Page 9 - Black Velvet Issue 87
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BV87 pg8&9:BV87 pg09 17/12/2015 22:24 Page 2
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Jake-ll and Hyde
Jake-ll and Hyde
ands up who went on the latest KISS Kruise? Sailing from Miami to Ocho Rios,
H2015’s KISS Kruise saw Jake Johnson on the bill. Currently still in his teens and
a recent winner of the Best Artist Under 18 Award at the Utah Music Awards, Jake Johnson
is the stepson of Bon Jovi’s Hugh McDonald but also a huge talent in his own right. One
listen to his EP, ‘Who The Hell Is Jake Johnson’ and you’ll know exactly who he is. He
will be one of your new fave artists! Black Velvet got in touch to find out more.
he KISS Kruise had just been com- you can tell as he is impressive in both depart- in high school - and it really sunk in that I'm
Tpleted when we contacted Jake. He ments. “After I figured out the basics of guitar I growing up and everyone is moving on to other
begins by telling us, “The cruise was unbeliev- taught myself riffs, scales and how to play with things. My career is finally taking off, I have
able! I've been a KISS fan since I was four feeling. You can't teach how to feel the music, finished recording my album, and I've worked
years old, so being able to perform on the KISS it’s something that just comes with passion and with some amazing musicians. I have no re-
Kruise was a full circle moment for me. The a lot of practise. Vocally, I'm still taking lessons. grets because I've done a lot of amazing things
KISS fans were great. By the end of our show, When I was 15, my voice dropped dramatically in the last year and a half. “
people were dancing to our originals, singing and I had to learn how to sing all over again. I Ah yes, the album. Jake’s album is due out
along, headbanging, and just having a great have a 5 octave range and I've been trying to imminently and is called ‘Rude Awakening’. He
time. The best part was heading home and train my voice to take advantage of that.” chose that title because he says he wants to
seeing ‘Who The Hell Is Jake Johnson’ T-shirts We’re not the only ones who have been bring rock and roll back like it used to be. “The
all over the airport. That was rad!” impressed – as he won Best Artist Under 18 for music industry needs a rude awakening… like
He says that the first show of the cruise the song ‘I Will Go’ in the Utah Music Awards. saying "Here we are! We want to rock your
was probably his most nerve-racking show Jake says, “It felt good to win because I've face off!" Jake has some special guests play-
ever. “We were performing for Doc McGhee never won an award before for anything… I ing on the album. Richie Sambora (who Jake
and about 100 KISS fans, and I had to bring honestly had no idea we'd win Artist Under 18. played with at the Sundance Music Festival)
my A-game. I was super focused on my playing It was really cool to be recognized for my talent will play on ‘Road Lovin’ Gypsy’, stepfather
to make sure I didn't mess up, but I made it my and for a song that I wrote. We have a lot of Hugh McDonald plays on the album while
goal to put on a good show and be entertaining fans in Utah, but we’re also gaining a lot of fans James Kottak of The Scorpions also plays on
the entire show.” from all over the world thanks to social media.” the album. From the album he says ‘Start Run-
He’s come a long way from the self-con- One risk Jake took was playing his own nin'’ is probably his favourite song “because it
fessed shy boy at school. “I actually find it original songs in concert. “It's so scary to see has a lot of energy and it is about horror
funny how I was so shy as a little kid, but now how people will react to our songs. So far, peo- movies. It gets the best response from the
I'm a very outgoing person,” Jake explains. “I ple love the songs, and the originals actually crowd. They love high energy.”
love meeting people. Before a show I'm not re- have a better response than the cover songs.
ally nervous, but I'm anxious. I get worked up, That's always cool to see people dancing or ince Jake once posted a quote online
the adrenaline starts flowing and I just get headbanging to our songs.” Sstating ‘Music is the strongest form of
pumped up. As soon as the song starts, I Jake released his ‘Who The Hell Is Jake magic’, we end by asking what makes music
change, like Jekyll and Hyde.” Johnson’ EP approximately a year ago. The magic to him. He answers, “The most magical
EP kicks off with ‘I Will Go’, which has catchy moments of music happen when you are play-
oing back to his childhood, Jake tells hooks that immediately get under your skin. ‘I ing, either practising, recording, or performing
Gus, “When I was a little kid I had some Will Go’ is followed by ‘You’re The One’ in with a band, and you feel the click. That little
friends at school, but I was a bit of an outcast which Jake sings ‘It feels like I’ve lost and feeling where you just start playing riffs you've
because all I wanted to do after school was you’ve won’. It’s still early days but we ask Jake never played before, and every note is played
play guitar. I didn’t play video games or sports. what he has lost and won so far in his career – with passion and feeling. That is the best.”
I was born to be a musician because my guitar other than the award! “I've lost friends over the Passion and feeling – Jake definitely has
was my best friend. I didn’t have friends that years because I’ve been so dedicated to my both oozing from his songs. Take a listen. It
were musicians, so I had to go out and find music,” he replies. “I graduated high school a would be rude not to.
people that were over 20 miles away just so I year early because I wanted to start my career
could jam with people.” as soon as possible. When I was recording my Visit for more
Jake had about three years of guitar les- album, I went to my friend’s graduation - which info.
sons and five years of singing lessons – and would've been my graduating class if I stayed
Words By Shari Black Velvet