Page 16 - Black Velvet Issue 87
P. 16

BV87 pg14,15,16,17:BV87 pg16  19/12/2015  01:55  Page 3

             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 16
             started getting very interested in the idea that  deal with it better than others. So I guess the lat-  TN: It’s insane. It’s mental. The only thing I can
             from a very 3 dimensional perspective time is  ter part of my teens was tricky. And I fell into  really say to that is, if our music has affected you
             just linear. You have a past, present and future.  quite an abusive relationship with drugs. I spent  in any kind of way, thank you, because, as I say,
             But really that’s just a manmade way of meas-  about 18 months - 2 years of my life being a little  myself and Drew, when we write songs, some-
             uring now or lots of moments. So I try to live my  bit lost and not really knowing where I was. For-  times  we  write  together,  sometimes  we  write
             life just moment to moment and not worry about  tunately some friends of mine pulled me out of it  songs separately but just as artists we write be-
             the past or worry about what’s going to happen  and I thank them so much for doing that, ‘cause  cause  we  have  something  to  say.  We  have
             in the future, because that’s just distracting me  I love life now and I love being alive. I’m really  something inside us we feel we need to get out.
             from being right now and if that’s all that can  glad that I’ve come from that because now when  So the fact that someone can relate to that and
             ever exist I want to honour that moment. So, I  I meet people at shows, who essentially it’s like  it helps them is an amazing feeling. I meet kids
             guess to answer your question, there are a num-  looking into the past at me, the way some of  every  now  and  then  who  are  like  “This  song
             ber of moments that have happened in my life  these kids talk, is how I felt and how I spoke  changed my life, thank you so much,” and while
             which have been incredible. One was stepping  about things, so it’s really nice that I have knowl-  it’s so lovely that they’re thanking me for giving
             out on stage at Slam Dunk a couple of years  edge of where that came from and where I’m at  that to them, I want to thank them because they
             ago. It was the first time we’d ever played any-  now to try and offer them some kind of comfort  were open enough to be touched by someone
             thing  like  that  and  the  response  we  had  ab-  or just reassurance of, “It’s alright, life gets poos  else’s art, and ultimately that’s how I feel about
             solutely blew us away. It was like nothing else, I  sometimes, but it is wonderful and you’ve just  music and all kinds of art. It’s just an expression
             can’t explain that feeling. It was again very hum-  got to be the chance you want to see”. Be that  of  the  person  inside  and  it  really  upsets  me
             bling.  Last  night  was  incredible.  We  were  in  happy vibe because if you’re that, then the peo-  when I see people making music to be cool or
             Glasgow and there was 20/30 kids there, the  ple around you are going to be like that and then  to be famous ‘cause it’s a sacred art form and it
             room wasn’t sold out by any stretch of the imag-  in turn it’s going to make you like that. I guess  means something. It’s lovely to see it affecting
             ination. But the fact that I essentially went to a  it’s like a self-perpetual feedback of happiness.  people so organically.
             different country, there was a whole bunch of
             people that I’d never met before, that knew the  BV:  What’s  been  your  most  nerve-racking  BV:  On  May  14th,  2014  the  band  tweeted
             words to something I wrote in my bedroom when  day?                    about  Stephen  Sutton  passing  away  and
             I was sad one day is an incredible feeling. That’s  TN: I love talking to people; guys, girls, gays,  called him a ‘modern day hero’, mentioning
             something I don’t think will ever get old. I don’t  straight, black, white – I love people; people are  that he’d raised over £3 million for charity
             know, I just enjoy life! I think I strive to make  great. I love going on stage. That’s like an am-  before  he  passed  away.  Who  else  do  you
             every day the best day of my life.   plified way of being able to talk to people. When  think  is  a  modern  day  hero?  What  makes
                                                I  get  most  nervous  is  when  I’m  attracted  to  someone a modern day hero in your eyes?
             BV: Tell us about your album release day on  someone. That’s the part of me that I’m a lot less  TN: To be honest with you I think we’re all he-
             January 26th. How was that?        confident about. There’s always a part of you  roes or we all have the capacity to be heroes. It
             TN:  That  was  mad.  We  recorded  the  album  that strives to… you want to be noticed by that  makes me really sad when I reflect on modern
             Summer of 2013 and then by the Summer of  person, you want them to notice you, so you  culture and how we live because we operate on
             2014 we still hadn’t released it yet, so we were  then start doing things out of character, I guess  such an eye for an eye basis whereas really if
             getting very on edge, “Are we going to be able  to try and impress them, which is silly. No-one  we just started being nice to each other and
             to  release  this?”  We  were  really  struggling  should be doing that because if they don’t like  helping each other the world would be a much
             with… we could have just put it out, but in terms  you for who you are, then they don’t deserve  better  place.  Then  we  would  all  be  heroes.
             of making the impact that we wanted to make,  you. But yeah, I get most nervous talking to girls  There are guys out there and girls out there that
             we wanted to do it as professionally as possible,  that I’m attracted to, I get very fumbly with my  are  doing  fabulous  things  for  no  recognition.
