Want to write a one-off col-
               Java… I’m actually drinking coffee as I type  tion and let the thud of the stamper sustain in  umn for Black Velvet? Get in touch. Email
               this… at 1:00am on a Sunday night.   my ears forever. To be present for each mo-
                  I have always carried my passport with  ment as it happens because after all, the future

                                                                                                    ACEY SLADE
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