Page 6 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 111
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BV111 pg 04-09 Kat Von D Interview.qxp_BV111 pg06  17/12/2024  01:13  Page 3

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              he’s just repeating that. But I think we have such   “I’m a quick learner in some ways, but I think, when it came to love,
              an awesome, loving family environment. Leafar
              is a very lucky kid.”                I was repeating a lot of the same stuff… I haven’t had that many
                 Kat has such bright, happy, sparkly eyes
              when she talks of her family. Married to Rafael   boyfriends, but when I look at my relationships, they don’t look alike,
              Reyes since 2018, the couple have one son,
              who means everything to Kat. Even just watch-  but they’re the same character over and over again until I broke a cer-
              ing small clips on Instagram, you can see what   tain pattern. Dating people that don’t love me, or seeking love in the
              a great mother she is.
                 “I do try and post some of the real moments   places there is nothing for me.” - Kat Von D
              too, you know,” she says. “It’s not always this
              perfect setting. But, I will say, I don’t know what
              we’re doing as parents that’s different from my
              generation, but I feel like Leafar, I don’t know,
              maybe he’s just a special kid, but he seems so   stopped exploring different artistic outlets. I   still feel like that way.”
              empathetic and genuinely interested, whether   think, when it comes to regret, or looking back   ‘Truth In Reverse’ includes the lyric ‘Take
              you’re a baby or an adult, he kind of gets along   at my career, I’m very proud at the things that   me to church,’ with the ‘I swear that I’m worthy’
              with everybody, so it’s pretty cool. I love being   I’ve built, but I do regret not making music my   line continuing ‘of his crown of thorns’. Kat ex-
              his mom.”                           first and foremost focus. I think, when I had the   plains, “‘Truth In Reverse’, to me, was, on my
                 We ask what Kat would say to today’s   makeup line that took up so much time and it   faith journey, I didn’t feel like I belonged to any
              teenagers who might want to run away from   didn’t really leave me with room for nurturing   part really, at the moment that I wrote that song.
              home, like Sam Gribley in ‘My Side Of  The   healthy relationships, I was just so focused on   I feel like there’s a struggle within my marriage,
              Mountain’.                          business. And there’s good things; I’ve learned   us not being equally yoked, or having a decla-
                 “On the topic of running away, I can’t speak   how to build empires. But, at the end of the day,   ration of faith, a lot of my fans and followers may
              a blanket statement because I don’t know what   I wasn’t doing what I loved. I’m not passionate   not understand that. And then, going to a church
              people’s situations are. I think running away   about makeup. I think I’m good at it, or I’m good   and not really feeling like I belonged in that
              from your problems sometimes sounds easier,   at designing, but I don’t really care about lipstick,   church. At the end of the day, I’m not sure I really
              but I did a lot of that, and then, later, being   you know. Whereas making music is something   need to find a place… I mean, I HAVE found that
              forced to face them as an adult takes even more   I deeply care about, and I also see it connecting   place now,” she smiles, “but, at the time when I
              work to unpack, so I’m not sure if that’s a solu-  with my fans and followers so much more than   was writing it, I was still feeling like, I do feel that
              tion.”                              the makeup did. I think people appreciated a   I’m worthy of certain things, but the world says
                   here’s a song on ‘My Side Of The Moun-  good eyeliner at one point, but it’s not like, peo-  that I’m not. And I just don’t believe the world.”
                 Ttain’ called ‘H.A.T.E’, where Kat sings   ple are getting lyrics tattooed now, or feeling less   On the subject of worth, we wonder if there
              ‘Sweet dreams become regrets’. With the album   alone in a world. And that, to me, feels more im-  is such a thing as musical worth. Are there any
              including songs about love, plus, of course, her   portant than makeup, if that makes sense.”   particular markers that might symbolise musical
              previous album, released in 2021, being called   Kat’s passion thrived during the songwriting   worth, now that Kat is spending more time work-
              ‘Love Made Me Do It’, Black Velvet asks if Kat   process of the album, which, she has said, is ‘a   ing on music?
