Page 48 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 48

BV88 pg48_BV88 pg48  03/04/2016  01:25  Page 1

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 48
                                   sons. Another  top  tune  is  stoner  tune  that  packs  a  Jett  &  The  Blackhearts,  from King Zebra. And most
                                   'Hillbilly  Rocker',  with  its  punch.  The  band  experi-  Acey is a convincing vocal-  importantly this is a damn
                                   upbeat  presence.  This  ment with fuzzy lo-fi rock.  ist  and  songwriter  in  his  fine album, full to bursting
                                   song is different but excel-  Their musical research has  own right. Songs such as  with  killer  tracks,  soaring
                                   lent at the same time, due  paid off well as they make  ‘Radio’  have  a  pop-punk  guitars, and the obligatory
                                   to edgy vocals that blend  us very happy!    catchiness to them. ‘Trou-  power  ballad  in  ‘Purple
                                   with the up beat guitar riffs.   YYYYY     ble, Trouble’ has a bit of a  Roses’.  It  all  sounds  so
                                   Another  track  that  brings  Mags Odonnell   Murderdolls vibe to it. ‘The  fresh and yet so familiar as
                                   this brilliant album to life is            How And The Why’ almost  well, and the production is
                                   'Straight To Hellfire'. This is  RHYN      opens  like  The  Clash’s  top-notch. The scene is set
              SKUNK ANANSIE        one  hell  of  a  great  song  ABSENCE     ‘London Calling’ but bears  with  the  jungle  sound  ef-
              ANARCHYTECTURE       due to its guitar riffs, impec-  (RHYN)    a darker, more gothic tone  fects  and  drum  beats  of
              (BOOGOOYAMA)         cable drumming and out of  This  6-track  EP  from  until the sing-along chorus.  short intro ‘The Roar’ be-
                 With  an  album  title  this  world  vocals.  It  does  Buckinghamshire   band  The  album  keeps  up  the  fore it swings into the open-
              that’s a mix of anarchy and  not disappoint. This album  Rhyn   demonstrates  feisty  punk  rock  n’  roll  ing  guitar  riffs  of  ‘Wild
              architecture,  you  particu-  needs to be listened to oth-  tremendous  care  in  the  power  all  the  way  to  the  Animals’.  With  short  line
              larly feel a lot of the latter  erwise you’re missing out  crafting  of  the  songs.  final track ‘Live To Destroy!’  verses interspersed with a
              involved in this album. It is  on a fantastic album.  Opener ‘Elegy’ seamlessly  ‘This is for the radicals, this  guitar  and  drum  flourish,
              an album that builds artisti-    YYYYY    fuses harder alt-rock with  is  for  the  ones  who  dis-  gang vocals for the chorus,
              cally with a myriad of styles  Mags Odonnell   moments of tranquil reflec-  obey,’ Acey sings.  If there’s  hard pounding drums and
              and  influences. There’s  a               tion,  and  an  occasional  someone you shouldn’t dis-  even cowbell, it’s highly in-
              sexy,  sultry  start  to  the  THE GETAWAY DRIVERS  hymn-like   quality.  The  obey, it’s us, when we say,  fectious. The slight distor-
              album  with  dark  electro  BELLATOPIA    piano  adds  to  the  more  go  get  this  album!  It’s  a  tion  on  the  rhythm  guitar
              club  beats  in  the  form  of  (THE  GETAWAY    DRIV-  soulful  elements,  and  the  good un’.  gives   ‘Welcome   To
              ‘Love Someone Else’. Love  ERS)           clarity of Chris Black’s vo-       YYYY    Longstreet’  a  down  and
              plays a role on the album  ‘Bellatopia’  is  a  10-  cals is a real strength. ‘Fall  SBV  dirty feel which suits Tom
              as  Skin  went  through  a  track album that is mellow,  Away’ has a lighter touch   Hoochy   Coo’s   rough-
              break  up  which  inspired  unique and packed full of  and  its  pop-rock  feel  SURF COWBOYS  edged vocals down to the
              songs such as the gentle  talent. 'Wooden Box Heart'  makes  for  an  appealing  CROSSROADS  ground.  On  an  album  of
              ‘Death  To  The  Lovers’  in  is one song on the album  track. Initial soft vocal har-  (ROXCOM/DUDE)  this quality it’s hard to sin-
              which  you  can  feel  sad-  that you can't overlook. It  monies  on  ‘Finite  Bodies’  Surf Cowboys conjure  gle out specific tracks, but
              ness  and  emotion,  and  has  a  strong  jazzy  feel  are  underpinned  with  a  up the mood of lazy sum-  the  riotous  ‘Whiskey’  just
              ‘Without You’, where Skin  throughout  as  well  as  sweet  piano  melody  and  mer  days  with  opening  about has the edge. Break
              sings ‘I can’t get by without  smooth vocals and unique  contrasted with the regular  tracks  ‘Breathless’  and  out the eyeliner and give it
              you’.  But  the  album  does  lyrics  that  blend  perfectly  drum rhythm. As the song  ‘Don’t Worry’. It’s the very  a blast.
