Page 33 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 109
P. 33

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                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 33
                                   buzzing, itching to catch   Hopeless' the standout   their pre-album work, the   and intense moments from
                                   this genius group of individ-  song of the record. It's one   best is yet to come, with   quick rapping and screamo
                                   uals that are Black Water   of the less heavy songs on   'Close To The End' follow-  to mesmerizing vocals.
                                   County in action, ready to   this album, but the power   ing immediately after. Com-  This is a track you will truly
                                   hit that repeat button until   behind Chris' words will un-  parisons to Alter Bridge are   feel like you can get caught
                                   you do and beyond.    doubtedly strike a chord   sure to come, but, when a   up in, really connecting
                                              YYYYY      with everyone and the   song is as good as this,   with the music and lyrics.
                                            Sammie Lynch   emotional weight he lends   who cares who it may or   ‘Hungry For Life’, one of
                                                         to each word make this a   may not sound like? This   the softer tracks on the
                                                         spectacular  journey.   song showcases what King   album, presents a real an-
                                                         ‘Here's to the hopeless and   Herd does best, and that is   themic vibe that you can
              BLACK WATER COUNTY                         the broken, the last ones to   a brilliant ability by each of   bond with, as the emotion
              THE ONLY LIFE WORTH                        be chosen, who knows all   its band members to make   truly projects through every
              LIVING                                     the things we've been   each other sound that   note. The versatility of the
              (INDEPENDENT)                              through. Right here, God   much better together than   band leaps out of the
                 ‘The Only Life Worth                    as my witness, I've never   they would on their own.   speakers with the genius of
              Living’, the third full-length             been religious, but I've al-  Throughout the record, the   instruments like the saxo-
              album from Black Water                     ways believed in you’. And   band lift Dave's voice and   phone and electronic ele-
              County, truly feels as                     if that doesn't make you be-  give it additional power and   ments of tracks like ‘NDA’
              though, over the past                      lieve in the Black Stone   emotion, but what makes   and ‘Say It Again’, with in-
              decade of making music   BLACK STONE CHERRY   Cherry boys, then try this   King Herd stand out is   sane guitar and drums
              together, every element   SCREAMIN' AT THE SKY   from 'Smile, World'; ‘It's   Dave’s ability to return the   throughout. There’s  only
              has seamlessly converged,   (MASCOT)       your world, start livin', one   favour. His cries act like an   one place to escape to and
              culminating in a perfect   There is a luxury which   life is all we're given'. Black   additional guitarist on the   that’s this album on repeat.
              synergy. Shan Byrom (vo-  musicians earn when they   Stone Cherry are making   record and it is a joy to lis-  ‘It’s  You (2 Months)’ fea-
              cals/tin whistle), Tim Harris   have established them-  the most of theirs and this   ten to. At the other end of   tures KILLBOY and is gen-
              (vocals/bass),  Bradley   selves; when they have a   album encourages you to   the scale, these combined   tler track, about finding
              Hutchings-Clarke (guitar),   large and loyal fan base   do the same.  And what   talents work brilliantly on   solace and refuge in some-
              Gavin Coles (guitar, man-  and the comfort of not hav-  greater gift is there than   'Like It Used To Be', one of   one or something, with the
              dolin and banjo) and Ollie   ing a record label breathing   that?   the most emotional songs   hope that things will get
              Beaton (drums) bring you a   down their neck for the   YYYYY    on the record, but still one   better. ‘Set You On Fire’ will
              feast for the ears and the   next hit record and that is   Michael Coventry   packed with power, while   indeed set the album
              soul, full of highs and lows   the luxury of being them-         showing a softer side. Else-  ablaze, shining brightly for
              in their talented storytelling.   selves. And it's where Ken-   where,  'Remedy' is a rip-  all to see and hear, as it
              The album runs full circle   tucky's finest Black Stone         roaring slab of hard rock,   brings the journey of the
              from the title track, ‘The   Cherry find themselves in          'Somebody Else' is a   album to an end.  The
              Only Life Worth Living’, to   2023.  Their eighth studio        spine-tinglingly showcase   whole album demonstrates
              the final track ‘Limelight’,   album 'Screamin'  At  The        of guitar and drumming   this  platinum-certified,
              which, whilst beginning   Sky', seems to find the               skills and 'Only One' is a   chart-topping band that is
