Page 2 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 111
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                  The Velvet View      CONTENTS

                                                                03  PUNK ROCK PAMPERING
                   It’s been so long that we almost forgot -  but 2024 sig-
                nifies 30 years of Black Velvet. I started Black Velvet back   04  KAT VON D
                in 1994 after getting bitten by the zine-making bug, and   10  THE FUNERAL PORTRAIT
                loving to write about music. 30 years later and Black
                Velvet’s changed somewhat from what it was. Who knew,   14  THE RATTLEBACKS
                back in 1994, that a little thing called the internet would   20  MASSIVE WAGONS
                soon take over the world and our lives would change for-
                ever?  Were you alive back in 1994? How old were you?    26  SKILLET
                   Does anyone reading own any of the really early,   30  ALBUMS
                printed Black Velvets, when it was black and white with a   34  CONCERTS
                pink paper cover?
                   While things have changed a lot since 1994, and   54  WORLD HORSE WELFARE
                Black Velvet’s now a free online magazine, it’s still ‘busi-  56  R.I.P. ROBIN GUY
                ness as usual’. Or rather, ‘pleasure as usual’, since we do
                this in our spare time, as a hobby and labour of love.
                While we’re having breaks in between issues, we still
                love writing about music, going to concerts, photograph-
                ing gigs and interviewing awesome people.       BV Instagram
                   This issue, we had the pleasure of interviewing the
                multi-talented Kat Von D. Kat released her second studio   Follow us on Instagram at @blackvelvetmagazine for more photos
                album, ‘My Side Of The Mountain’, in September, so we   and quotes from our interviews.
                jumped at the chance to have a little chat with her about
                   Also, in this issue, we’ve got a special interview with
                Massive Wagons, where we talked to frontman Baz Mills   “It’s about
                about men’s mental health. We loved that the band took   wanting to
                Andy’s Man Club out on tour with them, to get the word   have that
                out more about the clubs where men can go to talk. If   liberty. To
                you’re feeling down, have negative thoughts, and don’t   live life to
                have anyone to talk to, look up Andy’s Man Club - and   the fullest
                read our interview with Baz for more info. It’s okay to talk   until  it
                - in fact, talking really helps. Don’t hold it all in.    makes you
                   We’ve got interviews with a rock mainstay - Skillet -   sick. Like
                and also a couple of ‘newer’ bands that we haven’t fea-  actively
                tured before. We say ‘newer’ in inverted commas, as,   searching
                while The Funeral Portrait originally launched a decade   for things
                ago, their debut album, on Better Noise Music, was just   that  may
                released this year. We are loving them - and, also, the   hurt  you,
                UK’s The Rattlebacks, who have just released their debut   but  will
                album. It’s a great time for rock.                 also make
                   So, grab a coffee, sit back, and enjoy the read.   you  feel
                                                                   alive. But,
                   Y & velvet kisses                               remember,
                                                                   you have
                     Shari Black Velvet                            the liberty
                                                                   to do what
                                                                   you want
                                                                   with your life.”

                                                                   Alejandra Villarreal
                                                                   The Warning

                                                                               BLACK VELVET STAFF
                                                                   Publisher / Editor / Features Editor / Art Editor / Online Editor:
                                                                                    Shari Black Velvet
                                                                   Shari Black Velvet, Michael Coventry, Penny Gower, Ian Trigg
                                                                               Shari Black Velvet, Sam Gower
               CONTACT                                                                 Ian Trigg

                         BLACK VELVET MAGAZINE                    Front Cover Photos: Main Photo - Kat Von D. Inset Photos - The
                      Email:        Rattlebacks & Massive Wagons Photos By Rob Blackham, The
                                      Funeral Portrait Photo By Aaron Marsh.
                  Page 3 Photo: Chuck Garric (Alice Cooper) By Shari Black Velvet.
                                    JAN / FEB / MARCH 2025
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