Page 12 - Black Velvet Issue 87
P. 12
BV87 pg10,11,12,13:BV87 pg12 19/12/2015 01:14 Page 3
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word for it. We’re always trying to get it big- CW: I mentioned earlier the hold up that we when everybody was still with their labels,
ger and louder but at the same time we do had when we were trying to release ‘We Are and everybody was doing 360 deals and you
really go for the catchy hooks. This is some- The Others’. That was kind of a rough patch name it, I think it was clear… of course this
thing that we’ve always done. There have and it took a long time between ‘April Rain’ is only what I’ve heard from colleagues, but
been some new ingredients in the music and and ‘We Are The Others’ to be released, so these days there are so many choices to put
I’m certainly hoping they will stay. We’ve what we wanted to do when ‘We Are The Oth- out your music, there are so many channels
worked with an orchestral arranger for exam- ers’ was finally out was to keep on going and you can put it out to. There is not really one
ple, we did that on a couple of songs on our have a very high productivity and put new that guarantees you that you’ll see any rev-
latest album, and we do really like it, so this songs out as soon as we had them. We were enue from your efforts, even if those are re-
is another element which will probably be so frustrated with the hold up that we had ally big and a lot of people are enjoying your
quite prominent, I’m not sure if it has been before that we really wanted people to know music. A few years ago everybody was still
that prominent before, so… but yes, I do “We’re still here and we’re going faster than blaming the labels, but if you look at the la-
think there is room for change. And if there’s ever!” so after ‘We Are The Others’ which we bels nowadays some of them are thriving but
not it will probably become a little bit boring released in 2012, we released ‘Interlude’ in for them, all the new outputs are also a big
so it’s good that there is! 2013 and ‘The Human Contradiction’ in 2014. challenge and they also have to do much
So that is super-high productivity and for us more to actually compete with that. I really
‘The uman Contradiction’. Do you it’s really good to look back at that time and feel at this moment there was an old system,
Hthink you got the messages on see “Ok, we have a little involuntary break I don’t think that there is a new system yet.
‘The Human Contradiction’ across to enough there but look at everything that we’ve done At this point there are ten roads you can
humans? What was the main purpose of afterwards,” so I think it was mainly to prove choose if it’s not 20 or 100 and maybe in ten
‘The Human Contradiction’? to ourselves and also at that time we were years there will be some kind of default
CW: I think that mainly I was still processing just starting with Napalm Records and we mode, like “Oh, you’re a band, or an artist,
what we had started with ‘We Are The Oth- had to start writing ‘The Human Contradic- so you want to get into music? This is the
ers’. There were some aspects to it which re- tion’ but we really wanted to kind of seal the way to do it,” but right now there are so
lated to it. Having ‘We Are The Others’ out deal with them and celebrate that new col- many possibilities. If I was starting now, at
and seeing how people responded to that. It laboration by releasing something. And we the moment, I don’t know how I would start,
was really inspiring to take those topics that had collected so much material in the time whether I would go to a label or do a go-
I felt related to it strongly and work on those before that that ‘Interlude’ was an album that fundme or Kickstarter or whatever.
too. I got a lot of messages from people who basically made itself.
say that they could relate to certain tracks, ‘ ucidity’. ‘Lucidity’ was Delain’s debut
whether it has reached enough people or ourney. What journey has most affected Lalbum. In ‘The Gathering’ you sing ‘the
came across right I am not sure. In the first Jyou on a deep, personal level? magic that might bring, eternal life, The
place I’m happy if people really enjoy the CW: There are many ways to take the word Gathering’. What magic did you capture on
music and if some people appreciate the ‘journey’ of course but I still feel that growing that album?
ideas behind it, I think that’s wonderful. It’s up is the most exciting journey that I’m on. CW: That was the first time where it all came
not necessarily a failure if not everybody Delain is now almost 10 years active and if I together and it was still a project back then.
gets that, for me. I also think if you’re trying look back at myself when we had just Whatever it did I think the main thing that it
to say something, in the end a lot of people started, I think I was a very different person. did was make us all excited enough to start
will also not agree with you too so they I was not doing too well. If I look back at that Delain as an actual band.
would rather listen to the music, so I don’t and if I look at now then I’m happy that I
even know how I would qualify whether came out of some things and I’m happy at artijn Westerholt. Tell me about Martijn.
enough people have gotten it because if it’s the things that we together have achieved in MHe formed Delain. Without Martijn there
just a few then that’s already fine for me. the meantime. would be no Delain. How has his vision fu-
eled Delain over the years?
‘ nterlude’. You released ‘Interlude’ in 2013, nowledge. What have you most learned CW: It is still as strong as in the beginning.
Iwhich was an album featuring cover Kabout music or the industry? It is one of the things that I have so much re-
songs, live tracks, new songs and different CW: I guess what I’ve learned most is that spect for. His drive through everything and
versions of previously released songs. What it’s really a struggle for everybody. Back in all the struggles and also his own struggles,
did ‘Interlude’ do for the band? the old days that I didn’t even experience, his drive for the band, his drive for Delain, is