              with a slow acoustic vibe   band not only in fine voice         great curtain call, with   Bad Wolves, are a force to
              that lulls you into a sense   and sound, but, not facing        Dave's vocals on top form.   be reckoned with, undoubt-
              of serenity, hits you with the   the pressures or weight of     ‘Every day is the same’,   edly coming into their own
              full-on adrenaline of folk   expectation they may have          cries the singer in 'The   with this masterfully crafted
              and rock elements. Tracks   done earlier in their career,       Same', and, while that may   full-length album. John
              like ‘Cruel State of Mind’   are left free to do what they   KING HERD   be the case for many of us,   Boecklin (drums), Daniel
              demonstrate remarkably   do best - and enjoy it more   KING HERD   the days are now more en-  ‘DL’ Laskiewicz (lead vo-
              light and intricate skills   than ever.  The title track   (KING HERD)   joyable and interesting with   cals), Doc Coyle (lead gui-
              merging the aforemen-  gets the album off on the   Birmingham, England.   King Herd in them.    tar, backing vocals), and
              tioned folk and rock com-  right foot and is as hard-hit-  The so-called second cap-  YYYYY   Kyle Konkiel (bass, back-
              ponents with powerful and   ting a track as they have   ital of the UK and, for rock   Michael Coventry   ing vocals) hone their
              impactful verses. ‘There’s   ever recorded, Ben Wells’   fans, said to be the home      sound with this phenome-
              something you need to   guitar skills being at the   of heavy metal, with some       nal album with their self-re-
              know’ about this album, as   heart of this, while John   of the finest from the genre   flection, baring their hearts
              the track ‘Escape’ begins   Fred Young continues to be   hailing from the city in the   and souls, using their plat-
              with a punk rock vibe, fin-  the power train of the band   Midlands. Looking to join   form as the outlet to, as the
              ishing with a voicemail   behind the drum kit, and   this star-studded list are      band describe, provide a
              message. Reflecting on   Chris Robertson's vocals   newcomers King Herd,             space for listeners to be
              moments of loneliness in   the soul. 'Nervous', 'Out Of   who have made a great      their ride or die, to have an
              the lyrics, every track ebbs   Pocket', 'Show Me What It   start towards that.  Their   open mind and be open to
              and flows with its own ca-  Feels Like' and 'R.O.A.R.'   self-titled debut album be-  growth and change as the
              dence. ‘Archives’ seems   hit just as hard and there   gins with 'Halo', one of the   band are. For those stand-
              akin to the lyrical turning   are many more such tracks   three excellent singles    ing in the way, the ‘Die
              point of reaching rock bot-  to be found and enjoyed.   which were released prior   BAD WOLVES   About It’ track and album
              tom with a reflective mes-  However, what makes   to the full-length record and   DIE ABOUT IT   speaks for itself. In the end,
              sage embedded within. Not   these songs stand out is   it serves as both a great re-  (BETTER NOISE)   sometimes you need just
              only does the album em-  the emotion behind them.   minder to those who have   Pushing boundaries,   the music, sometimes you
              brace the past, it welcomes   Much has happened in the   already heard their skills   Bad Wolves present a   need the lyrics and others
              reflection, change and   world since 2020’s 'The   and as an introduction to   powerhouse album ‘Die   both. This album gives you
              whiplashes of energy in all   Human Condition' and   those who have yet to.   About It’, jam-packed full of   all of this and more, so
              the right places, as well as   Black Stone Cherry, as   Rumbling into life, the com-  melodies and an en-  buckle up and get ready to
              bringing in additional and   they have done so many   bined efforts of Tom Long-  thralling banquet for the   cry, rock and sing your
              ethereally-captivating   times in the past, have   worth on guitar, bassist   ears. Enticing you in with a   heart out. Bad Wolves are
              singing from Creeper’s   channelled those issues,   Ray Loverock and Karl   short, dreamy ‘Intro’ track,   going from strength to
              Hannah Greenwood on   emotions and fears into   Brazil on drums whip up a   Daniel ‘DL’ Laskiewicz’s   strength, an exciting time
              ‘Second Guessing’ that,   their songs beautifully and   tornado and, when joined   lead vocals hypnotise you   for the band. We cannot
              when coupled with the   it's likely that everyone who   by the supreme vocals of   from the outset, before   wait to see where they take
              backdrop of the music, will   listens will resonate or find   frontman Dave Taylor, it un-  transporting you full-steam   us next.
              leave you in an intoxicated   inspiration from this work.   leashes an F5-style storm   ahead. The title track, ‘Die   YYYY
              state. This  outstanding   It's this emotion which   on your senses. But, while   About It’, has it all, starting   Sammie Lynch
              album will have you   makes  'Here's To The   'Halo' is perhaps the pick of   slowly, bringing in heavy

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