Page 6 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 109
P. 6

BV109 pg 04-09 Millie Manders.qxp_BV109 pg06  17/12/2023  17:54  Page 3

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                    ut, while ‘Shut Your Mouth’ is the latest   deer is because at a rate capitalists are remov-  sitise themselves to that, then they’re going to
                 Bsingle, we start off by going back to   ing their habitat, this culling is because there’s   end up with huge mental health problems.”
              2018, when the band released a song called   no longer enough space for the animals, but we   On the subject of ‘Silent Screams’, we ask
              ‘Right To Life’, a thought-provoking song that   don’t actually need the housing for anything else   Millie how she feels now, personally. Does she
              speaks up for animals in captivity.    that’s happening with the land when there are   feel better than when she wrote that song?
                 Millie begins by telling us, “At the time, it was   so many empty buildings and empty houses al-  “Oh, for sure,” she replies. “I had to go
              just about, like, obviously, veganism is a big part   ready. So yeah, there isn’t a single excuse that   through a lot of self-reflection… medication,
              of my life, just in terms of the environmental im-  they can throw at me that could possibly make   some therapy, time off work, some touring, in
              pact of meat consumption, the cruelty of any and   me feel that there isn’t a need for the Hunt Sabs   order to pick apart some of the reasons for what
              all animals. I particularly dislike things like zoos   to be there stopping it.”   was going on, and I certainly wouldn’t say that
              over wildlife parks and stuff like that. I totally un-  Millie has enjoyed seeing their fan commu-  I’m completely healed, and I certainly haven’t
              derstand that some zoos are conservation, but   nity come together at the shows with the Hunt   dealt with all the issues surrounding how I felt,
              most of them are dire. And, I think, around that   Sabs community to perpetuate the idea that   but I’m in a much better place, a much more sta-
              time, this was around 2017/2018, I was still liv-  hunting needs to stop. She tells us, “We have   ble place now, than I was.
              ing in London, or largely in London, and I re-  had a couple of fans join up to be Hunt Sabs, so   She says that what has helped her was a
              member walking down… You know the Camden   that’s really cool.”        combination of having a really good community,
              canal goes past the London Zoo? You can see   Partway through the tour, Millie tweeted that   learning how and when to talk, and letting her
              into the zoo. You can see all of these pens of   old men had sent her playground insults for be-  family in more. “It wasn’t until I had a breakdown
              hyenas and stuff. They are so small in compar-  lieving ripping animals apart shouldn’t be a   that my family even understood that I had men-
              ison to the miles and miles of habitat that they   thing. When we ask why she thinks some peo-  tal health illness,” she tells us. “And, also, just
              would normally have. People are like, ‘Oh, no,   ple don’t seem to care about animals, and some   learning to allow myself those days where I
              they’re big cages and stuff.’ I’m like, ‘But they’re   are so cruel to inflict cruelty on them, she   might not be the best, and be open about that,
              cages.’ They still can’t do anything about the fact   replies, “I think that’s a huge part of British cul-  especially with my band on the road. In fact, it
              that they’re never going to have the amount of   ture and privileged white culture in general, for   happened the other day, I had to say to my
              space that naturally they should have to roam   centuries. And so, I think, generationally, you get   band, ‘Listen, I’m feeling emotionally unstable
              about. So, I think a lot of the lyrics came about   people who are completely desensitised. I think   today. I might not deal with situations in the way
              from that. It was like, ‘Well, what if humans were   there are definitely part of those groups where   that you’re used to me dealing with them. But, if
              locked up in cages? What if we were made to   they are scared of the knowledge. They don’t   you could have patience with me, that would be
              have sex together in front of an audience? What   want the knowledge because they’ll have to face   great.’ And I’m very lucky that I have a band like
              if every minute of our existence was under a mi-  up to the things that they do that aren’t ok. And   that, that we all, to one extent or another, have
              croscope for animal entertainment?’ And that   you get plenty of people who just see animals   all had mental health illness, and so we all un-
              was kind of the spin I took with the lyrics and   almost as they see their car. You know, it’s a   derstand that if one of us says, ‘This is what I
              stuff.”                             thing that is a means to an end. It’s a working   need right now, for the sake of my head,’ then
                 Millie committed to veganism thanks to Ve-  animal. You even get some people, I can’t re-  we all understand that has to be a priority and
              ganuary in January 2017 – the movement that   member who the MP was, but they were talking   make allowances for.”