              thinks love can make us do things that we later   love letter for all the hopeless romantics, the out-  Kat says, “I think music, to me, is just, I al-
              regret.                             siders, and lonely hearts trying to find their place   ways say that I come at everything from the
                 “Oh, of course,” Kat replies. “I think that’s   in this cold and divisive world’. She tells us, “I   standpoint of being a fan, so I’m writing things
              been my entire life story up until my marriage. I   like to get microscopically close to a moment in   that make me high. I want to listen back to
              look back at some of my relationships and I just   time and make a song about that. And so, there   something and be like, ‘Oh, this is cool,’ and kind
              shudder. But I feel that you would be hard   are a lot of melancholy, sad, love song mo-  of keep the noise of what the expectations are
              pressed to sort of feel that way. And I think that’s   ments. I think that’s my favourite genre. But it   out, because then I feel like I start sacrificing
              part of figuring it out. I’m a quick learner in some   doesn’t necessarily reflect my marriage, and so,   certain sincerities, and I think that my fans, in
              ways, but I think, when it came to love, I was re-  Rafael, my husband, we would laugh during that   particular, are so smart, and they don’t fall for
              peating a lot of the same stuff… I haven’t had   time, because I would be coming back from Fer-  just marketing. They’re going to respond to the
              that many boyfriends, but when I look at my re-  nando’s studio [Fernando Garibay, who has   things that are authentic and that really speak to
              lationships, they don’t look alike, but they’re the   worked with Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars and Kylie   them. And, like I said before, I was just the kid
              same character over and over again until I broke   Minogue] and I’d be, ‘Hey babe, I wrote a song   that, I was a loner, I didn’t really feel like I be-
              a certain pattern. Dating people that don’t love   I’m really excited about, but, just so you know,   longed, definitely in school. I just didn’t feel con-
              me, or seeking love in the places there is noth-  it’s not necessarily about you,” she laughs. “It’s   nected to anybody and music was that for me. It
              ing for me. I have a lot of friends who have gone   like, ‘Don’t take offence to the lyrics,’ and he’d   made me feel less alone in the world, so that’s
              through the same thing. But I think you can look   just laugh because he understands the song-  my ultimate goal. If I can make people feel like
              back and still have sweet memories. It’s hard for   writing process. Not to say that our marriage is   they’re not alone, I think that’s a beautiful thing.”
              me to have bad things to say about my exes. I   perfect, but when we do have little carbuncles,
              mean, I could if I really tried. I’m grateful for   it’s easier for me to write about those things than   at’s first ever public live performance
              those experiences in a sense. Some were more   ‘Oh, we’re so happy, and it’s great.’ I don’t know,   Kwas back in 2012, at An Evening With
              painful than others. But, at the end of the day, I   I’m not a fan of happy love songs. I don’t really   Women 2012, in Los Angeles, California, an
              feel that it’s lead me to the Gomez to my Morti-  know how to write songs like that, so… Yeah, so   event co-chaired by singer/songwriter/producer
              cia,” she laughs, referring to Rafael.   I guess that’s the basis of a lot of songs.”   Linda Perry.
                 It is often said that we will repeat the same                          “That was a charity evening where Linda
              lesson in life or love until we learn it.   n ‘Truth In Reverse’, Kat sings ‘I wanna be   Perry had asked me to sing a song,” remembers
                 “I know,” Kat replies. “I’m so hard-headed.   Iadored. I swear that I’m worthy’. Growing   Kat. “There was a nervousness about what that
              Why did I have to see that movie ten times to   up, some of us don’t always realise our worth.   might feel like, because I’d never performed in
              figure it out? But it’s part of it, it’s part of it.”   Some of us have insecurities or lack confidence.   front of people, and then, also, too, I had to
                                                  Kat says, “I don’t know if I had that issue for my-  come on after Aimee Mann, who is like an epic
                    icturing the mountain in the album and   self. I always feel like, I don’t know how my par-  singer. I think she’s so great. I don’t know, it was
                 Pbook title, we ask Kat, who is quite the   ents instilled that in me, but I always kinda, I   still very exciting, but, yeah, that was my first
              entrepreneur, if she feels like she’s climbed the   didn’t really care too much what people thought.   time ever performing in front of a crowd, and I
              mountain now and reached the top of the moun-  I felt callings to things, and sometimes I was   did a cover of ‘Smalltown Boy’ by Bronski Beat,
              tain.                               very wrong and I’ve had to take back things I’ve   which I love. That was a lot of fun. Danny Lohner
                 “I don’t know,” she replies. “I think I’m still   fought for and said, but that’s also growing up,   was on stage with me for that one.”
              climbing. I think I’m going to forever be, maybe   too. I don’t struggle with the insecurities. I feel   Compared to then, Kat sees singing and
              I’m Sisyphus or something.”         like I oftentimes don’t belong. And I never really   performing live now as night and day. “I feel like,
                 In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was forced to   felt that I belong in my own family unit. Like I al-  because I’m performing my own songs, and I’m
              roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll   ways felt that something didn’t click, in some   getting to be able to design the show and do sto-
              back down every time it neared the top.    ways. Now, I have a better relationship with my   rytelling in that sense, it’s a lot more exciting.
                 “I feel like it’s the beginning of everything   parents, but I don’t talk to my siblings or any-  That Evening With Women was just playing one
              right now. It’s kind of exciting. I don’t feel like I’ve   thing like that. But, I think, feeling like an alien, I   song, it wasn’t an entire performance, so I think
                KAT VON D
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