             and with no label backing and stuff, obviously  words, and I don’t know what to do. It hasn’t  They are just doing things to help people and
             that takes your own money into account so there  happened for a while but I’m sure it will happen  that to me is what a hero is. It’s being selfless
             was  a  period  where  we  thought  we  weren’t  again in the future.   and trying to sort the rubbish out of this world
             going to be able to put the album out. Leading                         and try and make it a better place. We stayed at
             up until the actual release we were so focused  BV: In ‘Monsters’ you sing ‘I’d like to say that  a  friend  of  ours’  in  Glasgow  last  night  and
             on the idea of getting the album actually out that  I fit in and I really belong’. Was there a day  walked  into  her  kitchen  and  she  had  a  little
             we completely lost sight of the fact that we were  when you felt like you fit in?  plaque on her wall which said, “Be the reason
             releasing an album in the first place. I think none  TN:  I  tried  really  hard  through  my  teens  and  someone smiles today” and I think that’s lovely
             of us really anticipated it. It was like waking up  struggled a lot with my identity. I kept the ego  because smiles are infectious. You can’t help it.
             on Christmas Day and forgetting it was Christ-  very present in the driving seat of my life, so I  If someone smiles at you in the street, even if
             mas Day until you walk downstairs and every-  had this image of what I was and how people  it’s just a little grimace, you can’t help but crack
             one’s  there.  So  it  was  only  really  until  the  perceived me, which again is ludicrous because  a little smile. So yeah, for me, that’s what mod-
             response started coming in that it really sank in  that’s not you, this is you (touching his heart). I  ern day heroes are and you see them all the
             and  we  were  like  “This  is  mental.”  It  was  an  think ego’s an important thing to keep within you  time. I heard this lovely story. It was fairly local
             amazing day, because I feel like everything we  but let it take a back seat. Don’t let that be the  to me. We have a bookstore, which by the way
             had worked really hard for up until that point re-  driving force or what is you. So I think through-  I  think  is  awesome. The  whole  kindle  thing  I
             ally paid off. Given that it was 18 months to put  out my teens I was very egoic. I guess to kind of  don’t get at all, there’s something so magical
             out this album, We love those songs, we’ve all  answer that question, that was when I felt I fitted  about holding a book and feeling a book. Sup-
             grown  up  in  terms  of  writing  since  we  wrote  in, sort of, because I was trying so hard to fit in  port your local libraries. Books are great as well,
             those songs, they still mean a lot to us, but there  and  be  like  everyone  else  and  I  think  that’s  I love learning. So there’s a bookstore local to
             is a part of you throughout that long period of  where my dysfunction came from up here be-  us which is run by one person every single day
             time where no-one else has heard it that you  cause I was refusing to accept me for me. Now  and I can’t even remember what time of year it
             start  to  doubt  it,  “Are  these  songs  good  I  think  is  when  I  fit  in  the  most.  I  accept  my  was but it was absolutely manic in there and I
             enough?” and all of that, but that just fizzled into  weirdness. I’m not an average guy. I do what I  heard this story of this guy that walks past and
             nothing when we started hearing what the kids  want,  I’m  pretty  effeminate.  I’m  pretty  outra-  saw the cashier and she was trying really hard
             who really wanted to hear the record were say-  geous. I just like to be me, I just don’t like to  to be positive and helpful but you know what it’s
             ing about it. So it was amazing. Such a wicked  force  anything  and  fortunately  I  have  people  like in retail, a lot of the time customers treat staff
             day, I can’t describe how amazing that felt.  around me that really accept me for who I am,  like they don’t exist or they’re inferior, so this guy
                                                and I think that’s the most important thing. So in  saw that this lady was having a bad time so he
             BV: In ‘Foxfire’ you sing ‘I feel this weight  terms of those songs, whilst when I wrote ‘Mon-  went across the street and he just bought her a
             bearing on me every day’. What’s been your  sters’, I’d like to say I fit in and I really belonged,  plant, this beautiful plant, and he gave it to her
             hardest day ever?                  now I really can say that, because I’m me and  and said “I hope you have a good day,” and she
             TN: That’s pretty subjective. I think everyone  I’m not going to change that.   turned around and said “I am now.” Those two
             has their ups and downs. Towards the latter end                        may have not seen or spoken to each other ever
             of my teens I struggled really bad with anxiety  BV: You retweeted a fan called Joe Wilson  again but that doesn’t matter because he went
             and depression as do most people of our gen-  who tweeted ‘Jamming some @lightyouup-  out of his way just to make someone else feel
             eration, I think that is a fault of modern culture,  band on the long walk to work, one of the few  better and that’s what a hero is to me.
             but obviously it’s been spun like it’s an individual  things  that  can  always  keep  me  positive’.
             thing, like “Oh, I have an anxiety disorder”. So  How  does  it  feel  knowing  you’ve  made  Visit  for
             does everyone else, it’s just that some people  someone’s day better with your music?  more info.
                                                                                                Words & Photos By Shari Black Velvet
               LIGHT YOU UP
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