Page 13 - Black Velvet Issue 87
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BV87 pg10,11,12,13:BV87 pg13 19/12/2015 01:16 Page 4
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always 110%. There’s a tremendous energy ways to have a career in music and so many cause he’s really, really, really good.
behind that. I think we both go to bed and people are doing it in different manners. It’s
wake up with the band on our minds and for specific little things. For example, I asked nique. What’s the most unique thing
Martijn sometimes I think it’s the only thing Alissa White-Gluz on my first tour with them, Uabout Delain?
on his mind. I think it’s absolutely amazing “How do you do it? Where do we go?” and CW: I always say everyone’s unique, just like
what he thought back then to make it in to she pointed me to all the good places around everybody else! For us I guess that the com-
what it is today. It’s impressive. the venues that we played. When I started to bination of the heaviness and the very
do grunts I asked the people around me, catchy structure. With most bands that have
ew member. You’ve just announced that “How do you do grunts? How do you not a similar sound the lyrics are kind of fantasy-
NMerel Bechtold is now an official mem- lose your voice afterwards? What’s the ish and we are more in the here and now. I
ber. How will this affect the band? Do like to think that what each of us
you see Merel helping the band in brings personally to the music that
other areas besides on stage and in there is uniqueness to that too. In the
the studio? end it’s all in the eye of the beholder
CW: Yes, actually she’s already whether people think that we’ve cre-
doing that. She’s doing our Dutch ated something unique.
bookings. For the band, I think that
live the effect is really big because aliant. What’s the bravest thing
two guitarists does open a lot of Vyou’ve ever done?
doors to play parts on the album that CW: I went bungee jumping at a fes-
we usually cannot play live because tival in Checkia.
in the recording sessions we never
think about “How are we going to ‘ e Are The Others’ – album. You
pull this off live?” because we just Wreleased ‘We Are The Others’
want the best for the records – so if in 2012 and it reached No. 4 in the
that means we have 60 guitars lay- Dutch album charts. Did you feel like
ered we’ll do it. But it did have the ef- you were accepted? What did ‘We
fect that some of the songs were Are The Others’ do for you?
hard to play live and we’re already CW: I don’t value the charts very
playing a lot of songs now that we much, I only value them when we’re
usually didn’t play because they did- really high because it does feel good
n’t work well with one guitar and I but in the end it doesn’t say too
think for the live sound it’s very im- much because if it’s a month with
portant. not too many releases then you can
get to a higher score relatively easy.
tto Schimmelpenninck van der Oije. Otto proper technique?’ But I don’t believe in gen- What means more to me is what people have
Ois the bass player in the band. Tell me eral rules for anything. I wouldn’t ask any- expressed about the music itself. I think
about Otto. What does he bring to the band? thing like “How did you do your career?” that’s more important. Also, the fact that
CW: Also a lot. He was one of the ones that because there’s not one simple answer to when we play today, many of our favourite
he came to the band and first of all he that. But for specific things I’m really, really songs are from ‘We Are The Others’ – like
brought the bass playing and his personality thankful for my colleagues and friends ‘We Are The Others’ itself, ‘Mother Machine’,
and his gorgeous hair but other than that he around me who have given me advice and ‘Get The Devil Out Of Me’ are all songs that
picked up a lot of things in the organization such. we play at nearly every gig. We actually had
and behind the band as well. Also a big relief to force ourselves to leave some of those
for Martijn and myself at the moment, be- uben Israel. Ruben is playing drums for songs out because they didn’t leave enough
cause at that time we were the ones doing all Ryou on tour. Are there any fun facts space for songs from the other records.
the management things behind the scenes, about Ruben? Will Ruben play on the next
most of it anyway, and he really stepped in, album? E citement. What’s been the most excit-
handling the merch. It’s really good how he CW: Yes, he will. Today he ducktaped drum- Xing thing you’ve done in the band?
pulls it off, makes his own company. sticks to his hands during soundcheck be- CW: There have been so many exciting mo-
cause that was a fun thing to do! He’s been ments. The most exciting moments for me
urpose. How important is it for you to ex- around quite some time now. The first time are when we play new songs for the very first
Ppress yourself on behalf of the others, he was with us was in America and it was time. We did something like that yesterday.
the outcasts, those that need speaking up real fun to see how well he fit in the band. What I think is very exciting is when you do
for etc? Do you feel any sense of purpose We’re still in very good contact with Sander unplanned things, those gigs where you end
with the band? but for now Ruben is really a full time partic- up stagediving, which is something that we
CW: I don’t know if that’s a main purpose. I ipating member. usually never do. I come from a place where
don’t really want to speak for other people I had to puke before every gig because I was
because I think that everyone should speak ander Zoer. Sander has stepped down so nervous, so for me, performing the gig it-
for themselves. Of course with animals for Sfrom touring with the band. Tell us about self even though I’m not nervous before any
example, ‘Tell Me Mechanist’ was an example Sander. show anymore, it’s still rather exciting in it-
of that, which is different because they can- CW: Sander was with us in the end a very self – which I think is a good thing.
not speak in a way that relates to us. But long time. He is now working on his career
when it comes to people the only reason that and he’s still doing a lot of things in music, ear 2025. Do you see Delain being
I wanted to write about the outcasts is be- he has some projects going on and he’s just Yaround in 10 years’ time?
cause, well, basically for a large part of my been guesting on some albums so I’d recom- CW: Sure, yes, definitely!
life I have felt like one myself. There is al- mend people check his artist page on Face-
ways a danger in speaking for other people book because he’s still very active in music ero Tolerance. What do you have zero tol-
that you misrepresent them, you guide a de- indeed. Zerance for – either within the band or out-
bate in which they don’t get a say because side of the band?
you’re speaking for them. So I wouldn’t want imo Somers. Timo is your guitarist. Is CW: I dislike negativity in general. There’s al-
to say that I want to speak for others, but I Tthere anything he can do that really im- ways two ways to approach something.
don’t mind some ethics to speak in to lyrics presses you? Though it’s very important to check risks
as people probably know. CW: He can play ten minute solos and enter- and that kind of thing, I’m not talking about
tain not only with the solos but with his face that, but just negativity for the sake of it. I
uestion. If you could ask someone in the at the same time. It’s too bad that there’s not hate it.
Qmusic business a question that you too many solos in Delain songs so with the Visit for more info. Look out
haven’t figured out yet, what question would songs that we’re doing where he’s involved, for their new EP, ‘Lunar Prelude’, out soon.
you ask and to whom? I’m happy that they’re sneaking in more and
CW: Like I said before, there are so many more now so he can show off his skills be- Words & Photos By Shari Black Velvet