              not  stop  there.  There’s  together with the guitar and  progresses, it builds power  chilled and relaxed sound  YYYYY
              ‘Beauty  Is  Your  Curse’,  a  piano  work  to  make  it  a  with the inclusion of classic  that  does  it,  smooth  and  Clare Huckett
              view of the beautiful people  song  you’ll  love  without  rock  riffs.  The  vocal  har-  easy on the ear. Title track
              in the world, which features  even trying. 'Slippin’ Away'  monies strengthen, cutting  ‘Crossroads’  is  a  slow-  STIFF STAFF
              more  prominent  rock  gui-  starts  with  brilliant  piano  across each other, and de-  tempo,  contemplative  ex-  MEAN MACHINE
              tars, and ‘Bullets’, a song  work that hooks you in im-  velop into a really effective  ploration  of  having  to  (HAMMER   STRIKE
              looking at current-day ter-  mediately. When the vocals  climax.  This  is  a  work  of  decide on a direction. Start-  SOUNDS)
              rorism. ‘Bullets’ begins with  kick in it just makes a good  real class.  ing out with acoustic guitar  ‘Mean Machine’ is one
              a  fuzzy  low-fi  bass,  it  tune better as they’re very  YYYY  and vocal, the instrumenta-  of  those  rare  beasts  that
              climbs at the end with Skin  catchy.  This  album  is  for  Clare Huckett  tion slowly builds, first with  makes you sit up and take
              repeating ‘won’t stop, won’t  anyone  that  doesn't  like       piano,  then  vocal  har-  notice  right  from  the
              stop,  won’t  stop’  until  a  your   typical   everyday        monies, before the drums  album’s  opening  guitar
              scream.  ‘Victim’  has  a  music, but instead prefers           pick up a gentle beat. By  licks. The title track itself is
              spooky, scary eeriness with  mellow and unique music.           contrast,   ‘So   Damned  a high-octane rocker with a
              wails from Skin over crawl-       YYYY                          Crazy’ is upbeat with an in-  decent pace driven by the
              ing basslines, while album   Mags Odonnell                      fectious  rhythm,  and  the  thumping drum line. Much
              ender  ‘I’ll  Let  You  Down’                                   wry  wisdom  of  hindsight  of the time they stick to the
              ends  on  a  beautiful,  yet  FUZZGUN                           looking back on a failed re-  heavier  end  of  the  rock
              melancholy  note.  Skin  HAPPINESS RESEARCH                     lationship.  Things  take  a  spectrum with the likes of
              sings of fluttering – and like  (FUZZGUN)                       turn  for  the  sleazier  from  ‘Rock  This  City’  and  the
              a butterfly, Skunk Anansie  ‘Happiness  Research’               ‘Don’t  Touch  My  Sister’,  snarling guitar rhythm of ‘It
              have transformed from lar-  is the second album from  ACEY SLADE  which initially feels a little  Ain’t Worth’, which also has
              vae  and  morphed  into  Germany’s Fuzzgun. With  VALENTINES  FOR  SICK  jarring  given  what  has  a great dual guitar instru-
              magnificent butterflies full  heavy guitar riffs and pas-  MINDS  gone before. It has a great  mental.  Lyrically,  ‘Scream
              of colour and elegance. It’s  sionate vocals, this album  (ACEY SLADE)  rhythm though, and it fits in  My Name’ heads for pure
              an album that won’t appeal  is a job well done. 'As The  ‘All the things that I’m  well as the build-up to their  sleaze,  while  maintaining
              to everyone, but as a piece  Days Go By' is a particular  good at never seem to get  cover of King’s X’s ‘Groove  the heavier sound and pun-
              of work, it’s a maze of artis-  favourite,  starting  with  a  me paid’, Acey Slade sings  Machine’. This is an album  ishing   rhythmic   pace.
              tic synergy.         smash of great guitar riffs  in ‘Set It Off’, the first song  of  two  halves,  one  could  ‘Downtown Love’ is upbeat
                           YYYY    which get heavier once the  on his new ‘Valentines For  say,  heading  for  the  big,  with a swaggering, bluesy
                              SBV  edgy vocals kick in. It takes  Sick  Minds’  album.  This  bold  and  brash  finish  of  rhythm,  while  ‘Pose  Your
                                   you  on  a  grungy  journey  album  is  proof  that  he’s  guitar-led instrumental ‘Su-  Ass Off’ is a bit of a foot-
              HANGOVER SUBJECT     into  the  cosmic  under-  good  at  what  he  does  –  perman’.  It’s  good  time,  stomper,  and  ‘Down  The
              BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE  ground. Another stand-out  and he definitely deserves  easy-rolling rock, and well  Highway’  is  heading  into
              (HANGOVER SUBJECT)   tune from the album is 'Like  to be paid! It’s punchy, en-  worth a listen.  thrash  territory.  Closer
                 ‘Before It’s Too Late’ by  A  Dog'.  From  the  start  of  ergetic and feel-good. Over  YYYY  ‘Stayin’  Young’  is  a  phe-
              French  rock  band,  Hang-  the  song  there  are  fuzzy  the years, Acey Slade has  Clare Huckett  nomenal  anthemic  roof-
              over Subject, is a 12-track  (as  their  name  suggests)  gone  from  being  the  gui-  raiser  with  more  of  a
              album  that  is  home  to  guitar riffs which are then  tarist and bassist in other  KING ZEBRA  serious tone, rounding off
              some  fantastic  guitar  riffs  met with fast-paced drum-  bands to fronting his own.  WILD! WILD! WILD!  proceedings with panache.
              and vocals. 'Brain Destruc-  ming. When the vocals kick  This new solo album is fur-  (PRETTY   GOOD-  This is a rock solid debut
              tion', with its heavy guitars,  in,  the  tune  continues  to  ther  proof  that  fronting  a  LOOKIN’)  with a lot to like.
              gravelly vocals and perfect  strengthen. The last track  band is where he thrives.  Glam/sleaze  is  alive  YYYY
              drumming  is  a  stand  out  on the album is 'One Last  Despite   also   currently  and kicking with this slab of  Clare Huckett
              track  for  all  the  right  rea-  Time',  an  atmospheric  being the bassist for Joan  80s-influenced  hard  rock
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