              inspires people to try going vegan for the month   about how they don’t think animals feel pain or   Things that she’s realised help lift her mood,
              of January. She had been vegetarian for a long   emotion, and it’s just, it’s insane that there are   or make her feel a bit better, include watching
              time before then, and, before that, was   so many people out there that don’t understand   old movies, “like 80s cult classics, Lord Of The
              pescatarian. “I’d done the whole journey of cut-  just how sentient and how intelligent even some   Rings, or something like that. Something that I
              ting out various animal products over a really,   of the smallest animals are. Rats can learn to   have always enjoyed that could just be in the
              really long time,” Millie explains. “And the less   read and take cues and do as many tricks as a   background. Even just a line in one of the
              you eat, the more you are interested in the pro-  dog can. Pigs have the intelligence of a 4-year-  scenes, I only need to hear it and I’ll know where
              cesses of it, because you are no longer attached   old. Lots of people, I think, don’t want to know   we are in the film. I find a lot of joy in that kind of
              to it on your plate. You no longer want that de-  that, because that would affect their daily life too   thing. The escapism of movies that are part of
              sensitisation of what’s on your plate. It doesn’t   much, and it would make them face so many of   my nostalgia bank, if you will, because they’re
              have to be there anymore, so I became a lot   the awful things that they have done to animals   easy things. You don’t have to think about them.
              more aware of things. And then, of course, you   in the name of hunting or tradition, or whatever.   There’s no learning the story; it’s already there.
              start researching the things you still have on   I think it would cause them a lot of internal harm   It’s like reading one of your favourite books from
              your plate, and it’s this whole hellhole, isn’t it?   that they would have to face, so I think a lot of   being a kid. It’s always there, it’s easy to put on,
              And it’s a rabbit hole that you end up going   people don’t want to. “   there’s always a smile or something funny, or
              down, and I just could no longer justify any of                        whatever within that, and yeah, a lot of the time
              those things being anywhere near me.”     ne of Millie’s most successful and   that’ll be a whole day of me just sitting and lis-
                                                    Orecognised songs to date on their   tening to the movies being on in the back-
                    illie’s bandmates are also vegan and   ‘Telling Truths, Breaking Ties’ album is called   ground.”
                 Mvegetarian. “Three of us are vegan,   ‘Silent Screams’, which is related to human   Another thing that has helped is having kind
              one is vegetarian,” she tells Black Velvet. “So,   mental health, in particular, Millie’s own depres-  and caring bandmates. She tells us, “Just the
              we’re very much on the same page about ani-  sion and anxiety, with suicidal thoughts. But, on   other day, Pete, my drummer, just stood there
              mal cruelty and animal rights.”     the subject of animals, we ask if she thinks many   and hugged me while I sobbed on his shoulder.
                 The band chose to take the Hunt Sabs out   animals are silently screaming – like animals   I messaged him because he’s also had George
              with them on their most recent                                                   needing his help over the last two
              tour, letting them have a stand   “It was like, ‘Well, what if humans were locked up in cages? What   weeks, because she’s physically
              at their shows to sell merchan-  if we were made to have sex together in front of an audience? What   impaired, and I just messaged
              dise and spread awareness.                                                       him and said, ‘Thank you for
              Millie is a big supporter of the   if every minute of our existence was under a microscope for animal   being there, for being that stability
              Hunt Saboteurs  Association,  entertainment?’” - Millie Manders                  within the band, for both George
              who are an organisation that                                                     and I to be able to lean on you at
              aims to stop fox hunting. The Hunt Saboteurs   that are caged and tested on in laboratories, for   different points within those two weeks, and you
              Association was founded in 1963, with its first   example?             just took it all and you just held us up,’ and he
              sabotage event occurring at the South Devon   “I don’t think they are silently screaming, I   was like, ‘Well, yeah, ‘course, you’re my bud-
              Foxhounds on Boxing Day, 1963. Millie tells us   think they are absolutely loudly screaming,” she   dies.’”
              they’re an organisation worth supporting be-  replies. “If you look at some of the documents   In an interview that we read online, Millie
              cause, “No animal deserves to be ripped apart   you can find about people who stopped working   said it took her a while to find hard-working, ded-
              by dogs. No animal deserves to be run into the   in laboratories like that because it was affecting   icated and kind musicians. We ask if she specif-
              ground with exhaustion in order to be a trophy   their own mental health, people that can no   ically searched for vegans or veggies for the
              on a wall, or a coat, or sport for your pack of an-  longer work in abattoirs because of the screams   band. “No,” she replies, “and, since that inter-
              imals that can quite easily have exercise without   of the animals, the tears running down the faces   view, certainly one person in the band has
              needing to chase something that’s alive. It’s   of cows as they wait to die, as they listen to their   changed, and it’s an even kinder set-up now. I
              such an outdated, privileged white tradition and   relatives dying, there are thousands of accounts   think I learned the hard way how to gauge
              it’s just so unnecessary. It’s not necessary for   of people who have had to listen to very audible   someone’s personality in interview and audition
              the countryside. The reason they have to cull   screams of animals and, unless they can desen-  stages. I learned the hard way that I needed to
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