Page 47 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 47
BV88 albums pg1_BV88 pg47 07/04/2016 20:55 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 47
YYYYY Excellent YYYY Very Good YYY Good
YY Listenable, Just Y Poor
under the chugging riffs way since then but they rock with a swing, while for folks that like their
and powerful vocals of have never turned their closing title track ‘Magical music a bit more dynamic.
Mike McManamon. He backs on their roots. The Ride’ has a terrific funk- 'We Know You Will' is a
gets to flex his vocal mus- fifth instalment of Black type groove with a thrum- soft-sounding song which
cles a bit on the more re- Stone Cherry’s journey ming bassline that’s going starts off with some brilliant
strained ‘Heard It All sees them heading back to to get pretty much anyone yet not over-pushed piano
Before’ which still features where it all began. ‘Ken- moving. In between there’s work while the vocals are
the intense side of the tucky’ has been crafted on a song of two definite parts just perfect and consistent
rhythm section but this time their home turf at the same ‘Mixed Emotions’, starting throughout the whole tune.
contributing to a cry of de- recording studio as the first in a soulful manner but You believe everything the
spair rather than of fury. album. The muscular later taking off with a vocalist is telling you in the
IT’S TIME TO GET WEIRD ‘Moan Mother Earth’ has sounds of ‘The Way Of The bouncy rhythm and adding song which is great as you
(SUNFLOWER DEAD) an interesting bass-led Future’ and ‘In Our in a gospel choir for good can connect with all the
‘It’s Time To Get Weird’ intro and rhythms, and Dreams’ were delivered to measure. ‘No Way Out’ is feeling that is being por-
say Sunflower Dead, a while the lyrical theme is the world first. Aurally, you solid blues rock, ‘Fifth Time trayed. 'Mask' is another
band from Long Beach, still quite bleak the atmos- can expect the same good Loser’ has infectious foot- great tune. It has a mellow
California with hefty guitar phere overall is lighter. old Black Stone Cherry el- stomping rhythms and a touch but then heavies up
riffs and edgy vocals. Korn ‘Sink’ is another highlight ements of southern rock great sense of fun, while towards the start of the
fans will most definitely like for its textured rhythms and with swampy tones and the intensely personal bal- chorus. This really give the
the title track, 'It's Time To full power on the vocals, heavy riffs for the trim- lad ‘Rosalie’ is a heart- band a chance to show off
Get Weird' due to the fact and the cover of Kiss’ ‘God mings. Throwing in a cou- breaker. In all honesty it good guitar riffs and the
Jonathan Davis is featured Of Thunder’ is an exuber- ple of surprises - ‘Soul would be difficult to fault drumming is perfect while
on it. His raw vocals blend ant rock celebration. This is Machine’ brings a funky any track on this phenom- the vocals are strong and
perfectly with heavy guitar a great debut and Cruel groove along with some enal album, so do yourself have more of a kick in this
riffs and excellent drum- Season are definitely worth great guitar work; you’ll a favour and give it a listen. track. The song 'Edge' is
ming. 'Anthem Of The a listen. also find a credible rendi- You won’t regret it. will be a popular choice. It
Seeds' starts off perfectly YYYY tion of Edwin Starr’s 1970s YYYYY shows off great guitar work
with soft vocals and piano Clare Huckett protest song, ‘War’. There Clare Huckett as it starts the whole track
work but that soon are plenty of hefty rockers off. Then when you mix in
changes when the weighty HONEYROLL on ‘Kentucky’ to sink your GAME ZERO the brilliant vocals it shows
uitar riffs and powerful TIME TO ROCK teeth into but the use of a RISE how much talent the band
drumming kicks in and the (FLAP A SCALE) choir for the opening of (AGOGE) really do have. An excellent
vocals become heavier too. ‘Time To Rock’ is per- ‘Rescue Me’ throws you off Game Zero’s ‘Rise’ will album. If The Raven Char-
This song is one of those fect for fans of classic rock. guard, in a good way – the suit anyone who likes both ter keep up with great work
songs you can listen to no The track 'Bottoms Up' is a heavenly voices lead you a heavier sound and also like this they could have a
matter what mood you’re great tune all thanks to its down a grittier path of an old school music sound. promising future.
in. 'I'll Burn It' hooks you hypnotic vocals and fantas- wrestling with your An early track on the album YYYYY
straightaway with head- tic guitar riffs that hook you demons. There are also is 'It’s Over’. This is one of Mags Odonnell
melting guitar riffs... the vo- right into the song. It's also two go-to songs for all the the shorter tunes from the
cals aren't too bad either. very catchy so once you ballad lovers out there - the album but it's an excellent CELLAR DOGS
'Just A Little Kiss' is one of hear it you will never forget beautiful ‘Long Ride’ and song. It may be short but it JACKHAMMER
the best songs on the it. 'Backbones Of Society' the spine-tingling ‘The still packs a punch as it (CELLAR DOGS)
album due to its well-writ- is another brilliant track. It Rambler’; both are su- contains some exceptional Cellar Dogs are from
ten lyrics and powerful vo- starts off with some great perbly executed. The pas- riffs and beats from start to Athens in Greece and their
cals. This one may be guitar riffs but it's only when sion and the rawness you finish while the vocals are album, ‘Jackhammer’, will
mellow for most of its dura- the drums kick in that the hear throughout ‘Kentucky’ spot on. The song 'Purple' suit rock fans who like their
tion but that changes to- song really comes alive. are for real; Black Stone has in-your-face vocals music a bit on the heavier
wards the end so you need The vocals are strong and Cherry is an authentic that really make your ears side. The track 'Insane' is
to listen to it all to find out work perfectly with the band, its members love prick up and make you just that - it lives up to its
how fantastic the song is. music which gives the tune doing what they do, and it want to listen to the entire name with heavy but per-
‘It’s Time To Get Weird’ is a an extra kick to it. 'Royal shows. If you are already a tune. It also has plenty of fect riffs and perfectly-
great release and is one of Party' really does start off fan of the band, this is what finger-shredding riffs and timed drumming that really
those albums that you will with a bang. From the be- you have been waiting for. top-class drumming. An- brings this song to life. The
be hooked on from the very ginning it shows off impec- If you have yet to discover other track that should be vocals are just fantastic,
first listen. cable drumming and the delights this band hold, made note of is ' Look At but that's down to the raw
YYYYY superb riffs at a fast pace. it’s time to pop your black You', it’s a great tune with voice of Antonis ‘Dayman’,
Mags Odonnell The vocals are great but it's stone cherry now. great riffs. The vocals are they help make it all come
the riffs that you’ll remem- YYYYY brilliant as they have a little together in one perfect
ber. It’s one of the Penny Gower rasp to them which give the heavy hit. 'Kalimotxo'
RISE strongest tunes on this track a life and they really should also be mentioned
(DARK STAR) album. All in all, Honeyroll JETBONE complement the riffs and as this track is packed to
The debut album from have produced a fantastic MAGICAL RIDE beats. So when summed the brim with amazing tal-
Cruel Season is guitar-dri- album from start to finish. (ROOTSY) up ‘Look At You’ is just one ent, ranging from the fin-
ven heavy rock/metal. Well done guys! Jetbone fuse 70s funk, hell of a brilliant song and ger-shredding guitar riffs
Opener and title track YYYYY blues, rock and soul into a overall, ‘Rise’ is a great that give this tune so much
‘Rise’ sets the tone of raw- Mags Odonnell wonderful amalgam of love album to listen to which will depth to it, to the amazing
edged, gritty, mid-paced and fun, but also betrayal be loved by both new and vocals. This song will be
rock, the guitars largely set BLACK STONE CHERRY and loss. The writing is in- old fans. Pick it up! popular, if not a favourite,
on muscular riffing but also KENTUCKY credibly strong, the playing YYYYY with fans and one you’ll
breaking out to soar for the (MASCOT) is exceptional, and the use Mags Odonnell want on repeat as you will
solo. Follow up ‘Plague’ It has been almost ten of two lead vocalists plus a never hear it enough. This
has a doom-filled atmos- years since Black Stone horn section and piano / THE RAVEN CHARTER album has to be heard by
phere which owes a lot to Cherry released their debut organ makes for a big RESET everyone.
the drums thundering away album. The Kentucky four- sound. Opener ‘C’mon’ is (DO IT FOR) YYYYY
some have come a long upbeat and celebratory ‘Reset’ is a great album Mags Odonnell